satsummit / landscape

Satellites in Global Development
MIT License
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Add Urthecast #33

Closed brunosan closed 8 years ago

brunosan commented 8 years ago

[Feedback from email, registering here]

Consider adding the specs of their product to the graph.

danlopez00 commented 8 years ago

Thanks, Bruno! Our team will provide a merge request, and send over product specs

smit1678 commented 8 years ago

@danlopez00 Did you have the chance to send over specs? If you want to post here, I can help get these live.

kjbrazil commented 8 years ago

Hey guys, wanted to chime in here and provide a handful of resources.

First of all, you can create an Urthecast Platform account here:

There you will find full documentation and tools for working with our Earth APIs, of which we currently have six:

Our Satellites & Sensors page offers more details about the data in the platform.

Additionally, the Satellites page on our website offers the details on all the sensors we currently own.

You are more than welcome to add our offerings to the tables and also use our Map Tiles service to improve some of those imagery examples.

Let me know if you need any help getting started.