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EC2 - Family #15

Open satish8450 opened 4 months ago

satish8450 commented 4 months ago

Name : Name of the instance Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image) : AMI we will use for OS Instance type : What kind of memory, networking, or storage needs. t2.micro is for free tire, real time will use m5.xlarge max , t2.medium min. Key pair (login) : PPK or pem to login to server Network settings : Will provide VPC,Subnet,Auto-assign public IP,firewall (security groups),

Advanced network configuration: After selecting VPC&Subnet we can able to see this Here we can attach two servers to single server, For example we have db server , if you want to store Data we can create sub server of DB server under Same VPC that .we can insert here Network interface 1 : give storage server details here we can interlink

Configure storage : we have attach additional storage to server for that we need to create EBS Volumes and attach File systems : EFS in instances we can upload the data via files by using EFS Instance Template : We can create template for instance which is having all required fields like vpc,subnet,SG,NAT

Spot Instance : It is cost efficient comparing to OnDemand server, for ex: we have server running in different AZ in that 70% used for general purpose ,20% is used for future requirement , remaining 10% will used for create spot instance . AWS will use this 10% will create Spot instance , it will destroy at any time Jumpservers will created on this spot instance

Reserved Instance : We can use instance for years we can buy basis on years

satish8450 commented 4 months ago

**Elastic Block Storage"**

EBS : Additional Storage for server

Types : Block storage (Storage area Network SAN) -->EBS Files storage (Network Attached Storage NAS) --> EFS Object storage : S3 EBS: Create EBS for Instance and attach, in server we need to create partition, Make file system, mount Create Volume : HDD is mechanical drive but it is very slow , clod HDD,throuput HDD, standard SDD is solid state disc very fast , eg: pendrive, Once volume is created please attached to required instance

Login to server : run df -h command we can't see attached volume becoz we haven't mounted that if we run lsblk command we can mountable volumes all our storage volumes we be attached to /dev file system Mounting : Create one directory mkdir vol1 under root

mkfs -t xfs /dev/xvdf(xvdf is your file system) --> attached to file system

                       #mount /dev/xvdf /vol1 --> mounted
                       #umount /dev/xvdf /vol1 --> unmount it will detach from server  
                       df -h we can able to see another drive /dev/xvdf

Snapshot : Snapshot is mainly used for creating volume copy, , this snapshot of volume we can transfer to another region then we can create volume from this snapshot and attach to instances

Life cycle Manager : by using this we can create volume or snapshots by the basis of schedule

satish8450 commented 4 months ago

Elastic load balancer ( ELB)

This will use for divert traffic

Types : Application load balancer : its path based routing inside the application we will use this for divert traffic Network load balancer : it will work for Applcaition home/launch page traffic route

Network load balancer Setup

    Create two servers which is under Same VPC both servers having same application(nginx) running on it 

     For the dirrenetiate the how traffic is diverting , do some code modifications in both nginx servers 
     cd /usr/share/nginx/html hers index.html

    Goto load balancer 
          choose : Network Load balancer
          Load balancer name : give name
          Network mapping : Choose VPC and subnets 
          Security groups : choose SG 
          Listeners and routing : Target Group ( We need to create target group for above web servers then only NLB will identify where traffic need to go)
                                  Create target group 
                                  Choose a target type : instances 
                                  Target group name : NAme 
                                  Protocol : TCP :80
                                  VPC : choose VPC 
                                  we need to select what servers are grouping 
                                  Create TG 
         Listeners and routing : Choose TG from Above 

         Create NLB : Here we will have DNS id, Browse the DNS id We can able to see any one of our application


Route53 : will convert DNS id to conventional name to remember

satish8450 commented 4 months ago

Application Load balancer


Inside the applciation we can divert the traffic by the basis of path based Goto load balancer choose : Application Load balancer Load balancer name : give name Network mapping : Choose VPC and subnets Security groups : choose SG Listeners and routing : Target Group ( We need to create target group for above web servers then only NLB will identify where traffic need to go)

Create two separate TG for each server and associate with webserver TG1 is associated with Webserver1 Create Application Load balancer if we browser it wont work, we need set a path Goto TG1--.listiner--> manage rule --> add rule set path as music condition : path path is /music/* --> next Forward to target group if we browse ALBid/music we can able to see music web page

satish8450 commented 4 months ago

Auto Scaling :

This will create the servers on the basis of load on actual server or increase the capacity of the server


Horizontal scaling : it will deploy another server along with exsiting servers.( no of servers will increase) Vertical Scaling : it will increase server capacity (t2 to m5)

Setup :

Launch the server and install the application Create Network load balancer for the server Create Target Group Here our application will having load balancer

Creation of Autoscaling Group

Create Autoscaling group Name : Name the Autoscaling Launch template : Create template form instance and use Launch template name: name of the templete remianing all fields will taken by automatically Choose instance launch options: select VPC,Availability Zones and subnets -->Next Load balancing : Attach to an existing load balancer: Choose from your load balancer target groups --> choose TG VPC Lattice integration options : No VPC Lattice service --> Next Configure group size and scaling: Desired capacity : 1 scaling : How many server we want to scale min and max Automatic scaling - optional
Target tracking scaling policy: Here we need to select to when autoscaling need to exist

Create Autoscaling Autoscaling