satbyy / go-noto-universal

Noto fonts go universal! Download pan-Unicode, merged Noto fonts according to time of usage (current, ancient) or geographical region (South Asia, SE Asia, Africa-MiddleEast, Europe-Americas).
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Builds are broken (and taking over 6 hours) #59

Closed imran-iq closed 1 year ago

imran-iq commented 1 year ago

I am currently trying to make bold variant of the GoNotoCurrent font (

I /think/ i've got most of it, but unfortunately the build is taking a very long time (much longer than the 20-30 mintues advertised). Looking at the github actions looks like something changed last week where the build has gone from 20 minutes to 6 hours:

Any ideas of what is going on currently my machine has been stuck on

/home/iiqbal/code/upstream/go-noto-universal/venv/bin/python3 /home/iiqbal/code/upstream/go-noto-universal/venv/bin/pyftsubset --drop-tables+=vhea,vmtx --glyph-names --recommended-glyphs --passthrough-tables --layout-features=aalt,ccmp,dlig,fwid,halt,hwid,kern,liga,locl,palt,pwid --unicodes-file=Unihan_codepoints.txt --unicodes=U+3000-303F,U+3100-312F,U+31A0-31BF,U+31C0-31EF,U+FE30-FE4F, --output-file=NotoSansCJKscSubset-Regular.otf NotoSansCJKsc-Regular.otf

for about an hour now

imran-iq commented 1 year ago

The only difference between the two runs is the version of font tools: 4.41.0 4.40.0

Looks like a regression in the font tools package