sassoftware / viya4-deployment

This project contains Ansible code that creates a baseline in an existing Kubernetes environment for use with the SAS Viya Platform, generates the manifest for an order, and then can also deploy that order into the Kubernetes environment specified.
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fix: (PSKD-398) Update v4m storage class deletion behavior #559

Closed jarpat closed 6 days ago

jarpat commented 2 weeks ago


Updated the uninstallation behavior when V4_CFG_MANAGE_STORAGE:true & PROVIDER in ["azure","aws","gcp"] so that the v4m storage class will not be removed if there are still PVs using it. If no PVs are making use of the v4m sc then it will also be removed. This prevents the v4m SC from being removed if a user just uninstalls only logging or only monitoring.


Scenario Provider Kubernetes Version Install Uninstall 1 Uninstall 2
1 Azure v1.28.9 baseline,viya,cluster-logging,cluster-monitoring,install uninstalling just cluster-logging did not remove the SC uninstalling just cluster-monitoring afterwards removes the SC
2 AWS v1.29.5-eks-1de2ab1 baseline,viya,cluster-logging,cluster-monitoring,install uninstalling just cluster-monitoring did not remove the SC uninstalling just cluster-logging afterwards removes the SC
3 GCP v1.28.11-gke.1019000 baseline,viya,cluster-logging,cluster-monitoring,install uninstalling just cluster-monitoring did not remove the SC uninstalling just cluster-logging afterwards removes the SC