satyarohith / sift

Sift is a routing and utility library for Deno Deploy.
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Utility function for markdown. #65

Open hastebrot opened 2 years ago

hastebrot commented 2 years ago

Similar to jsx() there could be a function mdx() which transforms a markdown or mdx string into html.

hastebrot commented 2 years ago

Simple example how to transform markdown to html.

// deno run --no-check markdown.ts

import { VFile, type VFileCompatible } from "";
import type { Plugin } from "";
import type { Node as UnistNode } from "";
import type { Root as MdastRoot } from "";
import type { Root as HastRoot } from "";

// md processor.
import { unified } from "";
import rehypeSanitize from "";
import rehypeStringify from "";
import remarkFrontmatter from "";
import remarkGfm from "";
import remarkParse from "";
import remarkRehype from "";

// mdx compiler.
import { compile } from "";
import { remarkMdxFrontmatter } from "";

if (import.meta.main) {
  const printFile = (file: VFile) => {
    console.log("file:", file);
    return file;
  const printNode = <T extends UnistNode | MdastRoot | HastRoot>(node: T) => {
    console.log("node:", node);
    return node;

  const processor = unified()
    .use(() => printNode)

    await processor.process(
      new VFile({
        path: "~/",
        value: "Alpha **bravo** charlie.",

  const compiler = {
    compile(doc: VFileCompatible): Promise<VFile> {
      return compile(doc, {
        format: "mdx",
        outputFormat: "program",
        jsx: true,
        jsxRuntime: "classic",
        pragma: "React.createElement",
        pragmaFrag: "React.Fragment",
        rehypePlugins: [],
        remarkPlugins: [
          [remarkMdxFrontmatter as Plugin, { name: "attributes" }],
          () => printNode,

    await compiler.compile(
      new VFile({
        path: "~/example.mdx",
        value: "Alpha **bravo** charlie.",

There is quite an ecosystem behind the mdx compiler suite: