However, when I try to do the same integration for the ATAC assay IntegrateEmbeddings() removes all prior reductions. I followed the step from the Signac scATAC-seq data integration here.
DefaultAssay(merge_obj_integration) <- "ATAC"
merge_obj_integration <- FindTopFeatures(merge_obj_integration, min.cutoff = 10)
merge_obj_integration <- RunTFIDF(merge_obj_integration)
merge_obj_integration <- RunSVD(merge_obj_integration)
merge_obj_integration <- RunUMAP(merge_obj_integration, reduction = "lsi", dims = 2:50)
> merge_obj_integration
An object of class Seurat
243934 features across 23666 samples within 3 assays
Active assay: ATAC (184166 features, 183851 variable features)
2 layers present: counts, data
2 other assays present: RNA, SCT
5 dimensional reductions calculated: pca, integrated.dr, integrated_RNA_umap, lsi, umap
atac.obj.list <- SplitObject(merge_obj_integration, = "orig.ident")
integration.anchors <- FindIntegrationAnchors(
object.list = atac.obj.list,
anchor.features = rownames(merge_obj_integration),
reduction = "rlsi",
dims = 2:50
merge_obj_integration_ATAC <- IntegrateEmbeddings(
anchorset = integration.anchors,
reductions = merge_obj_integration[["lsi"]],
k.weight = 50, = "integrated_lsi", = 2:50
> merge_obj_integration_ATAC
An object of class Seurat
243934 features across 23666 samples within 3 assays
Active assay: ATAC (184166 features, 0 variable features)
2 layers present: counts, data
2 other assays present: RNA, SCT
1 dimensional reduction calculated: integrated_lsi
Am I missing or doing something wrong? Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated!
I have four different 10x multiome seurat object (one for each experiment). I am able to integrate the RNA assay without much issue.
However, when I try to do the same integration for the ATAC assay
removes all prior reductions. I followed the step from the Signac scATAC-seq data integration here.Am I missing or doing something wrong? Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated!