saurabhnemade / react-twitter-embed

Simplest way to add twitter widgets to your react project.
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ReferenceError: require is not defined - on Ubuntu 18.04 64bit VPS server #105

Open BlackH3art opened 2 years ago

BlackH3art commented 2 years ago


I got a ReferenceError on my build React application which I already host on VPS server.

Whole website is working correctly, except my blog post page. When I try to open certain post which includes <TwitterTweetEmbed /> component, this is the moment when site is crashing and throwing this error (other posts without <TwitterTweetEmbed /> are working):


And when I click on the first line it points me to:


In the index.js file:


And everything on my development environment is working correctly, which makes me think it's something about this package and node version, or Ubuntu environment. Is it a problem with the package? Some missing dependency? Nodejs version? Can you help me somehow with that?

I posted it on stackoverflow as well.

Ubuntu server is:

Nodejs version:

NPM version:

My development version is:


I deployed this site on netlify as well, and it's throwing same error. You can go to: and see this error. When you head to the /blog you will see three posts. is containing the <TwitterTweetEmbed /> - throwing error 2.nd is not containing embed and is working 3.rd is containing embed and is not working as well.

Since I deployed it on netlife, it's probable that it's not related to the operating system.

BlackH3art commented 2 years ago

I fixed this issue for myself, but if there's any other smarter solution I will appreciate. I just created my own <TwitterTweet /> component based on your code, but I changed the var script = require('scriptjs'); statement to import script from 'scriptjs'; so in the end it's compiled to something like var script = _interopDefault(require('scriptjs'));

This is whole component, if somebody wants you can rewrite it back to ES6.

import React, { useRef, useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import script from 'scriptjs';

const TwitterTweet = (props) => {

  const ref = useRef(null);
  const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
  let methodName$5 = 'createTweet';
  let twitterWidgetJs = '';

  useEffect(function () {
    var isComponentMounted = true;

    script(twitterWidgetJs, 'twitter-embed', function () {
      if (!window.twttr) {
        console.error('Failure to load window.twttr, aborting load');

      if (isComponentMounted) {
        if (!window.twttr.widgets[methodName$5]) {
          console.error(`Method ${methodName$5} is not present anymore in twttr.widget api`);

        window.twttr.widgets[methodName$5](props.tweetId, ref === null || ref === void 0 ? void 0 : ref.current, props.options).then(function (element) {

          if (props.onLoad) {
    return function () {
      isComponentMounted = false;
  }, []);
  return React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, loading && React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, props.placeholder), React.createElement("div", {
    ref: ref

export default TwitterTweet;
asoulliereHT commented 1 year ago

encountered the exact same thing