satorumurmur / bibi

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Bibi can't display svg images inside a svg wrapper #122

Open RbnJrg opened 3 years ago

RbnJrg commented 3 years ago


The file attached is an epub file whose extension has been changed to .zip. If you open that file, you'll see that when a svg image is inserted by using the <img> tag, Bibi is able to display it without problem. But when the same image is inserted inside a svg wrapper, Bibi can't show it. To discard that the issue is due to the svg wrapper, in the epub there is a png image inside of one of this; Bibi can show a png image inside a svg wrapper without problem. So, Bibi wasn't able to display a svg image inside a wrapper because didn't reconized that kind of image in order to be inside that element. I could fix the issue by changing, in Bibi.js, the following statements:

This: {Attribute:"src|xlink:href",Extensions:"gif|png|jpe?g"}

is replaced by: {Attribute:"src|xlink:href",Extensions:"gif|png|jpe?g|svg"}

and this: {Attribute:"src|xlink:href",Extensions:"gif|png|jpe?g|mp([34]|e?g)|m4[av]"}

is replaced by: {Attribute:"src|xlink:href",Extensions:"gif|png|jpe?g|svg|mp([34]|e?g)|m4[av]"}

I hope this can be of help. Regards

satorumurmur commented 2 years ago

@RbnJrg It's exactly as you say. It will be reflected in the next release. Thank you.