savelee / dialogflow_grpc_flutter

Dart,Flutter Dialogflow GRPC package for making streamingDetectIntent calls in Dialogflow V2 and CX
Apache License 2.0
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Audio stream not going through to gRPC #1

Open kmmansour2 opened 3 years ago

kmmansour2 commented 3 years ago

I set everything up according to the procedures. When I call streamingDetectIntent I get a gRPC error:

final responseStream = dialogflow.streamingDetectIntent(config, _audioStream);

I/flutter (19109): gRPC Error (code: 11, codeName: OUT_OF_RANGE, message: While calling Cloud Speech API: Audio Timeout Error: Long duration elapsed without audio. Audio should be sent close to real time., details: [], rawResponse: null)

kmmansour2 commented 3 years ago

@savelee Any advice on this issue? I tried to implement in a different way, and now I get a transcript response but I don't get any query response. Also when I stop recording, it seems the gRPC session continues to listen for audio but eventually times out. in this attempt, I try to use the generated protocol buffers directly, along with your packages. import 'package:dialogflow_grpc/generated/google/cloud/dialogflow/v2/session.pb.dart' as pbSession; import 'package:dialogflow_grpc/generated/google/cloud/dialogflow/v2/session.pbgrpc.dart'

void handleStream() async {
    log('entering handleStream');

    var config = InputConfigV2(
        encoding: 'AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR_16',
        languageCode: 'en-US',
        sampleRateHertz: 16000);
    if (Platform.isIOS) {
      config = InputConfigV2(
          encoding: 'AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR_16',
          languageCode: 'en-US',
          sampleRateHertz: 16000);

    pbSession.QueryInput queryInput = pbSession.QueryInput()..audioConfig = config.cast();

    var request = StreamController<pbSession.StreamingDetectIntentRequest>();

      ..queryInput = queryInput
      ..session = DialogflowAuth.session

    _audioStreamSubscription = _recorder.audioStream.listen((audio) {
      // Add audio content when stream changes.
        ..inputAudio = audio);

    _audioStreamSubscription.onDone(() {
      // Close the request stream, if the audio stream is finished.
      log('closed request');

    // Make the streamingDetectIntent call, with the InputConfig and the audioStream
    // Here I am using session.pbgrpc.dart
    var responseStream = dialogflow.client.streamingDetectIntent(;
    String transcript;
    String queryText;
    String fulfillmentText;

    // Get the transcript and detectedIntent and show on screen
    responseStream.listen((data) {
      log('---- responseStream ----');
      // if(data.recognitionResult.)
      setState(() {
        transcript = data.recognitionResult.transcript;
        queryText = data.queryResult.queryText;
        fulfillmentText = data.queryResult.fulfillmentText;

        if (fulfillmentText.isNotEmpty) {
            'message': queryText,
            'isUserMessage': true,
            'message': fulfillmentText,
            'isUserMessage': false,

        if (transcript.isNotEmpty) {
          _textController.text = transcript;
    }, onError: (e) {
      print('!!!!!!! error: $e');
    }, onDone: () {
      log('transcript, $transcript');
      log('queryText, $queryText');
      log('fulfillmentText, $fulfillmentText');

here is what seems to happen:

  1. I tap my microphone button, it calls this above method handleStream()
  2. _recorder starts, microphone is listening
  3. audio gets streamed to 'request' StreamController object
  4. responseStream listens and transcribes
  5. I tap my microphone button again, it's supposed to stop the _recorder in a stopStream() method.
  void stopStream() async {
    setState(() {
      log('_recorder.stop() called, recorder stopped');
      _isRecording = false;
  1. the recorder seems to continue anyway, and eventually the response stream times out and returns this: I/flutter (32540): !!!!!!! error: gRPC Error (code: 11, codeName: OUT_OF_RANGE, message: While calling Cloud Speech API: Audio Timeout Error: Long duration elapsed without audio. Audio should be sent close to real time., details: [], rawResponse: null)
nyck33 commented 2 years ago

@kmmansour2 how did you overcome this error below

The argument type 'BehaviorSubject<List<int>?>?' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'Stream<List<int>>

for the line

final responseStream =
        dialogflow?.streamingDetectIntent(config, _audioStream);
nyck33 commented 2 years ago

I tried casting based on inheritance like this:

Stream<List<int>>? _audioStreamCast = _audioStream;
    final responseStream =
        dialogflow?.streamingDetectIntent(config, _audioStreamCast!);

shown here: