sassembla / Autoya

thin framework for Unity.
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AssetBundle load impossible Local Paths #38

Closed st0326s closed 5 years ago

st0326s commented 5 years ago

The following is a local test based on the URL method, but the generation path and the load path do not match.

I'm sorry if you ask the same questions as others, I want to do a unit test with Autpya, but I'm having trouble with it.

*Reference URL

After debugging, asset bundles are created in the following path, but the loading destination seems to be different.

Destination path:

C: \ Users \ XXXX \ Documents \ Autoya01 / AssetBundles / materials / Assets / Editor / AssetGraph-1.4-release / UnityEngine. AssetGraph / Cache / AssetBundles / c9f2 ebb 0-0451-4368-a4e2-ad5d21e0f4ef / Android / Android. Manifest

Load path:

listUrl = file://C: /Users/XXXX/Documents/Autoya01/AssetBundles/materials/Android/1.0.0/materials.json

Stack Trace:

On generation:

rootManifestPath: C: \ Users \ XXXX \ Documents \ Autoya 01 / AssetBundles / materials / Assets / Editors / AssetGraph-1.4-release / Unity Engine. Android.manifest generate list identity: c9f2ebb0-0451-4368-a4e2-ad5d21e0f4ef version: 0 UnityEngine.Debug: Log (Object) AutoyaAssetBundleListGenerateProcess: DoPostprocess (IEnumerable1, IEnumerable1) (at Assets / Editor / Autoya.AssetGraphIntegration / AutoyaAssetBundleListGenerateProcess.cs: 278) UnityEditor.EditorApplication: Internal_CallDelayFunctions ()

*During debugging Source

OverridePoints.cs ---> OnAssetBundleListDownloadUrlRequired ---> var url = targetListInfo.listDownloadUrl + "/" + targetListInfo.listIdentity + "/" + AssetBundlesSettings.PLATFORM_STR + "/" + targetListInfo.listVersion + "/";


url = file: // C: /Users/XXXX/Documents/Autoya01/AssetBundles/materials/Android/1.0.0/ UnityEngine.Debug: LogError (Object) AutoyaFramework.Autoya: OnAssetBundleListDownloadUrlRequired (String) (at Assets / Autoya / Backyard / OverridePoints.cs: 379) AutoyaFramework. <> C: b__151_0 (AssetBundleListInfo) (at Assets / Autoya / Backyard / OverridePoints.cs: 5s) System.Linq.Enumerable: ToArray (IEnumerable1) AutoyaFramework.Autoya: OnAssetBundleListUrlsRequired () (at Assets / Autoya / Backyard / OverridePoints.cs: 508) AutoyaFramework.Autoya: AssetBundle_DownloadAssetBundleListsIfNeed (Action1, Action`3, Double) (at Assets / Autoya / Backyard / AssetBundlesImplementation.cs: 455) Example: OnCLickLoadAssetBundle () (at Assets / Example.cs: 12) UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem: Update ()

*Development environment Unity 2018.3.8f1 Autoya: 0.97

sassembla commented 5 years ago

maybe no same issue exists. I'll check it later! thank you for using Autoya.

st0326s commented 5 years ago

・Attach screenshot of output folder


st0326s commented 5 years ago

・Attach a screenshot of folder structure when creating asset bundle


sassembla commented 5 years ago

very helpful. and so sorry, I missed that this issue is kind of duplicated.

this is the bug of AssetGraph in Unity 2018. the export path of AssetGraph in windows is not valid.

sassembla commented 5 years ago

and so, the pull request on the bitbucket repo does not merged yet. maybe I'll fix it later for Autoya. please wait.

st0326s commented 5 years ago

Thank you for your reply and courteous response.

I am waiting for an update

Many people are absent today, so can you borrow a MacBook? I will ask you next week.

Thank you for closing