savannah-Silica / e-commerce-api

E-commerce platform API: Customers can browse products, add items to their cart, checkout, and make payments.
MIT License
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Enhancement: Add Category Models and Product Index to Support Product Filtering #15

Open zablon-oigo opened 9 months ago

zablon-oigo commented 9 months ago
  1. Category Models:

    • Introduce a new model for product categories, allowing users to categorize products.
    • Implement a one-to-many relationship between products and categories.
  2. Product Index:

    • Add a unique product index to the products model to facilitate efficient querying and referencing of products.
    • This index could be used for quick lookups and improved performance when dealing with a large number of products.
  3. Timestamp in Products Model:

    • Include a timestamp field in the products model to track the creation or last modification time of each product.
    • This timestamp can be useful for displaying the most recently added or updated products and for maintaining a history of changes.
