saucecontrol / PhotoSauce

MagicScaler high-performance, high-quality image processing pipeline for .NET
MIT License
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Support for animated webp images #91

Closed mortb closed 1 year ago

mortb commented 1 year ago

I try to scale / compress an animated webp and it becomes a static image. I tried to set output to GIF since GIF supports animations. No luck. Here is example code I used to download an animated webp image and compress it as a gif:

var http = new HttpClient();

var resp = await http.GetAsync("");
var ms = new MemoryStream();

var stream = await resp.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
ms.Position = 0;

var settings = new ProcessImageSettings()
    Width = 320, 
    Height = 320,
    ResizeMode = CropScaleMode.Contain, // keep aspect ratio

settings.EncoderOptions = new GifEncoderOptions {
    MaxPaletteSize = 256

var filename = @$"c:\temp\compressed_{DateTime.Now.Ticks}.gif";
var compressed = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create);

await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => MagicImageProcessor.ProcessImage(ms, compressed, settings));

Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = filename, UseShellExecute = true });