This project contains Ansible code that creates a baseline in an existing Kubernetes environment for use with the SAS Viya Platform, generates the manifest for an order, and then can also deploy that order into the Kubernetes environment specified.
we are deploying SAS Viya 4, and running the asnible with baseline, we have this error:
TASK [baseline : Include cluster-autoscaler] **
task path: /Users/hector.pineda/adl_github/viya/luis_21/devops-anly-viya-aws/environments/dev/templates/viya/viya4-deployment-villas/roles/baseline/tasks/main.yaml:38
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {
"msg": "The conditional check 'PROVIDER == "aws"' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (PROVIDER == "aws"): 'PROVIDER' is undefined\n\nThe error appears to be in '/Users/hector.pineda/adl_github/viya/luis_21/devops-anly-viya-aws/environments/dev/templates/viya/viya4-deployment-villas/roles/baseline/tasks/main.yaml': line 38, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name: Include cluster-autoscaler\n ^ here\n"
we are deploying SAS Viya 4, and running the asnible with baseline, we have this error: TASK [baseline : Include cluster-autoscaler] ** task path: /Users/hector.pineda/adl_github/viya/luis_21/devops-anly-viya-aws/environments/dev/templates/viya/viya4-deployment-villas/roles/baseline/tasks/main.yaml:38 fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => { "msg": "The conditional check 'PROVIDER == "aws"' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (PROVIDER == "aws"): 'PROVIDER' is undefined\n\nThe error appears to be in '/Users/hector.pineda/adl_github/viya/luis_21/devops-anly-viya-aws/environments/dev/templates/viya/viya4-deployment-villas/roles/baseline/tasks/main.yaml': line 38, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name: Include cluster-autoscaler\n ^ here\n" }
PLAY RECAP **** localhost : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=4 rescued=0 ignored=0
The ansible vars has the PROVIDER configuration aws