sausheong / polyglot

Polyglot is a distributed web framework that allows programmers to create web applications in multiple programming languages
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Add ScriptCS C# Responder #8

Closed johnjelinek closed 10 years ago

johnjelinek commented 10 years ago

Here's a ScriptCS C# responder (I haven't tested it in this pull request, but it works with my Docker setup).

If you are new to ScriptCS on Mono, you can do this (assuming mono is installed):

  1. git clone && cd scriptcs/ && ./
  2. cd src/ScriptCs/bin/Release/
  3. mono scriptcs.exe /path/to/responder.csx

Note: On step 3, it should auto-install the nuget packages and then run, but if it doesn't, you can do mono scriptcs.exe -install RabbitMQ.Client and place the packages/ directory in the responders/charp/ path. I think you can probably make a bash script to do the mono scriptcs.exe stuff and place it in .foreman / Procfile. Please let me know if you have any questions.