saskodh / framework

Lightweight web framework for NodeJS inspired by Spring framework
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Implement @Qualifier decorator #16

Closed damjangelovski closed 8 years ago

damjangelovski commented 8 years ago


When we want to use TypeScript interfaces we cannot use them as injection tokens, because they are removed after the compilation. As a workaround for this the user needs to create a token (Symbol) for each interface he defines, to be later used for injection. Because classes can implement multiple interfaces, we need a way to specify multiple tokens.


Make an implementation of @Qualifier decorator that can be used together with the @Component decorator for specifying the alias injection tokens. Example:

const IWalkableToken = Symbol('IWalkableToken');
interface IWalkable { ... }

const ITalkableToken = Symbol('ITalkableToken');
interface ITalkable { ... }

class Component implements IWalkable, ITalkable  {  ...  }

class ComponentHolder {

    private component: Component;

    private talkable: ITalkable;

    private walkable: IWalkable;