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Redesign : Home page #89

Open darshi-shah opened 7 years ago

darshi-shah commented 7 years ago



Refer : #51

Below are queries/assumptions:

1 - Searching will lead to buy page. 2 - In featured projects, should we show latest 4 apartments or we want to pick apartments to show on home page as featured ? 3 - Happy clients will be testimonials. This will be new content type. 4 - My needs section will be types of apartments. These are not present in current system. 5 - Suburbs will be names of region and clicking leads to search page with region selected.

Let me know your thoughts on this.


heliogabal commented 7 years ago

1 - yes 2 - featured projects should indeed be selectable, and me might want to add a second row "Latest projects" of the 4 latest projects without being featured, but that's for later. 3 - Yes. Not sure if we can adjust or repurpose the already used Reference content type for that matter? Will the testimonials be the same as the references on the reference page? 4 - yes, we need a new taxonomy to categorize the apartments that should go into these landing pages. There should be space for SEO-friendly text on top of the list of apartments featured there. 5 - These work just like the "My needs" landing pages, but for suburbs. In the beginning, static SEO text in front of list, maybe this can become more dynamic later on, with news/blog posts relevant to the suburb etc.

darshi-shah commented 7 years ago

Hi Rainer

3 - Testimonials are different from references. (Refer #77 ) We can combine these two if you like. Let me know about this. 4 - is my needs same as property type filter ? if so, we can redirect my needs to buy page with this category selected by default.


heliogabal commented 7 years ago

Hi Darshi,

3 - No, I see also on the references page proposal, these are two distinct things, so better have two different content types as well. 4 - No, not the same, the property type is like, ground floor, rooftop, duplex and the like. Not sure how to best incorporate this, in a way it crosses other attributes (Investing in Berlin would essentially be equal to Rented apartments, but Student living would include smaller vacant apartments for a reasonable price, Family homes would need to be at least 3 rooms, and do-it-yourself would be apartments in need of renovation). Could be subterms of the category taxonomy, but I think it would be simpler and more flexible to have its own taxonomy. That way, we can also include it as facet in the advanced search. 4,5 - I think these can be best thought of as variations of the buy page search results, only prefiltered and with additional content for User guidance / SEO.

darshi-shah commented 7 years ago

Hi Rainer,

Here are the points I wanted to discuss:

1 - On facets we have min and max facets for price and bed. Currently, we show ranges. Let me know if we should go with ranges or separate fields for min and max. 2 - If property type is related to floors, can we use floor field for this? If not, I will make new taxonomy. 3 - We do not have refer a friend page in place. Refer is part of design. Let me know if I can create a simple webform for this and then we expand this section? 4 - My needs will be a new taxonomy. 5 - Search on map will go to buy page. 6 - In search, we have drop down for Buy and rent. This will be based on category field in apartment which is term ref field for taxonomy. Please note that we do not have any rented apartments on live site.


heliogabal commented 7 years ago

1) I was looking into this a bit. Experimenting also with ajax facets, which would be an amazing speed improvement on the search... But they don't allow ranges, as of now. So if it is possible to use ajax facets, we could go with two fields, which would also be better on mobile, while it is tedious if the page reloads after every input not using ajax. Can you try out probably extended by for current search and sort compatibility - or maybe if the first doesn't work reliably, but that's more involved to set up. 2) It's not directly matching floors. There can be duplexes spanning several floors, and a souterrain wouldn't have a floor -1 for example. So if you need property type, you should create it. 3) The Refer & Earn should lead to the services -> Tippgeber ( so that page exists already. Of course there should be a CTA and a form for that, but we could handle that later on the issue for that page. 4) yes 5) yes. You should take into account for the bigger picture the following article: Preferably, we would have nice URLs for the different filters, so you should probably look into for that. Please check if it is possible to arrange things like laid out in the article 6) Yes, it's a tricky one, as they rarely have apartments for rent, but don't want to lose the opportunity to add if available. Would it be possible for rent to be just selectable if there are results? Otherwise best greyed out, probably?

darshi-shah commented 7 years ago

Hi Rainer,

Please see attached revised design for home page as discussed. Let us know your feedback on this.

Thanks home_new

heliogabal commented 7 years ago

Hi Darshi, almost perfect. Can we hide the advanced search features and instead of >> Search on map have >> advanced Search as an option. I thought the search on map could be toggled with the red location icon, or what is that actually for? So only leave the minimal first search bar, without the facets on first sight, to make sure it is clear and uncluttered.

Also, can we add the room count also on the featured projects as in the special projects? And m² should be written in miniscules, it's never done as M².

And the € (Earn and refer) is still bugging me at that spot, and Lutz also found it disturbing to have it so close to their Logo. So maybe we could put it next to the Call us now CTA?

neeraj-addweb commented 7 years ago

Hi Rainer, Please see updated design for home page.


heliogabal commented 7 years ago

sorry, that was a misunderstanding with the living space... I meant it should read 85 m² and not 85 M², so that it should be in small letters (miniscules), and not big ones (majuscules), not that it should read 85 miniscules ;-) Sorry when this was confusing.

Apart from that, I can show revised mockup to Lutz then.

heliogabal commented 7 years ago
darshi-shah commented 7 years ago

Hi @heliogabal

Please see revised design as per your feedback.


Let me know your thoughts on this.


heliogabal commented 7 years ago

very good. I would say Logo and phone number size are perfect now - just keep in mind that when scrolling down, they should become smaller (probably the size of the initial mockup), and the open hours can be hidden and will only reveal again when scrolling up to the top again.

Then, their opening hours are Montag - Freitag: 9:00-17:00 Samstag - Sonntag: 11:00-15:00 (first being Monday - Friday, second Saturday + Sunday), so it won't fit in a row. But I think if they get hidden and out of the way when scrolling down and starting to use the site, it's ok if they overflow the header into the hero area.

The badge should only say "sold" instead of "sold out", as this would indicate they are merely out of stock and there are several to sell...

The Refer & Earn Störer is ok, this would get designed in detail by our Advertisment guy anyway to match German market expectations, right now it is a bit too much in the face for a German audience. But as long as you're prepared to have such an element, it's ok.

I would still have to talk to the guy about the List your property for free as well, but he's not in today.

heliogabal commented 7 years ago

Further Feedback from our advertisment guy:

darshi-shah commented 7 years ago

Hi Rainer,

Below is the revised mockup as per comments:


Can you please clarify following points :

Then, we could also get rid of the red bar on top.

We are showing user info and language selection on red bar. Let me know where this should go?

The claim instead should have a red background and the copy be even bigger, white on red. What font is that, anyway? Could we use Helvetica Neue 45, our house type?

I am not exactly sure what you are referring as claim section. Helvetica can be used but it has not been used anywhere else on the site.


heliogabal commented 7 years ago

yeah, don't worry too much about the red bar. What I meant was just to make it white background as well, so the Logo can breathe some more and we don't have to add more whitespace between the red bar and the logo at the top. And leave the user info and language selection where it is, but inverse the colors, so it is still legible. But maybe that is too much for the mockups, we can easily experiment with that in CSS afterwards.

With Claim I meant the Hero region with the claim "Welcome to your Berlin". I know that Helvetica is not used yet, that's why I propose to try it on the claim, and we can also finally decide on that further into theming process. I have a subscription for H+K for Helvetica Neue Light, so we can use that later on. I find the font right now a bit too fat, they were always proud about their thin and elegant font...

darshi-shah commented 7 years ago

Hi Rainer,

Please see design as per comment. We can experiment at the time of theming. Header right looks bit crowded compared to left side.


Let me know.


heliogabal commented 7 years ago

Hi Darshi, you're right, it looks a bit crowded to the right, and without the red bar on top, it also seems to miss some framing. Would have to see how it would play out with the claim being white on red, but I would propose to work on that in CSS, to experiment quicker, once we have the basic structure established. So is it ok to put this in approved, and work on the details later?

darshi-shah commented 7 years ago

@heliogabal Sounds good.

heliogabal commented 7 years ago

About the header section: As the header gets a bit crowded and should be less cluttered, you can leave the "List your property for free" button out, and I will let my advertisment guy design an element that we can fit as a paragraph into the flow of content much like the Refer&Earn section.

For the opening hours, it would be a more natural fit to position this at the bottom of the page in the footer underneath the first column with Address information, maybe spanning two or three columns, if possible and necessary.

darshi-shah commented 7 years ago

we move opening hours to footer rest stays as it is for footer and header