satismeter / satismeter-android

SatisMeter NPS Android SDK
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Source code? #2

Open robertoestivill opened 6 years ago

robertoestivill commented 6 years ago

I see no source code in the repository. There's even a license declared but no content other than the readme file. Are you planning to really open source it?

jsedlacek commented 6 years ago

Hi @robertoestivill, there are no plans to publish source code at the moment. What are you looking for in the source code?

jsedlacek commented 6 years ago

Reopening to clarify the license in the README.

robertoestivill commented 6 years ago

Hi @jsedlacek thanks for your speedy reply :)

I guess I was looking documentation, which will become secondary if the source code was available. I'm working on a prototype to test SatisMeter functionality, sdk, customizations, stability, etc.

Here's a couple of questions that came to my mind when analyzing this tool.

1) The initialization of the component is behind a static method SatisMeter.identify(context, "", "user_id", traits).

2) After some debugging, I realised that the static method actually launches an Activity. So a bunch of other questions came up:

3) After the first time I submitted the nps rating, the component didn't show up anymore. It made me doubt about the integration and implementation. After debugging I noticed that the server sends back a flag not to display it anymore. However no message like "you already submitted your score" or callback is available. It's worth mentioning that I don't have access to the backend account, I just got the keys, therefore I can not customize and fully understand what options might belong to a backend configuration and which ones might be available in the client/sdk.

4) There doesn't seem to be any sort of caching of the survey config, as every time SatisMeter.identify is called a new instance/request/etc is created.

By the way, the source code is actually available in Jcenter as part of the SatisMeter-1.1.X-sources.jar and SatisMeter-1.1.X.aar, so I would assume that hosting the code here is, for some reason, an extra complication for your organization.

For most of this questions I have already found an answer, however it would be nicer not to have to dig them out. I hope this clarifies the reason why I initially opened this issue. Thanks

Gaket commented 2 years ago

Was considering to use this service, have some concerns after checking out the response time...

jsedlacek commented 2 years ago

@Gaket thanks for checking. If you have any questions, please use