Closed in0finite closed 2 months ago
Some entities are created multiple times.
static readonly DemoParser s_demoParser = new(); static readonly Dictionary<ulong, CBaseEntity> s_entitiesPerHandle = new(); public static async Task Main(string[] args) { string path = ; // add your path here s_demoParser.EntityEvents.CBaseEntity.Create += StoreEntity; s_demoParser.EntityEvents.CBaseEntity.Delete += RemoveEntity; var stream = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(path)); await s_demoParser.ReadAllAsync(stream, default); } static string GetTimeSpan() { float seconds = s_demoParser.CurrentDemoTick.Value / 64f; TimeSpan timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds); return timeSpan.ToString("g").PadRight(15); } static void StoreEntity<T>(T entity) where T : CBaseEntity { if (s_entitiesPerHandle.TryGetValue(entity.EntityHandle.Value, out var existingEntity)) { string msg = $"[{GetTimeSpan()}] Trying to add entity {entity.GetType().Name} which already exists: {existingEntity.GetType().Name}, {existingEntity.EntityHandle.Value}"; //throw new InvalidOperationException(msg); Console.WriteLine(msg); s_entitiesPerHandle[entity.EntityHandle.Value] = entity; return; } s_entitiesPerHandle.Add(entity.EntityHandle.Value, entity); } static void RemoveEntity<T>(T entity) where T : CBaseEntity { if (!s_entitiesPerHandle.Remove(entity.EntityHandle.Value)) { throw new InvalidOperationException( $"[{GetTimeSpan()}] Trying to remove entity {entity.GetType().Name} which does not exist: {entity.EntityHandle.Value}"); } }
This also happens in CSTV demos, but only for CCSGOViewModel entities, while in POV demos, it happens for all kind of entities.
Some entities are created multiple times.
Code to reproduce
Affected demos