satijalab / seurat

R toolkit for single cell genomics
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JoinLayers Error #9073

Open zhoujiaqi704 opened 2 days ago

zhoujiaqi704 commented 2 days ago

Hi, these days I run the integration for 24 scRNA-seq datasets, I filter features and cells for each dataset and then merged them. But when I used the function JoinLayers with "norm_seurat_list[["RNA"]] <- JoinLayers(norm_seurat_list[["RNA"]])" for these 24 counts layers, I got the error "Error: vector::reserve".

This is my merged seurat object:

norm_seurat_list An object of class Seurat 68380 features across 1497425 samples within 1 assay Active assay: RNA (68380 features, 0 variable features) 24 layers present: counts.1, counts.2, counts.3, counts.4, counts.5, counts.6, counts.7, counts.8, counts.9, counts.10, counts.11, counts.12, counts.13, counts.14, counts.15, counts.16, counts.17, counts.18, counts.19, counts.20, counts.21, counts.22, counts.23, counts.24

I saw previous issue #7627 mentioned this error a memory-related issue, but I check my terminal and seems not.I also run the "sketch" workflow using BPCells. I still cannot join the layers for RNA aasay, though the "sketch" assay join the layers success.