saveitforparts / Tailgater-Microwave-Imaging

Microwave imaging using Tailgater portable satellite antenna
The Unlicense
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Added command-line argument parsing and more error handling of invalid azimuth and elevation inputs #1

Open roughcoat opened 1 year ago

roughcoat commented 1 year ago

This allows users to pass the azimuth and elevation values directly from the command line if they wish. If they pass nothing, the default values are used.

I also included more error handling, such as what happens if the user enters a non-numerical value (ask again until they enter a valid input), and what happens if the start value is larger than the end value (swap the values). If the start and end value of either azimuth or elevation are equal, the program exits with an error message.

The program also now displays a help menu for the command-line arguments if run as "python --help".

saveitforparts commented 1 year ago

It seems I have two people suggesting changes, I'm new to GitHub so not 100% sure what to do with this, but I'll look through the code and see how much of it I understand :-)