Closed xGuysOG closed 9 months ago
I believe since the 6th Feb update the round_start/end events are no longer fired. Instead you can track it via the GameRulesProxy entity, something similar to this:
demo.EntityEvents.CCSGameRulesProxy.AddChangeCallback(proxy => proxy.GameRules?.RoundEndCount, (proxy, _, _) =>
var roundEndReason = (CSRoundEndReason) proxy.GameRules!.RoundEndReason;
var winningTeam = (CSTeamNumber) proxy.GameRules!.RoundEndWinnerTeam switch
CSTeamNumber.Terrorist => demo.TeamTerrorist,
CSTeamNumber.CounterTerrorist => demo.TeamCounterTerrorist,
_ => null
Console.WriteLine($"{roundEndReason} won by {winningTeam}");
@saul I see, this does work but introduces an issue where round end will be called before the last player death event :/
@saul I see, this does work but introduces an issue where round end will be called before the last player death event :/
CSwin screen could just be used instead, but it causes the user of the api to manually keep track of versions which seems rather wasteful IMO. as the new solution you gave me dosnt work on the older demos, there i would need the old endEvents @saul
I agree that library should provide high-level API access to basic events such as RoundStart/RoundEnd. It could, for example, simulate these events (invoke them manually) on newer demos.
As for portable solution, for now you can use CCSGameRules.CSRoundResults
to get round results, and then keep track of it between updates, so you can detect changes.
To detect it AFTER player death, simply check for it after calling ReadNextAsync()
- I think it should work.
As for a portable solution, you can simply listen to round_end
and the game rules var changing. The var doesn't exist in old demos, and the event doesn't exist in new demos, so it's portable.
void OnRoundEnd(DemoParser demo, CSRoundEndReason roundEndReason, CSTeamNumber winningTeamNumber)
var winningTeam = winningTeamNumber switch
CSTeamNumber.Terrorist => demo.TeamTerrorist,
CSTeamNumber.CounterTerrorist => demo.TeamCounterTerrorist,
_ => null
Console.WriteLine($"\n>>> Round end: {roundEndReason}");
Console.WriteLine($" Winner: ({winningTeam?.Teamname}) {winningTeam?.ClanTeamname}");
Console.WriteLine($" {demo.GameRules.RoundsPlayedThisPhase} rounds played in {demo.GameRules.CSGamePhase}");
Console.WriteLine($" Scores: {demo.TeamTerrorist.ClanTeamname} {demo.TeamTerrorist.Score} - {demo.TeamCounterTerrorist.Score} {demo.TeamCounterTerrorist.ClanTeamname}");
demo.EntityEvents.CCSGameRulesProxy.AddChangeCallback(proxy => proxy.GameRules?.RoundEndCount, (proxy, _, _) =>
var roundEndReason = (CSRoundEndReason) proxy.GameRules!.RoundEndReason;
var winningTeamNumber = (CSTeamNumber) proxy.GameRules!.RoundEndWinnerTeam;
// Entity updates happen mid-tick.
// Wait until the start of the next tick to ensure any player deaths have happened.
demo.CreateTimer(default(GameTick), () =>
OnRoundEnd(demo, roundEndReason, winningTeamNumber);
demo.Source1GameEvents.RoundEnd += e =>
OnRoundEnd(demo, (CSRoundEndReason) e.Reason, (CSTeamNumber) e.Winner);
That's too complicated only to detect round end. In my opinion, the library should provide an interface for this, so that end-users don't have to fallback to several different solutions based on demo version.
Look at Golang library, they provide many high-level APIs that wrap inner demo functions.
I agree - I've just opened to address this.
I'm not too sure on the API though. I'm tempted to synthesise the old events on the same Source1GameEvents
Yeah, to me, synthesizing old events seems good enough.
This will be available shortly as v0.10.1
Title really says all, but here is a demo if you need it:
Code example, player death event will run as normal but no RoundStart, RoundEnd or GameStart will be called, events that is rather needed to display round changes etc.
Code to reproduce
Affected demos Apologizes for 2 different link types, i realized google made alot more sense after uploading the first one 😓