saucecontrol / PhotoSauce

MagicScaler high-performance, high-quality image processing pipeline for .NET
MIT License
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Build warning with net8.0 app #152

Closed silvioboehme closed 4 months ago

silvioboehme commented 4 months ago

Just create a empty/basic console app with .net8.0 as target framework. Add PhotoSauce.MagicScaler 0.14.1 and build this empty console app.

.nuget\packages\photosauce.magicscaler\0.14.1\buildTransitive\netcoreapp3.0\PhotoSauce.MagicScaler.targets(3,3): warning : MagicScaler is no longer hardware accelerated on net8.0. Upgrade your TargetFramework to net6.0 or later (or use an older version of the library) for the best performance. You may also set true in the project file to ignore this warning.

This doesn't make sense.

saucecontrol commented 4 months ago

🤦‍♂️ I didn't create the empty folder for net6.0+ to disable the warning there. I'll publish a new package shortly.

saucecontrol commented 4 months ago

New release is up. Thanks for letting me know!