savi-lang / savi

A fast language for programmers who are passionate about their craft.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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macOS 13 required for savi on macOS? #454

Closed achou11 closed 8 months ago

achou11 commented 1 year ago

Installed the latest Savi via asdf today ( and get this error when running savi:

dyld: Symbol not found: __ZNKSt3__115basic_stringbufIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEE3strEv
  Referenced from: /Users/andrewchou/.asdf/installs/savi/0.20230324.0/bin/savi (which was built for Mac OS X 13.0)
  Expected in: /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib

Abort trap: 6

I'm on macOS 11 and wasn't planning to upgrade anytime soon. Guessing this is just a matter of not being able to use a prebuilt version of Savi at this point. Maybe worth documenting for macOS users :)

jemc commented 1 year ago

If there's a way to build Savi that will work on both older and newer systems I'm definitely open to it.

I was forced to upgrade my CirrusCI build machine to Ventura when they discontinued CI for MacOS x86_64:

Maybe there's a flag I can provide to clang when building the Savi binary that will force it to link against a lower version of MacOS? I don't know.

achou11 commented 1 year ago

yeah that's certainly out of the range of my knowledge, although this flag seems be relevant?

otherwise, not requesting for you to go out of your way to support older versions if there's no straightforward way of doing so - just adding a note about supported versions would be helpful

jemc commented 1 year ago

@achou11 Please check after the build completes to see if the issue persists, and close this ticket if it's working for you now.

achou11 commented 1 year ago

unfortunately still seeing the same issue :/

achou11 commented 8 months ago

Upgraded my machine to the latest macOS, so can no longer confirm if this issue is still relevant. Closing as a result :)