satoshinm / modpack

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Fix potion and biome ID conflicts between FN, IE, WG, Atum, BOP, XBL. Closes GH-78 #79

Closed satoshinm closed 7 years ago

satoshinm commented 7 years ago

satoshinm commented 7 years ago

Fixed but now previously unknown biome IDs conflict!

Affected ids:
50 is asked by: Rainforest (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeRainforest), swamplands (
51 is asked by: Redwood Forest (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeRedwoodForest), coarseIslands (
52 is asked by: Lush Redwoods (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeRedwoodLush), deepWaters (
53 is asked by: Savanna (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeSavanna), patchyIslands (
54 is asked by: Shrubland (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeShrubland), marsh1 (
55 is asked by: Snow Forest (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeSnowForest), marsh2 (
56 is asked by: Snowy Rainforest (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeSnowRainforest), sludgePlains (
100 is asked by: Xeric Shrubland (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenXericShrubland), Eucalyptus Forest (ForgottenNature.Biomes.BiomeGenEucalyptusForest)
140 is asked by: Ice Plains Spikes (, Alps Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.sub.BiomeGenAlpsForest)
149 is asked by: Jungle M (, Canyon (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenCanyon)
151 is asked by: JungleEdge M (, Chaparral (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenChaparral)
155 is asked by: Birch Forest M (, Corrupted Sands (biomesoplenty.common.biome.nether.BiomeGenCorruptedSands)
156 is asked by: Birch Forest Hills M (, Crag (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenCrag)
157 is asked by: Roofed Forest M (, Dead Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenDeadForest)
158 is asked by: Cold Taiga M (, Dead Swamp (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenDeadSwamp)
160 is asked by: Mega Spruce Taiga (, Dry River (
161 is asked by: Mega Spruce Taiga (, Fen (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenFen)
162 is asked by: Extreme Hills+ M (, Flower Field (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenFlowerField)
163 is asked by: Savanna M (, Frost Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenFrostForest)
164 is asked by: Savanna Plateau M (, Fungi Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenFungiForest)
165 is asked by: Mesa (Bryce) (, Garden (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenGarden)
166 is asked by: Mesa Plateau F M (, Glacier (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.sub.BiomeGenGlacier)
167 is asked by: Mesa Plateau M (, Grassland (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenGrassland)
178 is asked by: Maple Woods (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenMapleWoods), swamplands M (
179 is asked by: Marsh (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenMarsh), coarseIslands M (
180 is asked by: Meadow Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.sub.BiomeGenMeadowForest), deepWaters M (
181 is asked by: Meadow (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenMeadow), patchyIslands M (
182 is asked by: Moor (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenMoor), marsh1 M (
183 is asked by: Mountain (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenMountain), marsh2 M (
184 is asked by: Mystic Grove (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenMysticGrove), sludgePlains M (
200 is asked by: Shrubland (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenShrubland), Atum's Desert (

Biome ID allocations:

Total amount of free biome ids: 46
Total amount of occupied biome ids: 210
Total amount of conflicted biome ids: 31
All ids and their position:
0 is Occupied by Ocean (
1 is Occupied by Plains (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPPlains)
2 is Occupied by Desert (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPDesert)
3 is Occupied by Extreme Hills (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPExtremeHills)
4 is Occupied by Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPForest)
5 is Occupied by Taiga (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPTaiga)
6 is Occupied by Swampland (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPSwamp)
7 is Occupied by River (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPRiver)
8 is Occupied by Hell (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPHell)
9 is Occupied by Sky (
10 is Occupied by FrozenOcean (
11 is Occupied by FrozenRiver (
12 is Occupied by Ice Plains (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPIcePlains)
13 is Occupied by Ice Mountains (
14 is Occupied by MushroomIsland (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPMushroomIsland)
15 is Occupied by MushroomIslandShore (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPMushroomIsland)
16 is Occupied by Beach (
17 is Occupied by DesertHills (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPDesert)
18 is Occupied by ForestHills (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPForest)
19 is Occupied by TaigaHills (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPTaiga)
20 is Occupied by Extreme Hills Edge (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPExtremeHills)
21 is Occupied by Jungle (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPJungle)
22 is Occupied by JungleHills (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPJungle)
23 is Occupied by JungleEdge (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPJungle)
24 is Occupied by Deep Ocean (
25 is Occupied by Stone Beach (
26 is Occupied by Cold Beach (
27 is Occupied by Birch Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPBirchForest)
28 is Occupied by Birch Forest Hills (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPBirchForest)
29 is Occupied by Roofed Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPRoofedForest)
30 is Occupied by Cold Taiga (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPTaiga)
31 is Occupied by Cold Taiga Hills (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPTaiga)
32 is Occupied by Mega Taiga (
33 is Occupied by Mega Taiga Hills (
34 is Occupied by Extreme Hills+ (
35 is Occupied by Savanna (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPSavanna)
36 is Occupied by Savanna Plateau (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPSavanna)
37 is Occupied by Mesa (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPMesa)
38 is Occupied by Mesa Plateau F (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPMesa)
39 is Occupied by Mesa Plateau (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overridden.BiomeGenBOPMesa)
40 is Occupied by Storage Cell (appeng.spatial.BiomeGenStorage)
41 is Occupied by Eldritch (
42 is Occupied by Green Swamplands (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeGreenSwamp)
43 is Occupied by Ice Wasteland (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeIceWasteland)
44 is Occupied by Meadow (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeMeadow)
45 is Occupied by Mini Jungle (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeMiniJungle)
46 is Occupied by Mountainous Desert (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeMountainDesert)
47 is Occupied by Red Rock Mountains (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeMountainRidge)
48 is Occupied by Mountain Taiga (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeMountainTaiga)
49 is Occupied by Pine Forest (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomePineForest)
50 is asked by: Rainforest (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeRainforest), swamplands (
51 is asked by: Redwood Forest (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeRedwoodForest), coarseIslands (
52 is asked by: Lush Redwoods (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeRedwoodLush), deepWaters (
53 is asked by: Savanna (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeSavanna), patchyIslands (
54 is asked by: Shrubland (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeShrubland), marsh1 (
55 is asked by: Snow Forest (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeSnowForest), marsh2 (
56 is asked by: Snowy Rainforest (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeSnowRainforest), sludgePlains (
57 is Occupied by Eucalyptus Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenEucalyptusForest)
58 is Occupied by Dense Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenDenseForest)
59 is Occupied by Temperate Rainforest (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeTemporateRainforest)
60 is Occupied by Alpine (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeAlpine)
61 is Occupied by Autumn Woods (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeAutumnWoods)
62 is Occupied by Birch Forest (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeBirchForest)
63 is Occupied by Extreme Jungle (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeExtremeJungle)
64 is Occupied by Forested Hills (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeForestedHills)
65 is Occupied by Forested Island (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeForestedIsland)
66 is Occupied by Glacier (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeGlacier)
67 is Occupied by Green Hills (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeGreenHills)
68 is Occupied by Land of Lakes (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenLandOfLakes)
69 is Occupied by Wasteland (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeWasteland)
70 is Occupied by Twilight Clearing (twilightforest.biomes.TFBiomeClearing)
71 is Occupied by Dark Forest (twilightforest.biomes.TFBiomeDarkForest)
72 is Occupied by Dark Forest Center (twilightforest.biomes.TFBiomeDarkForestCenter)
73 is Occupied by Deep Mushroom Forest (twilightforest.biomes.TFBiomeDeepMushrooms)
74 is Occupied by Enchanted Forest (twilightforest.biomes.TFBiomeEnchantedForest)
75 is Occupied by Fire Swamp (twilightforest.biomes.TFBiomeFireSwamp)
76 is Occupied by Twilight Glacier (twilightforest.biomes.TFBiomeGlacier)
77 is Occupied by Twilight Highlands (twilightforest.biomes.TFBiomeHighlands)
78 is Occupied by Highlands Center (twilightforest.biomes.TFBiomeFinalPlateau)
79 is Occupied by Twilight Lake (twilightforest.biomes.TFBiomeTwilightLake)
80 is Occupied by Firefly Forest (twilightforest.biomes.TFBiomeFireflyForest)
81 is Occupied by Mushroom Forest (twilightforest.biomes.TFBiomeMushrooms)
82 is Occupied by Oak Savanna (twilightforest.biomes.TFBiomeOakSavanna)
83 is Occupied by Snowy Forest (twilightforest.biomes.TFBiomeSnow)
84 is Occupied by Twilight Stream (twilightforest.biomes.TFBiomeStream)
85 is Occupied by Twilight Swamp (twilightforest.biomes.TFBiomeSwamp)
86 is Occupied by Thornlands (twilightforest.biomes.TFBiomeThornlands)
87 is Occupied by Twilight Forest (twilightforest.biomes.TFBiomeTwilightForest)
88 is Occupied by Dense Twilight Forest (twilightforest.biomes.TFBiomeTwilightForestVariant)
89 is Occupied by Tundra (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeTundra)
90 is Occupied by Woodlands (extrabiomes.module.summa.biome.BiomeWoodlands)
91 is Occupied by Tropical Forest (ForgottenNature.Biomes.BiomeGenTropicalForest)
92 is Occupied by Tropical Forest Hills (ForgottenNature.Biomes.BiomeGenTropicalForestHills)
93 is Occupied by Redwood Forest (ForgottenNature.Biomes.BiomeGenRedwoodForest)
94 is Occupied by Redwood Forest Hills (ForgottenNature.Biomes.BiomeGenRedwoodForestHills)
95 is Occupied by Crystal Forest (ForgottenNature.Biomes.BiomeGenCrystalForest)
96 is Occupied by Greatwood Forest (ForgottenNature.Biomes.BiomeGenGreatwoodForest)
97 is Occupied by Maple Forest (ForgottenNature.Biomes.BiomeGenMapleForest)
98 is Avaible
99 is Occupied by Cherry Blossom Woodland (ForgottenNature.Biomes.BiomeGenCherryBlossomWoodland)
100 is asked by: Xeric Shrubland (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenXericShrubland), Eucalyptus Forest (ForgottenNature.Biomes.BiomeGenEucalyptusForest)
101 is Avaible
102 is Avaible
103 is Avaible
104 is Avaible
105 is Occupied by Land of Lakes Marsh (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.sub.BiomeGenLandOfLakesMarsh)
106 is Avaible
107 is Avaible
108 is Avaible
109 is Occupied by Limbo (
110 is Occupied by Pocket Dimension (
111 is Occupied by Seasonal Forest Clearing (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.sub.BiomeGenSeasonalForestClearing)
112 is Occupied by Elysian Fields (
113 is Occupied by Elysian Forest ($BiomeElysianForest)
114 is Occupied by Fungal Forest (
115 is Occupied by Submerged Swamp (
116 is Occupied by Subterranean Savannah (
117 is Occupied by Ulterior Outback (
118 is Occupied by Undergound Jungle (
119 is Occupied by Volcanic Desert (
120 is Avaible
121 is Avaible
122 is Occupied by Eerie (
123 is Occupied by Magical Forest (
124 is Occupied by Tainted Land (
125 is Avaible
126 is Occupied by Ocean Oil Field (
127 is Occupied by Desert Oil Field (
128 is Avaible
129 is Occupied by Sunflower Plains (
130 is Occupied by Desert M (
131 is Occupied by Extreme Hills M (
132 is Occupied by Flower Forest (
133 is Occupied by Taiga M (
134 is Occupied by Swampland M (
135 is Avaible
136 is Avaible
137 is Avaible
138 is Avaible
139 is Avaible
140 is asked by: Ice Plains Spikes (, Alps Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.sub.BiomeGenAlpsForest)
141 is Occupied by Alps (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenAlps)
142 is Occupied by Arctic (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenArctic)
143 is Occupied by Bamboo Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenBambooForest)
144 is Occupied by Bayou (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenBayou)
145 is Occupied by Bog (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenBog)
146 is Occupied by Boneyard (biomesoplenty.common.biome.nether.BiomeGenBoneyard)
147 is Occupied by Boreal Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenBorealForest)
148 is Occupied by Brushland (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenBrushland)
149 is asked by: Jungle M (, Canyon (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenCanyon)
150 is Occupied by Canyon Ravine (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.sub.BiomeGenCanyonRavine)
151 is asked by: JungleEdge M (, Chaparral (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenChaparral)
152 is Occupied by Cherry Blossom Grove (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenCherryBlossomGrove)
153 is Occupied by Coniferous Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenConiferousForest)
154 is Occupied by Coral Reef (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.ocean.BiomeGenCoralReef)
155 is asked by: Birch Forest M (, Corrupted Sands (biomesoplenty.common.biome.nether.BiomeGenCorruptedSands)
156 is asked by: Birch Forest Hills M (, Crag (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenCrag)
157 is asked by: Roofed Forest M (, Dead Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenDeadForest)
158 is asked by: Cold Taiga M (, Dead Swamp (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenDeadSwamp)
159 is Occupied by Deciduous Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenDeciduousForest)
160 is asked by: Mega Spruce Taiga (, Dry River (
161 is asked by: Mega Spruce Taiga (, Fen (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenFen)
162 is asked by: Extreme Hills+ M (, Flower Field (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenFlowerField)
163 is asked by: Savanna M (, Frost Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenFrostForest)
164 is asked by: Savanna Plateau M (, Fungi Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenFungiForest)
165 is asked by: Mesa (Bryce) (, Garden (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenGarden)
166 is asked by: Mesa Plateau F M (, Glacier (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.sub.BiomeGenGlacier)
167 is asked by: Mesa Plateau M (, Grassland (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenGrassland)
168 is Occupied by Grove (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenGrove)
169 is Occupied by Heathland (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenHeathland)
170 is Occupied by Highland (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenHighland)
171 is Occupied by Jade Cliffs (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenJadeCliffs)
172 is Occupied by Kelp Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.ocean.BiomeGenKelpForest)
173 is Occupied by Lavender Fields (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenLavenderFields)
174 is Occupied by Lush Desert (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenLushDesert)
175 is Occupied by Lush River (
176 is Occupied by Lush Swamp (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenLushSwamp)
177 is Occupied by Mangrove (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.sub.BiomeGenMangrove)
178 is asked by: Maple Woods (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenMapleWoods), swamplands M (
179 is asked by: Marsh (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenMarsh), coarseIslands M (
180 is asked by: Meadow Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.sub.BiomeGenMeadowForest), deepWaters M (
181 is asked by: Meadow (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenMeadow), patchyIslands M (
182 is asked by: Moor (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenMoor), marsh1 M (
183 is asked by: Mountain (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenMountain), marsh2 M (
184 is asked by: Mystic Grove (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenMysticGrove), sludgePlains M (
185 is Occupied by Oasis (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.sub.BiomeGenOasis)
186 is Occupied by Ominous Woods (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenOminousWoods)
187 is Occupied by Orchard (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenOrchard)
188 is Occupied by Origin Valley (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenOriginValley)
189 is Occupied by Outback (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenOutback)
190 is Occupied by Phantasmagoric Inferno (biomesoplenty.common.biome.nether.BiomeGenPhantasmagoricInferno)
191 is Occupied by Polar Chasm (biomesoplenty.common.biome.nether.BiomeGenPolarChasm)
192 is Occupied by Prairie (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenPrairie)
193 is Occupied by Quagmire (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.sub.BiomeGenQuagmire)
194 is Occupied by Rainforest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenRainforest)
195 is Occupied by Redwood Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenRedwoodForest)
196 is Occupied by Sacred Springs (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenSacredSprings)
197 is Occupied by Scrubland (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.sub.BiomeGenScrubland)
198 is Occupied by Seasonal Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenSeasonalForest)
199 is Occupied by Shield (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenShield)
200 is asked by: Shrubland (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenShrubland), Atum's Desert (
201 is Occupied by Silkglades (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.sub.BiomeGenSilkglades)
202 is Occupied by Sludgepit (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenSludgepit)
203 is Occupied by Snowy Coniferous Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenConiferousForestSnow)
204 is Occupied by Spectral Garden (biomesoplenty.common.biome.end.BiomeGenSpectralGarden)
205 is Occupied by Spruce Woods (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.sub.BiomeGenSpruceWoods)
206 is Occupied by Steppe (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenSteppe)
207 is Occupied by Temperate Rainforest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenTemperateRainforest)
208 is Occupied by Thicket (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenThicket)
209 is Occupied by Tropical Rainforest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenTropicalRainforest)
210 is Occupied by Tropics (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.sub.BiomeGenTropics)
211 is Occupied by Tundra (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenTundra)
212 is Occupied by Undergarden (biomesoplenty.common.biome.nether.BiomeGenUndergarden)
213 is Occupied by Visceral Heap (biomesoplenty.common.biome.nether.BiomeGenVisceralHeap)
214 is Occupied by Volcano (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.sub.BiomeGenVolcano)
215 is Occupied by Wasteland (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenWasteland)
216 is Occupied by Wetland (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenWetland)
217 is Occupied by Woodland (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenWoodland)
218 is Avaible
219 is Avaible
220 is Avaible
221 is Avaible
222 is Avaible
223 is Avaible
224 is Avaible
225 is Avaible
226 is Avaible
227 is Avaible
228 is Avaible
229 is Avaible
230 is Avaible
231 is Avaible
232 is Avaible
233 is Avaible
234 is Avaible
235 is Avaible
236 is Avaible
237 is Avaible
238 is Avaible
239 is Avaible
240 is Occupied by Elysian Fields M (
241 is Occupied by Elysian Forest M ($BiomeElysianForest)
242 is Occupied by Fungal Forest M (
243 is Occupied by Submerged Swamp M (
244 is Occupied by Subterranean Savannah M (
245 is Occupied by Ulterior Outback M (
246 is Occupied by Undergound Jungle M (
247 is Occupied by Volcanic Desert M (
248 is Occupied by Mining Biome (
249 is Avaible
250 is Avaible
251 is Avaible
252 is Avaible
253 is Avaible
254 is Avaible
255 is Avaible
satoshinm commented 7 years ago

Expected to resolve the 50-56 conflicts with what happened?

satoshinm commented 7 years ago

ExtraBiomesXL seems to be changing (etc.) to 50+ when I start the game, do not understand what is going on here.

satoshinm commented 7 years ago

java.lang.IllegalStateException: There is a biome ID conflict between a biome from Dimensional Doors and another biome type. Fix your configuration! at

satoshinm commented 7 years ago

bop with vanilla:

code.elix_x.coremods.antiidconflict.managers.BiomesManager$BiomesIDConflictException: Conflict between biomes with same id caused game to crash.
Affected ids:
140 is asked by: Ice Plains Spikes (, Alps Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.sub.BiomeGenAlpsForest)
149 is asked by: Jungle M (, Canyon (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenCanyon)
151 is asked by: JungleEdge M (, Chaparral (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenChaparral)
155 is asked by: Birch Forest M (, Corrupted Sands (biomesoplenty.common.biome.nether.BiomeGenCorruptedSands)
156 is asked by: Birch Forest Hills M (, Crag (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenCrag)
157 is asked by: Roofed Forest M (, Dead Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenDeadForest)
158 is asked by: Cold Taiga M (, Dead Swamp (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenDeadSwamp)
160 is asked by: Mega Spruce Taiga (, Dry River (
161 is asked by: Mega Spruce Taiga (, Fen (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenFen)
162 is asked by: Extreme Hills+ M (, Flower Field (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenFlowerField)
163 is asked by: Savanna M (, Frost Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenFrostForest)
164 is asked by: Savanna Plateau M (, Fungi Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenFungiForest)
165 is asked by: Mesa (Bryce) (, Garden (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenGarden)
166 is asked by: Mesa Plateau F M (, Glacier (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.sub.BiomeGenGlacier)
167 is asked by: Mesa Plateau M (, Grassland (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenGrassland)

and thebetweenlands's +128 versus bop:

178 (50 + 128) is asked by: Maple Woods (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenMapleWoods), swamplands M (
179 (51 + 128) is asked by: Marsh (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenMarsh), coarseIslands M (
180 (52 + 128) is asked by: Meadow Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.sub.BiomeGenMeadowForest), deepWaters M (
181 (53 + 128) is asked by: Meadow (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenMeadow), patchyIslands M (
182 (54 + 128) is asked by: Moor (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenMoor), marsh1 M (
183 (55 + 128) is asked by: Mountain (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenMountain), marsh2 M (
184 (56 + 128) is asked by: Mystic Grove (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenMysticGrove), sludgePlains M (
200 (72 + 128) is asked by: Shrubland (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenShrubland), Atum's Desert (
satoshinm commented 7 years ago

91-97 plus 128 is 219-225, which is available. 91-97 was Forgotten Nature, can fit in 227-234 (7). Will changing biome IDs break existing worlds?

satoshinm commented 7 years ago

There are now only conflicts with Biomes O' Plenty and vanilla, probably not unexpected?

code.elix_x.coremods.antiidconflict.managers.BiomesManager$BiomesIDConflictException: Conflict between biomes with same id caused game to crash.
Affected ids:
140 is asked by: Ice Plains Spikes (, Alps Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.sub.BiomeGenAlpsForest)
149 is asked by: Jungle M (, Canyon (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenCanyon)
151 is asked by: JungleEdge M (, Chaparral (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenChaparral)
155 is asked by: Birch Forest M (, Corrupted Sands (biomesoplenty.common.biome.nether.BiomeGenCorruptedSands)
156 is asked by: Birch Forest Hills M (, Crag (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenCrag)
157 is asked by: Roofed Forest M (, Dead Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenDeadForest)
158 is asked by: Cold Taiga M (, Dead Swamp (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenDeadSwamp)
160 is asked by: Mega Spruce Taiga (, Dry River (
161 is asked by: Mega Spruce Taiga (, Fen (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenFen)
162 is asked by: Extreme Hills+ M (, Flower Field (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenFlowerField)
163 is asked by: Savanna M (, Frost Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenFrostForest)
164 is asked by: Savanna Plateau M (, Fungi Forest (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenFungiForest)
165 is asked by: Mesa (Bryce) (, Garden (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenGarden)
166 is asked by: Mesa Plateau F M (, Glacier (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.sub.BiomeGenGlacier)
167 is asked by: Mesa Plateau M (, Grassland (biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenGrassland)