I am trying to quick-create a VMSS through the CLI on windows. It completely freezes/loops at the final line in the prompt below.
I run the command
azure vmss quick-create -g simpleqt2 -n vmssqctest -l westus -Q canonical:Ubuntu_Snappy_Core_Docker:15.04:2015.0828.2346
The printouts are below from my command-prompt
C:\Users\JULUK\Documents>azure vmss quick-create -g simpleqt2 -n vmssqctest -l westus -Q canonical:Ubuntu_Snappy_Core_Docker:15.04:2015.0828.2346
info: Executing command vmss quick-create
admin-username: jluk
admin-password: *********
Confirm password: *********
+ Looking up the NIC "vmssq-westu-756370781-nic"
info: Found an existing NIC "vmssq-westu-756370781-nic"
info: Found an IP configuration with virtual network subnet id "/subscriptions/***/resourceGroups/simpleqt2/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vmssq-westu-756370781-vnet/subnets/vmssq-westu-756370781-snet" in the NIC "vmssq-westu-756370781-nic"
info: This NIC IP configuration is already configured with the provided public ip "vmssq-westu-756370781-pip"
When I look in my resource group on resources.azure.com I see 6 identical NICs created.
I am trying to quick-create a VMSS through the CLI on windows. It completely freezes/loops at the final line in the prompt below.
I run the command
azure vmss quick-create -g simpleqt2 -n vmssqctest -l westus -Q canonical:Ubuntu_Snappy_Core_Docker:15.04:2015.0828.2346
The printouts are below from my command-prompt
When I look in my resource group on resources.azure.com I see 6 identical NICs created.