satococoa / atom-rubymotion

RubyMotion support in Atom
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Convert already written snippets to work with this package #2

Closed ahmetabdi closed 10 years ago

ahmetabdi commented 10 years ago

satococoa commented 10 years ago

Converting this file or generating snippets from *.bridgesupport / ctags is not difficult, but Atom (autocomplete package) does not support autocomplete from snippets currently.

So just adding snippets does not make our coding easy.

We must implement autocomplete and snippts in other way. (For example, making another autocomplete package or adding snippets support to autocomplete, ...etc.) My plan is extending package.

Anyway, thank you for your comment.

satococoa commented 10 years ago

So just adding snippets does not make our coding easy.

This means,

I want to use sublime text style autocomplete and snippets.

(Described below, snippets are listed in autocomplete list

ahmetabdi commented 10 years ago

Ah I get it, might take awhile to get them all in.. wonder if there is an automated way somehow

satococoa commented 10 years ago