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Quick change to make documentation clearer #501

Open jeremygottfried opened 3 years ago

jeremygottfried commented 3 years ago

Hi, on the build-in module documentation, there is a compatibility line at the top of the page, with a collapsed field that reveals the following line:

Only Dart Sass currently supports loading built-in modules with @use. Users of other implementations must call functions using their global names instead.

That's a bit too hidden if you're trying to quickly find the information you need. Could you automatically show that line instead of hiding behind a collapse? Could you also add it to every instance where the compatibility line exists? It's not shown for any of the other sections.

If you are linked to a specific section of the built-in module docs, you probably won't think to go to the top page and click that tiny collapse arrow button on the right.

Screen Shot 2020-11-02 at 10 13 48 PM
Awjin commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure that expanding every instance of the compatibility component is a good change, since it would introduce significant noise to each doc.

I do agree that compatibility info for the module system could be more distinct. @jina do you have any recommendations on info architecture?

jina commented 3 years ago

sorry for the delay. I agree that having them all expanded might be too much, but perhaps for important info like this, we change out the indicator for something that looks more like a warning icon. I plan to redo the icons/emojis/symbols across the site at some point later — I can take a look at this as part of that when I get to it.

jeremygottfried commented 2 years ago

Hi @jina did you ever have a chance to look at improving this?