savannahmccoy / Tipsy

My First Repository - Tip Calculator
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[FBU iOS] #2

Open savannahmccoy opened 8 years ago

savannahmccoy commented 8 years ago

/cc @codepathreview @codepath

sumade commented 8 years ago

Good work. This prework is a preview of our weekly project process. Generally, weekly projects take between 5-10 hours to complete the required features and an additional 5-10 hours to complete the optional features. In general, we've seen that the more hours you log, the quicker you improve your proficiency with iOS. In particular, the optional extensions on each project are often the most valuable learnings since they dive deeper into common iOS use cases. We'll also be providing light code feedback for each submitted project once the program begins.

The purpose of this project was to begin to explore Xcode and to get a broad overview of iOS development using Swift. For example, in this project, we explored the following concepts:

codepathreview commented 7 years ago

Hello Savannah. Looks good, this exercise is intended in part to give you an introduction to the general rhythm of this course. The course is entirely project-based with an app being assigned each week and then due the following week. Each project builds on the last to help each engineer learn the practical elements of Android development and best practices as quickly as possible. We also do a code review for each submitted project once the program begins.

The next step is to continue working on [extensions to your todo app]( Extend your app, improve UI, add features). With regards to extensions to implement, we are looking for developers with an interest in user experience and product development so be sure to focus on additional functional enhancements and/or improving the user interface of the app. You can re-submit on the application dashboard anytime and we'll take another look.

We'll be following up with you again shortly to outline the next steps in the admissions process.

codepathreview commented 7 years ago

Update the links: optional features and extending

Check out some past excellent submissions here. You can update your submission at any time here, and it will notify us to review again.