satisfactory-dev / Satisfactory-Production-Calculator-UI

Issue Tracker for SignpostMarv's Satisfactory Production Planner UI
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Fix broken tests / improve overall test coverage #30

Open SignpostMarv opened 3 months ago

SignpostMarv commented 3 months ago

If one does not have a high degree of test & type coverage (that testing frameworks & static analysis tools provide), one cannot in good conscience say one knows what one's product does.

~ Marv, on automated testing & static analysis

It is better to spend more time making a product non-flammable than it is to be releasing rapidly and be constantly putting out fires.

~ Marv, on tech debt

(I spent a bit too much time on feature development & manual qa testing that did miss some issues)

SignpostMarv commented 3 months ago

re: #41, need to add tests for Pool.changed