saurabh47 / Data-structures-and-algorithms

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Implement Levenshtein Distance #8

Open saurabh47 opened 3 years ago

saurabh47 commented 3 years ago

Write a function that takes in two strings and returns the minimum number of edit operations that need to be performed on the first string to obtain the second string.

There are three edit operations: insertion of a character, deletion of a character, and substitution of a character for another.

Sample Input

str1 = "abc"
str2 = "yabd"

Sample Output

2 // insert "y"; substitute "c" for "d"
Nithin005 commented 3 years ago

can i do this?

saurabh47 commented 3 years ago

@Nithin005 yes, solve the problem and send the pull request. we will review it.

Nithin005 commented 3 years ago

which programming language should i use?

saurabh47 commented 3 years ago

@Nithin005 you can use any programming language.

maheshmnj commented 3 years ago

@Nithin005 while submitting the PR include a README file which guides on how to run the program and also include if any specific runtime environment is required to run the program