sauce-archives / sauce-connect-composer

A Composer Package for Sauce Connect
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Update Sauce Connect #5

Open theCampbell opened 9 years ago

theCampbell commented 9 years ago

The current version of Sauce Connect is 4.3.6 and the composer appears to be using version 3 still. Can this be updated?

gggeek commented 9 years ago

The main question is: can composer deliver both 32/64 bits? And can it detect windows? In other words: can a single package include the 3 binaries, or shall sauceconnect-composer be split into 3 packages? The latter approach is e.g. taken by this project:

gggeek commented 9 years ago

Had a short discussion about this on twitter: Seems like including the 3 binaries in a single package and wrapping them up in a single 'binary' to be executed (maybe it could be a php script?) is the recommended approach

jlipps commented 9 years ago

Ultimately we want to re-release this as a native C extension in PHP, which should take care of the multi-platform/binary issue.

shehi commented 8 years ago

More than a year has passed. Any new developments?

hliebe commented 6 years ago

Any updates here?

leifguard commented 6 years ago

Are there any updates to the latest version of sauce-connect-proxy (4.5.1)?