saulhdev / ZimLX

Open Source and free launcher for Android
151 stars 26 forks source link

How to install now? Since no f-droid updates #83

Open TobiasDev opened 4 years ago

TobiasDev commented 4 years ago

I see that the master branch is updated regularly, however, I see no new releases. Is there any way to a new and updated APK?

saulhdev commented 4 years ago

I opened a channel in telegram and I will be sharing the apk there. I'm still not sure if there will be new releases in F-Droid since I'm using some pre-compiled libraries which are not allowed in the F-Droid environment. but I will deal with that once the migration is completed.

omgwtfbbqpls commented 4 years ago

Would it be possible to mirror the unreleased apks somewhere other than on telegram? Thanks.

saulhdev commented 4 years ago

I upload the apk file to it might take some time to be available.

TobiasDev commented 4 years ago

You wont do github releases for the APK?

Graveen commented 4 years ago

Can you please update the GitHub releases ? TY

ka223 commented 4 years ago

I liked this launcher, but nothing at f-droid, GitHub or play store ...

saulhdev commented 4 years ago

Working on it, I'm making some improvements in the minibar, adding predictions and working in the icon pack and shape. A new release will be available in few weeks.

omgwtfbbqpls commented 4 years ago

Any news? Thanks.