saveourtool / diktat

Strict coding standard for Kotlin and a custom set of rules for detecting code smells, code style issues and bugs
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Open DmitriyZaitsev opened 5 days ago

DmitriyZaitsev commented 5 days ago

Describe the bug

Here's a piece of code I have:

public abstract class Observable<T> {
    public abstract val value: T

    public abstract fun subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber<T>): Subscription

    public inline fun <R> transform(crossinline block: Transform<T, R>): Observable<R> =
        object : Observable<R>() {
            override fun subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber<R>): Subscription =
                this@Observable.subscribe { subscriber(block(it)) }

            override val value: R
                get() = block(this@Observable.value) // I can't use the `field` property here

    public companion object

The problem is diktat claims I have to use a field property instead of this@Observable.value which isn't technically possible in this case. Perhaps the case is non-trivial for the parser, and if I had used a named private class instead of an anonymous object, this could have been avoided, but I think I should point out that such snippets happen too.

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