savani24 / TwitterKit5

Apache License 2.0
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App Store Connect Operation Error / The app references non-public selectors in Payload #3

Open mario11c opened 2 years ago

mario11c commented 2 years ago

An error occurred when I archived an app containing TwitterKit5 with Xcode14.0 and performed validation.

App Store Connect Operation Error The app references non-public selectors in Payload ** /TwitterKit.framework/TwitterKit: placeID


Anyone know a solution for this issue?

mario11c commented 2 years ago

Even with this warning message, I was able to upload the binary to App Store Connect.

And it passed the review by Apple and was able to be distributed on the App Store. The delivered app is working fine.

However, I have submitted feedback to Apple as this appears to be a bug in Apple's validations handled in the backend.