savecustomgames /

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PSA: Before you write your angry issue - read this. #4

Open ghost opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

Read THIS issue first

This site is not affiliated with bot spam in any way nor endorse actions of bot's owner. :

Update 13th of January - There are currently bots spamming links to this website in custom game lobbies. This website is not associated with the bots and the modding community does not endorse the behaviour of these botters. :

We do not endorse that behavior and I personally have no knowledge on who is doing this. In other words mr bot owner pls stop, this is fucking stupid. On the other hand this shows the flaws in the lobby system. People were asking to fix those for 2.5 years and now it backfired.

What you can do to stop bot attack?

Lyz1052 commented 6 years ago

actually, I'm satisfied with the current dota2 rpg, if you want custom games gets better, get your website CLOSED first, if you or anyone even you dont know try to hack into valve's dota2 game system, you think your "save custom games" plan will be accepted by valve?valve is not develop custom games for years because there are so many players like me, just want to play for fun, no matter its getting worse or better

ghost commented 6 years ago

@Lyz1052 website have a clear and rightful message to Valve from modding community (20 popular custom game's developers and various anonymous supporters). Our plan was just raise attention to this problem using legal means (we posted it on reddit, facebook, valve forums, youtube earlier). It's not our fault that some guy decided to use custom game's lobby exploit (which was also reported for 2 years straight on valve forums - check related reddit post) and deliver this message to players. As i said earlier - this "custom games's problem" exists only between mod creators and Valve. It's not a player concern nor most players seems to care about that - I'm absolutely cool with that. You may not know what modder should overcome to deliver custom game, you may not know that half of the issues you blame modder for is actually Valve's fault - it's not a player's concern. Which means I personally don't like and not endorsing bot's owner actions.

However, the problems still exists, and some reaction from Valve should happen. Bot may link "" or "" which doesn't mean you should go to reddit admins and report dota 2 subreddit for "bot spam". It's not Github-related issue either, IMO Github will not take an action against account without solid evidences, only on naked reports. "Hack this site" is not a legal action and would not stop bot from spamming links(bot will just spam inactive links). "Hack this bot", "Report this bot", however, may stop it, but you seems to focus on wrong target here? You need to attract Valve's attention to bot attack - they should apply some minor time penalty for massive custom match declines like they did with normal DotA2 matches. This is problem you should aim for. Get your priorities right.

Lyz1052 commented 6 years ago

1.if your website is closed or hacked, the hackers has no reason for "bots spam", try to do it, dont wast time

2.what i can do is to stop you through github because your website is built by github pages can continue your plan after valve solved the "bot spam",if valve does nothing even stopping the bot, you plan wont be accepted, right?

ghost commented 6 years ago

No, it's only your guesses.

Lyz1052 commented 6 years ago

if i am right, you are ruin custom games, not saving it

ghost commented 6 years ago

but you're not right so stop posting

Lyz1052 commented 6 years ago

try to stop me or try to prove me wrong, you have your rights to post, i have mine

garywzh commented 6 years ago

get your website down, you are the only benefiter from those bots abuse no matter what you say, cuz your website are getting views