satoshinm / NetCraft

Web-based fork of fogleman/Craft ⛺
MIT License
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Sound #23

Open satoshinm opened 7 years ago

satoshinm commented 7 years ago

Play sound effects when things happen: breaking a block, placing a block, walking over a block, etc.

Should be possible to support both web and native through a suitable API. SDL audio APIs via emscripten to Web Audio API (or was Mozilla Audio API?), or OpenAL which "uses Web Audio and has buffer streaming support currently in the master branch.":

And then: music (mp3s streaming?)

satoshinm commented 7 years ago

OpenAL looks to be the most promising (over SDL, since Craft already is using GLFW and there's some overlap).

2.4 - Will sound support be added to GLFW?

No. However, if you are looking for an OpenGL-like API for sound, have a look at OpenAL.

Tutorial on OpenAL:

The above tutorial uses ALUT, analogous to GLUT (AL = audio library, GL = graphics library, UT = utility toolkit), providing useful utility functions not in the core library such as alutLoadWAVFile().

But says "ALUT is a very old library, it is very unfindable, you may use OpenAL Soft, it is very simple. You need a WAVE reader, and a couple of calls you can find in ANY OpenAL tutorial"

Found an active openal-soft repository at, builds using cmake:

Spatial audio in VR ( VR):

satoshinm commented 7 years ago

For audio file decoding, consider stb_vorbis (Ogg Vorbis audio decoder):

satoshinm commented 7 years ago

Some good information on HTML5 Audio through emscripten at this blog: Audio May 14, 2017, from used in They are using MIDI synthesized at runtime, to reduce download size.

twetzel59 commented 7 years ago

This includes some useful information: [](). It is in Java. However, ThinMatrix is the one that got me to understand OpenGL, despite the language barrier.