satoon101 / Dissolver

Source.Python plugin that dissolves player ragdolls when they die.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Dissolve weapons #1

Open satoon101 opened 9 years ago

satoon101 commented 9 years ago

Currently only ragdolls are removed/dissolved. Find a way to dissolve the player's weapons on death.

KirillMysnik commented 7 years ago

Too bad I didn't notice this earlier. Back in the day, when I just got around to the memory stuff, my first found signature was CBaseAnimating::Dissolve.

I know that signatures are hard to maintain etc, but still, it's one of the options to solve this! The fact that the target function contains a library-wide unique string ragdoll_dissolved simplifies this approach.

So. I've cleaned up the code and made sure that the signature is up-to-date. This is only for CS:S, though.

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Source.Python
from core import GAME_NAME
from engines.server import global_vars
from memory import make_object, NULL
from memory.manager import TypeManager
from paths import PLUGIN_DATA_PATH

# Dissolver
from .info import info

# =============================================================================
# >> TYPES
# =============================================================================

if TYPE_FILE_PATH.isfile():
    manager = TypeManager()
    DissolvableEntity = manager.create_type_from_file(
        'CBaseAnimating', TYPE_FILE_PATH)


    from warnings import warn

    warn("Entity dissolving is not supported by this game")
    manager = DissolvableEntity = None

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
def dissolve(entity, effect_type=0):
    if DissolvableEntity is None:

    dissolvable_entity = make_object(DissolvableEntity, entity.pointer)
        NULL, global_vars.current_time, False, effect_type, entity.origin, 2)

# =============================================================================
# >> TESTS
# =============================================================================
from events import Event
from filters.entities import EntityIter

def on_player_jump(game_event):
    for i, entity in enumerate(EntityIter('weapon_ak47')):
        dissolve(entity, i % 4)


binary = server


    # bool CBaseAnimating::Dissolve(CBaseEntity *, const char *pMaterialName, float flStartTime, bool bNPCOnly, int nDissolveType, Vector vDissolverOrigin, int iMagnitude )
        identifier_linux = _ZN14CBaseAnimating8DissolveEPKcfbi6Vectori
        identifier_windows = 55 8B EC 80 7D 10 00 56 57
        convention = THISCALL
        arguments = POINTER, FLOAT, BOOL, INT, POINTER, INT
        return_type = BOOL
KirillMysnik commented 7 years ago


satoon101 commented 7 years ago

Well, this issue was more to find a way to know which weapons to dissolve (though it was clearly poorly worded). I can still use the same env_entity_dissolver entity to dissolve weapons as I do ragdolls.