satellogic / telluric

telluric is a Python library to manage vector and raster geospatial data in an interactive and easy way
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Reproject and crop are not commutative #135

Open jmarintur opened 6 years ago

jmarintur commented 6 years ago

In the first case I perform crop and then reproject:

1) raster.crop(roi.envelope).reproject(dst_crs=WEB_MERCATOR_CRS).save(output_raster)

In the second case I reproject and then I crop:

2) raster.reproject(dst_crs=WEB_MERCATOR_CRS).crop(roi.envelope).save(output_raster)

The resulting images when I visualize them using Qgis 2.14.11-Essen look like this:

1) reproject_later


2) reproject_before

I am using a Sentinel-2 image Band 02 and tile T18HXB and the following roi:

coord = [-8083749.056641963, -4737939.582734095, -8079749.056641963, -4733939.582734095]
roi = tl.GeoVector.from_bounds(xmin=coordindates[0], ymin=coordindates[1], xmax=coordindates[2], ymax=coordindates[3], crs=WEB_MERCATOR_CRS)

Thanks for your support.

astrojuanlu commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot for the good bug report @jmarintur! Could you please give the output of crs.raster for completeness?

jmarintur commented 6 years ago

This is it: CRS({'init': 'epsg:32718'})

Thanks @Juanlu001 !

drnextgis commented 6 years ago

It is expected that shapes in these cases are different (at least from code perspective). Let's see what is happening.

First case (crop first):

1 roi.envelope.get_bounds( is called inside crop here 2 roi.envelope in original CRS epsg:3857 is not the same as bounds of the roi.envelope in epsg:32718 3 image after cropping in epsg:32718 and result image reprojected to epsg:3857, red polygon - roi.envelope: image image

Result image in the second case (reproject first):


drnextgis commented 6 years ago

If reprojecting first is not a solution you can use mask method of GeoRaster:

buffer = GeoVector(roi.get_shape(WEB_MERCATOR_CRS).buffer(100), WEB_MERCATOR_CRS)

Example of output:


astrojuanlu commented 6 years ago

Thanks @drnextgis! I have a couple of questions:

  1. I understand that crop and reproject are not meant to be commutative. Reprojecting a big image can be extremely expensive, especially when in the end you only want one crop. The buffer solution is nice, but a bit manual. Do you think it's worth it that telluric includes such a function?
  2. Why mask instead of crop as the last step?
drnextgis commented 6 years ago
  1. I think that it would be handy to have crop parameter for mask: raster.mask(vector, crop=True)
  2. Let's see what happening in case of using mask (first image) and crop (second one) as the last step: image image