saurabheights / DiabeticRetinopathyDetection

Deep Learning Project on Diabetic Retinopathy Detection - TUM Team ID 47
GNU General Public License v3.0
21 stars 8 forks source link

how to run #3

Closed bintangthunder closed 6 years ago

bintangthunder commented 6 years ago

I dont know which one script that will run first.thank you

saurabheights commented 6 years ago

@bintangthunder - Did you check ?

P.S. - It will better to run this on ubuntu. It is possible on Windows as well, but you will have to setup all dependencies yourself, however this should not be much trouble, just requires a little googling.

Finally, please make sure you don't ask an abstract question. Be specific, like where you got stuck.

bintangthunder commented 6 years ago

Sure. Thank you. I will run in Ubuntu.