saucelabs / sauce_bindings

Making test automation with Sauce Labs insanely simple
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Add proxy, keep_alive, file_detector, options to SauceOptions constructor #127

Open nadvolod opened 4 years ago

joshmgrant commented 4 years ago

Some background: The Python Remote WebDriver implementation documentation can be found here: Based on this document and the philosophy that users of the Sauce Bindings should be able to pass in remote webdriver options for Sauce Labs instances similar to a standard Selenium instance, the constructor values should be handled appropriately.

In the case of proxy, file_detector and options, these options may not be useful or even possible to use with Sauce Labs in a meaningful way. If they can be used, these options should be implemented in the SauceSession class as needed.

mdsauce commented 4 years ago

FYI I created #136. Just to make sure everyone was aware of the proxy issue. If this is a duplicate (didn't see anything) you can close comment. I assume you may have run into this before.

titusfortner commented 4 years ago

@joshmgrant so I think this one is accomplished, right?