satra / voiceup-mdd

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[iOS] images aren't appearing #3

Open mgxd opened 7 years ago

mgxd commented 7 years ago

Steps 1-4 don't have visible images, but clicking where they should be still makes numbers appear (1-5)

sitek commented 7 years ago

+1 although I didn't know where numbers should be, so I couldn't check that clicking where they should be still makes numbers appear (1-5)

satra commented 7 years ago

@sitek: do the images not appear on android?

sitek commented 7 years ago

correct, I'm on a Nexus 6 with Android 6.0.1

sitek commented 7 years ago

Also not appearing on Samsung Galaxy 4, Android 4.4.4 per @ysanchezaraujo

satra commented 7 years ago

@sitek - can you update to the latest version? i pushed an update that should technically fix this issue.

satra commented 7 years ago

ios is still waiting for review

sitek commented 7 years ago

beta update (app version 0.1.1) fixes this on android

mgxd commented 7 years ago

0.1.1 fixed steps 1-3, but step 4 (sleep) only showed images 1 and 5, the rest are still missing

satra commented 7 years ago

@mgxd - that's really weird. can you log back in? it should redownload the images.

@sitek - these images are coming from your github account, can you check if you have run into a bandwidth limitation there?

mgxd commented 7 years ago

@satra after redownloading images are present, I first signed in using spotty connection so it's possible the images didn't download properly

satra commented 7 years ago

i'll update the code so that it can find those images locally on the app if the consent asks for it.

sitek commented 7 years ago

@satra no issue so far, although on a basic account I haven't found a way to check bandwidth usage (but they seem to have a "be reasonable" guideline without hard limits)