sassoftware / sas-container-recipes

A collection of recipes and other resources for building containers that include SAS Viya software.
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Error: Could not create base image #11

Closed steve-walker-sas closed 5 years ago

steve-walker-sas commented 5 years ago

Tried a single machine image build, and got the following error. Checked the .log, no help.

[cloud-user@viya-container sas-container-recipes]$ sudo ./ --type single --zip /home/cloud-user/ --addons "addons/auth-demo"

mkdir: created directory ‘/home/cloud-user/sas-container-recipes/logs’ ‘/home/cloud-user/sas-container-recipes/build_sas_container.log’ -> ‘/home/cloud-user/sas-container-recipes/logs/build_sas_container_20181212122140.log’

============== Variable check

Deployment Type = single BASEIMAGE = centos BASETAG = latest Mirror URL = Validate Mirror URL = true Platform = redhat Deployment Data Zip = /home/cloud-user/ Addons = addons/auth-demo Docker registry URL = Docker registry namespace = Validate Docker registry URL = true HTTP Ingress endpoint = Tag SAS will apply = 18.11.0-20181212122140-e5ee16e

[INFO] : Bypassing validation of mirror URL:

[INFO] : Copying /home/cloud-user/ to viya-programming/viya-single-container ‘/home/cloud-user/’ -> ‘viya-programming/viya-single-container/’

/home/cloud-user/sas-container-recipes/viya-programming/viya-single-container /home/cloud-user/sas-container-recipes

[INFO] : Building the base image

[ERROR] : Could not create base image

g8sman commented 5 years ago

What version of Docker are you running?

steve-walker-sas commented 5 years ago

Basically fired up an openstack instace, rhel 7.5, did a sudo yum update, and then a yum install docker.

cloud-user@viya-container logs]$ sudo docker version Client: Version: 1.13.1 API version: 1.26 Package version: docker-1.13.1-88.git07f3374.el7.x86_64 Go version: go1.10.2 Git commit: 07f3374/1.13.1 Built: Thu Dec 6 07:01:49 2018 OS/Arch: linux/amd64

Server: Version: 1.13.1 API version: 1.26 (minimum version 1.12) Package version: docker-1.13.1-88.git07f3374.el7.x86_64 Go version: go1.10.2 Git commit: 07f3374/1.13.1 Built: Thu Dec 6 07:01:49 2018 OS/Arch: linux/amd64 Experimental: false

hornpolish commented 5 years ago

its happened to me before that /var/lib/docker is on a volume that is too small. what does "df -h /var/lib/docker" say? you'll need 10/15GB free

docker isnt great about diagnosing this. you may find some hints in /var/lib/messages (or journalctl docker)

g8sman commented 5 years ago

That is an unsupported version of Docker. Please review the supported versions. To install a more recent version, please see our wiki. Closing ticket. Please reopen if a new version of Docker doesn't do the trick.

steve-walker-sas commented 5 years ago

Should I infer that RHEL docker is not supported at all? That's what I installed, and according to the yum install log, that docker build was compiled on Dec 6, which led me to believe it was up to date.

g8sman commented 5 years ago

That is not what is being inferred. What is being stated is that the version of Docker you are running is not supported by Docker. You will need to go to the Docker site to see how to install a supported version. Please review third party documentation to make sure it is being installed correctly. Installing from base level repositories is not guaranteed to give you the latest software so it is wise to make double check and make sure that you have a version that is supported.