satijalab / seurat

R toolkit for single cell genomics
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seuratv5 dimplot color transparency issue #8569

Open NikicaJEa opened 4 months ago

NikicaJEa commented 4 months ago

Hi. I noticed that the V5 DimPlot function does not color the dots as specified. For example if I do:

DimPlot(cells, = "plot_id",raster = F, cols = c("grey" , "#BBBBBB15"))

I do not see any difference between these two colors and the "#BBBBBB15" dots are not really transparent as they should be . I did see the differences a year ago when I had V4 Seurat, so then it worked. I also see the clear difference when I create normal ggplot with those two colors. Would be great to fix this so I dont have to downgrade to SeuratV4. Thank you.

Best, Nikola

igrabski commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, we are looking into this and hope to have a fix soon!