saurabhshri / CCAligner

🔮 Word by word audio subtitle synchronisation tool and API. Developed under GSoC 2017 with CCExtractor.
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Segmentation fault CCAligner errors #84

Open navimakarov opened 6 years ago

navimakarov commented 6 years ago

There are two errors which cause Segmentation fault (core dumped).

  1. When we are trying to read .wav data from /dev/null(try just nul in Windows) we get Segmentation fault error.

screenshot from 2018-11-30 22-22-42 screenshot from 2018-11-30 22-22-47

2. And when we want to process an empty .wav file we also get Segmentation fault error.

screenshot from 2018-11-30 22-23-01 screenshot from 2018-11-30 22-23-05

An empty .wav file