satiator / satiator-menu

Menu for the Satiator cartridge for Sega Saturn
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(Feature Request) - Change back button mapping from 'C' to 'B', paging to d-pad left and right, and/or possibly add options for paging button config. #18

Closed robertragno closed 1 month ago

robertragno commented 3 years ago

Currently 'C' is used to return in the menu. Nearly all other Saturn official/unofficial software use 'B' for this. Suggest changing this mapping to 'B'.

The paging of the file list uses the L and R buttons currently. Most other UI's utilize Left and Right on the d-pad to perform this. Suggest changing to this to standardize UI behavior. A more advanced fix would be to create an Options screen to make this user configurable. It could also have AR tools, firmware/serial/menu versions displayed, other configurable options, etc.

Peredonov commented 3 years ago

This is an important request. Many similar devices and UIs have a "swap select/cancel buttons" settings that address this kind of issue.

abrasive commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the request. It's a bit late to change this up on existing users, but I will consider it if I add a setting interface in future