sassoftware / python-sasctl

Python package and CLI for user-friendly integration with SAS Viya
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Running a scoring test for a Python model registered through register_model of sasctl failed #158

Closed a20121248 closed 1 year ago

a20121248 commented 1 year ago

Hi experts:

Describe the issue Not able to score models

To Reproduce

  1. Go to SAS Model Manager.
  2. Upload the dataset and score Alt text

Expected behavior The task should score a table.

Stack Trace If you're experiencing an exception, include the full stack trace and error message. Alt text

Version What version of sasctl are you using? 1.9.0

I have SAS Viya 3.5 and Python 3.6 in that server. If it's worth to know, I am able to use that Python through proc fcmp because we set environment variables at some point.

From another server with more compute resources to train models, I also have a Python container and I installed sasctl-1.9.0. I was able to connect to Viya (also SWAT is working) succesfully. I followed this Tutorial. However, I've got this problems:

First of all, in the example, I run all the code but the module.predict(x) is not working because I got None as a response. There's no more output or log available from Python.

Second, I noticed that my model was registered in SAS Model Manager, so I tried to upload the dataset and decided to do a manual Score run test. I see the log and I got this:

NOTE: Created package _7d4a4091d7094e3aa38e54785d7b218 in data set "casuserhdfs(bt22939)"._7d4a4091d7094e3aa38e54785d7b218.
NOTE: Running THREAD program on all nodes
NOTE: Running DATA program on all nodes
ERROR: Line 112: ERROR: Python launch _pyConnect Failure. Matplotlib created a temporary config/cache directory at /tmp/matplotlib-gsc0h19t because the default path (/viyatmp/python) is not a writable directory; it is highly recommended to set the MPLCONFIGDIR environment variable to a writable directory, in particular to speed up the import of Matplotlib and to better support multiprocessing.
ERROR: Line 112: ERROR: *****     Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/sas/viya/home/SASFoundation/misc/embscoreeng/", line 1005, in main
    mas = MAS2py()
  File "/opt/sas/viya/home/SASFoundation/misc/embscoreeng/", line 286, in __init__
    for name in os.environ.keys():
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/", line 720, in __iter__
    yield from self._mapping
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/", line 688, in __iter__
    for key in self._data:
RuntimeError: di..
ERROR: Line 112: ERROR: Python launch _pyConnect Failure. Matplotlib created a temporary config/cache directory at /tmp/matplotlib-926otnmv because the default path (/viyatmp/python) is not a writable directory; it is highly recommended to set the MPLCONFIGDIR environment variable to a writable directory, in particular to speed up the import of Matplotlib and to better support multiprocessing.
ERROR: Line 112: ERROR: *****     Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/sas/viya/home/SASFoundation/misc/embscoreeng/", line 1005, in main
    mas = MAS2py()
  File "/opt/sas/viya/home/SASFoundation/misc/embscoreeng/", line 286, in __init__
    for name in os.environ.keys():
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/", line 720, in __iter__
    yield from self._mapping
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/", line 688, in __iter__
    for key in self._data:
RuntimeError: di..
ERROR: Line 112: ERROR: tkmaspyPublish encountered a failure in tkmaspyConnect, rc=0x803FC009.
ERROR: Line 112: ERROR: tkmaspyPublish encountered a failure in tkmaspyConnect, rc=0x803FC009.
ERROR: Line 112: Error reported by DS2 package pymas:
ERROR: Line 112: ERROR: Python launch _pyConnect Failure. Matplotlib created a temporary config/cache directory at /tmp/matplotlib-tbxpivlt because the default path (/viyatmp/python) is not a writable directory; it is highly recommended to set the MPLCONFIGDIR environment variable to a writable directory, in particular to speed up the import of Matplotlib and to better support multiprocessing.
ERROR: Line 112: Error reported by DS2 package pymas:
ERROR: Line 112: DS2 "pymas" package encountered a failure in the 'publish' method.
ERROR: Line 112: ERROR: *****     Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/sas/viya/home/SASFoundation/misc/embscoreeng/", line 1005, in main
    mas = MAS2py()
  File "/opt/sas/viya/home/SASFoundation/misc/embscoreeng/", line 286, in __init__
    for name in os.environ.keys():
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/", line 720, in __iter__
    yield from self._mapping
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/", line 688, in __iter__
    for key in self._data:
RuntimeError: di..
ERROR: Line 112: DS2 "pymas" package encountered a failure in the 'publish' method.
ERROR: Line 112: ERROR: tkmaspyPublish encountered a failure in tkmaspyConnect, rc=0x803FC009.
ERROR: Line 112: Error reported by DS2 package pymas:
ERROR: Line 112: DS2 "pymas" package encountered a failure in the 'publish' method.
NOTE: Execution succeeded. 841 rows affected.
NOTE: Running 'modelPublishing' action set with 3 workers.
NOTE: Execution of model 'TempModel_6D62EF12-B573-0F46-808B-70FB2D7E15DA' succeeded.

NOTE: Cloud Analytic Services promoted table TEST_2_UNDEFINED_2023_04_11_19_27_32_OUTPUT in caslib caslib_sasdata36_t22939 to table Test_2_undefined_2023_04_11_19_27_32_output in caslib caslib_sasdata36_t22939.

NOTE: Cloud Analytic Services dropped table TempModel_6D62EF12-B573-0F46-808B-70FB2D7E15DA from caslib caslib_sasdata36_t22939.

I hope you can help me. I am open to all ideas or guidance.

smlindauer commented 1 year ago

Hey @a20121248,

The truncated logs from the score test make it difficult to debug what is going on during the execution within pymas, but my suspicion would be that the DS2 wrapper for scoring in MAS is not being defined correctly. This would likely be a problem with register_model() function's generation of the DS2 code.

smlindauer commented 1 year ago

I replicated your error on a SAS Viya 3.5 server with SAS Model Manager, but was able to get score the model by making the following modifications in the SAS Model Manager UI:

Alternatively, the pzmm submodule utilizes the "Generate DS2 score code from Python code" endpoint for SAS Viya 3.5 models so that sasctl does not have to generate the DS2 wrapper and should not see these same errors. We are currently working on refactoring the register_model() to utilize the pzmm functionality, but that is not likely to be available until the next release.

a20121248 commented 1 year ago

Hi @smlindauer Thank you for your help. I did all your steps and now I got a image I only have 2 questions.

  1. First, in your model properties (after click to "Generate DS2 Score code from Python code"), the Score code type should be DS2 package, right? image
  2. Second, in the Project Variables (not model), the msg variable output is necessary, right? image

Unfortunately, when I ran an scoring test, I got a different error. image If it helps, here I attached the files results: testresult_code.txt testresults_log.txt

a20121248 commented 1 year ago

Regarding to pzmm, I have problems in the last step but not sure if it worth to open another Issue. I've got this error with Viya 3.5. I followed this tutorial HMEQ Dataset : Build and Import Trained Binary Classification Models into SAS Model Manager image

smlindauer commented 1 year ago

Hi @smlindauer Thank you for your help. I did all your steps and now I got a I only have 2 questions.

  1. First, in your model properties (after click to "Generate DS2 Score code from Python code"), the Score code type should be DS2 package, right?

Correct. Since the generated code is set up for scoring in MAS (which is correlated to DS2 Package).

  1. Second, in the Project Variables (not model), the msg variable output is necessary, right?

I believe if you want to run the model through the Performance Monitoring, then that change will be necessary, but for score tests it is not needed.

Unfortunately, when I ran an scoring test, I got a different error.

The testResults_code.txt you are seeing is nothing like the code that I am seeing. It almost looks like the score code is treating the model like an Astore instead of running the wrapped DS2 code. I am not sure why that is occurring and could be an issue to take up with SAS Technical Support.

I have attached the model I created and modified from my replication of your error to see if that can provide some insights. Iris

smlindauer commented 1 year ago

Regarding to pzmm, I have problems in the last step but not sure if it worth to open another Issue. I've got this error with Viya 3.5. I followed this tutorial.

In regards to the error you are seeing from the pzmm notebook, it looks like there is a error occurring when attempting to upload the score code generated after importing the model to MM. I will need to see the error response from the server in order to confirm my suspicion of the error.

The fact that it seems to be failing at the call to /modelRepository/models/<UUID>/scoreResources, but is not being caught in the 406 try/except block leads me to guess that there may be a permission issue with access to the model resource directories. If a 403 or other error code is returned then that is likely the problem and you will need to contact your server administrator to adjust your permissions or the permissions of the model resource directory.

In order to enable debug logging, run the following in a cell above using your defined Session object:


Then rerun the import_model() cell and isolate the last REST call that is logged with a failure code (>= 400).

a20121248 commented 1 year ago

Regarding to the first method, I'll contact support to this specific issue, but now I understand how it works. I believe it's something with our Model Manager. By the way, yessss, with pzmm and the debug logging, as you said it's a 403 error in the last REST call 😃. I think is related to this Error 403 - registering SciKit-L model to MM

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sasctl\pzmm\ UserWarning: Due to the ambiguity of the provided metrics and prediction return types, the score code assumes that a classification and the target event probability should be returned.
HTTP/1.1 POST https://plsnsasvawep01.datalake.local/modelRepository/models/ea7c8c0a-e067-463d-ab15-ce5fdeede7b5/contents?role=score
User-Agent: python-requests/2.24.0
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: */*
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 2887
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=e6a534fd1c993f4df72e5f40e1534673
Authorization: Bearer [redacted]
(b'--e6a534fd1c993f4df72e5f40e1534673\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name'
 b'="files"; filename=""\r\nContent-Type: mult'
 b'ipart/form-data\r\n\r\nimport math\nimport pickle\nimport pandas as pd\nimp'
 b'ort numpy as np\nfrom pathlib import Path\n\nmodel_path = Path("/models/res'
 b'ources/viya/ea7c8c0a-e067-463d-ab15-ce5fdeede7b5")\nwith open(model_path '
 b'/ "DecisionTreeClassifier.pickle", "rb") as pickle_model:\n    model = pi'
 b'ckle.load(pickle_model)\n\ndef score(LOAN, MORTDUE, VALUE, YOJ, DEROG, DEL'
 b'NTPROBABILITY"\n\n    try:\n        global model\n    except NameError:\n'
 b'        model_path = Path("/models/resources/viya/ea7c8c0a-e067-463d-ab15-ce'
 b'5fdeede7b5")\n        with open(model_path / "DecisionTreeClassifier.pick'
 b'le", "rb") as pickle_model:\n            model = pickle.load(pickle_model'
 b')    try:\n        if math.isnan(LOAN):\n            LOAN = 18607.96979865'
 b'772\n    except TypeError:\n        LOAN = 18607.96979865772\n    try:\n    '
 b'    if math.isnan(MORTDUE):\n            MORTDUE = 73760.81719955898\n    '
 b'except TypeError:\n        MORTDUE = 73760.81719955898\n    try:\n        i'
 b'f math.isnan(VALUE):\n            VALUE = 101776.04874145007\n    except T'
 b'ypeError:\n        VALUE = 101776.04874145007\n    try:\n        if'
 b'nan(YOJ):\n            YOJ = 8.922268135904503\n    except TypeError:\n    '
 b'    YOJ = 8.922268135904503\n    try:\n        if math.isnan(DEROG):\n     '
 b'       DEROG = 0.2545696877380046\n    except TypeError:\n        DEROG = '
 b'0.2545696877380046\n    try:\n        if math.isnan(DELINQ):\n            D'
 b'ELINQ = 0.4494423791821561\n    except TypeError:\n        DELINQ = 0.4494'
 b'423791821561\n    try:\n        if math.isnan(CLAGE):\n            CLAGE = '
 b'179.7662751900467\n    except TypeError:\n        CLAGE = 179.766275190046'
 b'7\n    try:\n        if math.isnan(NINQ):\n            NINQ = 1.18605504587'
 b'15597\n    except TypeError:\n        NINQ = 1.1860550458715597\n    try:\n '
 b'       if math.isnan(CLNO):\n            CLNO = 21.29609620076682\n    exc'
 b'ept TypeError:\n        CLNO = 21.29609620076682\n    try:\n        if math'
 b'.isnan(DEBTINC):\n            DEBTINC = 33.77991534923519\n    except Type'
 b'Error:\n        DEBTINC = 33.77991534923519\n\n    input_array = pd.DataFra'
 b'\n                              columns=["LOAN", "MORTDUE", "VALUE", "YOJ'
 b'", "DEROG", "DELINQ", "CLAGE", "NINQ", "CLNO", "DEBTINC"],\n             '
 b'                 dtype=float)\n    prediction = model.predict_proba(input'
 b'_array)\n\n    # Check for numpy values and convert to a CAS readable repr'
 b'esentation\n    if isinstance(prediction, np.ndarray):\n        prediction'
 b' = prediction.tolist()[0]\n\n    if prediction[0] > prediction[1]:\n       '
 b' EM_CLASSIFICATION = "1"\n    else:\n        EM_CLASSIFICATION = "0"\n\n    '
 b'return EM_CLASSIFICATION, prediction[0]\r\n--e6a534fd1c993f4df72e5f40e1534'
HTTP 403 https://plsnsasvawep01.datalake.local/modelRepository/models/ea7c8c0a-e067-463d-ab15-ce5fdeede7b5/contents?role=score
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2023 15:39:30 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4
Vary: Origin,User-Agent,Access-Control-Request-Method,Access-Control-Request-Headers
SAS-Service-Response-Flag: true
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; object-src 'none'; frame-ancestors 'self'; form-action 'self';
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
Content-Type: application/;version=2;charset=UTF-8
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=92
Connection: Keep-Alive
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
{'details': ['traceId: b67b741d5d84ddd8',
             'path: '
 'errorCode': 403,
 'httpStatusCode': 403,
 'links': [],
 'version': 2}

And this is the Python error:

Model was successfully imported into SAS Model Manager as DecisionTreeClassifier with the following UUID: ea7c8c0a-e067-463d-ab15-ce5fdeede7b5.
HTTPError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sasctl\ in request(verb, path, session, format, **kwargs)
   2037     if 400 <= response.status_code <= 599:
-> 2038         raise HTTPError(
   2039             response.url, response.status_code, response.text, response.headers, None
   2040         )

HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: {"errorCode":403,"details":["traceId: b67b741d5d84ddd8","path: /modelRepository/models/ea7c8c0a-e067-463d-ab15-ce5fdeede7b5/contents"],"links":[],"version":2,"httpStatusCode":403}

Do you know what configuration I should ask or explain to the administrators? I'm more a user without admin rights doing things proactively.

Thank you again.

smlindauer commented 1 year ago

Regarding to the first method, I'll contact support to this specific issue, but now I understand how it works. I believe it's something with our Model Manager. By the way, yessss, with pzmm and the debug logging, as you said it's a 403 error in the last REST call 😃. I think is related to this Error 403 - registering SciKit-L model to MM

I agree, that his seems to be similar (if not the same as) to #39. The configuration in question has to do with the fact that the model repository location for model resources is set to administrator access.

Do you know what configuration I should ask or explain to the administrators? I'm more a user without admin rights doing things proactively.

I believe the following documentation which details the process of setting up the model resource directory for ASTORE models would be the corollary for properly setting up the Python model resources directory. Specifically, I would direct them to the Setting Permissions section of the article, which notes the adjustments needed for non-admin users to access the directory.

Hope that helps!