savonet / liquidsoap

Liquidsoap is a statically typed scripting general-purpose language with dedicated operators and backend for all thing media, streaming, file generation, automation, HTTP backend and more.
GNU General Public License v2.0
1.36k stars 121 forks source link

Memory leak parsing YAML #3873

Open ohrstrom opened 3 months ago

ohrstrom commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug When parsing YAML data I did notice that the memory used by Liquidsoap constantly increases.
(Parsing the same data with JSON does work without problems.)

Is this probably related to ?

To Reproduce

# YAML Example
 fun() -> begin
  let yaml.parse ({
  } : {
    rms: {left: float, right: float},
    peak: {left: float, right: float}
  }) = "rms:\n  left: 0.762534253621\n  right: 0.762534253621\npeak:\n  left: 0.923847581029\n  right: 0.923847581029"

# top output YAML
43817  liquidsoap       4.9   00:02.90 10    0   29     97M+ 
43817  liquidsoap       3.9   00:02.95 10    0   29     100M+
43817  liquidsoap       4.4   00:02.99 10    0   29     103M+
43817  liquidsoap       5.1   00:03.05 10    0   29     107M+
43817  liquidsoap       5.5   00:03.11 10    0   29     110M+
43817  liquidsoap       4.6   00:03.16 10    0   29     114M+
43817  liquidsoap       4.4   00:03.21 10    0   29     117M+
43817  liquidsoap       4.3   00:03.26 10    0   29     121M+
43817  liquidsoap       4.9   00:03.32 10    0   29     124M+
43817  liquidsoap       4.5   00:03.37 10    0   29     128M+
43817  liquidsoap       4.4   00:03.42 10    0   29     131M+
# JSON Example
 fun() -> begin
  let json.parse ({
  } : {
    rms: {left: float, right: float},
    peak: {left: float, right: float}
  }) = '{"rms": {"left": 0.762534253621,"right": 0.762534253621},"peak": {"left": 0.923847581029,"right": 0.923847581029}}'

# top output JSON
40021  liquidsoap       12.2  00:02.77 10    0   29+    90M-
40021  liquidsoap       4.4   00:02.82 10    0   29     90M+
40021  liquidsoap       4.5   00:02.87 10    0   29     90M
40021  liquidsoap       3.7   00:02.91 10    0   29     90M
40021  liquidsoap       4.9   00:02.96 10    0   29     90M
40021  liquidsoap       4.0   00:03.01 10    0   29     90M
40021  liquidsoap       4.6   00:03.06 10    0   29     90M
40021  liquidsoap       3.4   00:03.10 10    0   29     90M
40021  liquidsoap       4.0   00:03.14 10    0   29     90M
40021  liquidsoap       3.3   00:03.18 10    0   29     90M
40021  liquidsoap       2.5   00:03.21 10    0   29     90M

Expected behavior The memory-consumption should not increase over time.

Version details

Install method Installed via opam

# eventualy relevant yaml versions
Using: ...
yaml=3.2.0 yaml.bindings=3.2.0 yaml.bindings.types=3.2.0 yaml.c=3.2.0 yaml.ffi=3.2.0 yaml.types=3.2.0
vitoyucepi commented 3 months ago

Hi @ohrstrom, Looks like a memory leak indeed.

Build config ``` * Liquidsoap version : 2.2.4-1+dev * Compilation options - Release build : false - Git SHA : (none) - OCaml version : 4.14.1 - OS type : Unix - Libs versions : angstrom=0.16.0 bigarray=[distributed with Ocaml] bigarray-compat=1.1.0 bigstringaf=0.9.1 bytes=[distributed with OCaml 4.02 or above] camlp-streams camomile.lib=2.0 cry=1.0.3 ctypes=0.22.0 ctypes-foreign=0.22.0 ctypes.stubs=0.22.0 curl=0.9.2 dtools=0.4.5 dune-build-info=3.15.0 dune-private-libs.dune-section=3.15.0 dune-site=3.15.0 dune-site.private=3.15.0 duppy=0.9.4 fileutils=0.6.4 gen=1.1 integers liquidsoap-lang=2.2.4-1 liquidsoap-lang.console=2.2.4-1 liquidsoap_builtins liquidsoap_core liquidsoap_memtrace liquidsoap_optionals liquidsoap_oss liquidsoap_runtime liquidsoap_stereotool liquidsoap_yaml magic-mime=1.3.1 memtrace=0.2.3 menhirLib=20231231 metadata=0.3.0 mm=0.8.5 mm.base=0.8.5 mm.image=0.8.5 mm.midi=0.8.5 pcre=7.5.0 re=1.11.0 sedlex=3.2 seq=[distributed with OCaml 4.07 or above] stdlib-shims=0.3.0 stereotool str=[distributed with Ocaml] stringext=1.6.0 threads=[distributed with Ocaml] threads.posix=[internal] unix=[distributed with Ocaml] uri=4.4.0 yaml=3.2.0 yaml.bindings=3.2.0 yaml.bindings.types=3.2.0 yaml.c=3.2.0 yaml.ffi=3.2.0 yaml.types=3.2.0 - architecture : amd64 - host : x86_64-pc-linux-gnu - target : x86_64-pc-linux-gnu - system : linux - ocamlopt_cflags : -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -fPIC - native_c_compiler : gcc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -fPIC -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 - native_c_libraries : -lm * Configured paths - mode : default - standard library : (set by dune-site) - scripted binaries : (set by dune-site) - rundir : (set by dune-site) - logdir : (set by dune-site) - camomile files : (set by dune-site) * Supported input formats - MP3 : no (requires mad) - AAC : no (requires faad) - Ffmpeg : no (requires ffmpeg) - Flac (native) : no (requires flac) - Flac (ogg) : no (requires ogg) - Opus : no (requires opus) - Speex : no (requires speex) - Theora : no (requires theora) - Vorbis : no (requires vorbis) * Supported output formats - FDK-AAC : no (requires fdkaac) - Ffmpeg : no (requires ffmpeg) - MP3 : no (requires lame) - MP3 (fixed-point) : no (requires shine) - Flac (native) : no (requires flac) - Flac (ogg) : no (requires ogg) - Opus : no (requires opus) - Speex : no (requires speex) - Theora : no (requires theora) - Vorbis : no (requires vorbis) * Tags - Taglib (ID3 tags) : no (requires taglib) - Vorbis : no (requires vorbis) * Input / output - ALSA : no (requires alsa) - AO : no (requires ao) - FFmpeg : no (requires ffmpeg) - GStreamer : no (requires gstreamer) - JACK : no (requires bjack) - OSS : yes - Portaudio : no (requires portaudio) - Pulseaudio : no (requires pulseaudio) - SRT : no (requires srt) * Audio manipulation - FFmpeg : no (requires ffmpeg) - LADSPA : no (requires ladspa) - Lilv : no (requires lilv) - Samplerate : no (requires samplerate) - SoundTouch : no (requires soundtouch) - StereoTool : yes * Video manipulation - camlimages : no (requires camlimages) - FFmpeg : no (requires ffmpeg) - frei0r : no (requires frei0r) - ImageLib : no (requires imagelib) - SDL : no (requires tsdl-image & tsdl-ttf) * MIDI manipulation - DSSI : no (requires dssi) * Visualization - GD : no (requires gd) - Graphics : no (requires graphics) - SDL : no (requires tsdl-image & tsdl-ttf) * Additional libraries - FFmpeg filters : no (requires ffmpeg) - FFmpeg devices : no (requires ffmpeg) - inotify : no (requires inotify) - irc : no (requires irc-client-unix) - jemalloc : no (requires jemalloc) - lastfm : no (requires lastfm) - lo : no (requires lo) - memtrace : yes - mem_usage : no (requires mem_usage) - osc : no (requires osc-unix) - ssl : no (requires ssl) - tls : no (requires tls-liquidsoap) - posix-time2 : no (requires posix) - windows service : no (requires winsvc) - YAML support : yes - XML playlists : no (requires xmlplaylist) * Monitoring - Prometheus : no (requires prometheus) ```
main.liq ```ruby output.dummy(sine()) def parse() t = " rms: left: 0.1 right: 0.1 peak: left: 0.1 right: 0.1 " let yaml.parse ({ rms, peak, } : { rms: { left: float, right: float }, peak: { left: float, right: float } }) = t log.important("parse #{time.up()}") end def test() for i = 1 to 100 do parse() end end def collect() runtime.gc.full_major() runtime.gc.full_major() log.important("collect #{time.up()}") end def stop() log.important("stop #{time.up()}") shutdown() end, delay=10., every=0.1), every=10.), delay=30.) ```
valgrind `valgrind --leak-check=yes --show-reachable=yes liquidsoap main.liq` ``` ==64349== ==64349== HEAP SUMMARY: ==64349== in use at exit: 57,796,981 bytes in 4,198 blocks ==64349== total heap usage: 29,419 allocs, 25,221 frees, 256,342,227 bytes allocated ==64349== ==64349== 0 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 1 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA4C80C: caml_ba_alloc (bigarray.c:111) ==64349== by 0xA4CA4A: caml_ba_create (bigarray.c:520) ==64349== by 0x9E8FBD: camlStdlib__Bigarray__create_565 ( ==64349== by 0x704FEA: camlBigstringaf__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53F848: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 10 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 2 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA35CBE: caml_stat_strdup_noexc (memory.c:892) ==64349== by 0xA35CBE: caml_stat_strdup (memory.c:901) ==64349== by 0xA2AE27: unix_putenv (putenv.c:40) ==64349== by 0x5B82B0: camlMemtrace__trace_if_requested_709 ( ==64349== by 0x988FAF: camlStdlib__List__iter_507 ( ==64349== by 0x5BDD5D: camlLifecycle__load_339 ( ==64349== by 0x54C899: camlLiquidsoap_runtime__Main__entry ( ==64349== by 0x541078: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 16 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 3 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA4A531: caml_register_custom_operations (custom.c:121) ==64349== by 0xA4A531: caml_init_custom_operations (custom.c:163) ==64349== by 0xA2F18E: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:133) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 16 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 4 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA4A557: caml_register_custom_operations (custom.c:121) ==64349== by 0xA4A557: caml_init_custom_operations (custom.c:164) ==64349== by 0xA2F18E: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:133) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 16 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 5 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA4A57D: caml_register_custom_operations (custom.c:121) ==64349== by 0xA4A57D: caml_init_custom_operations (custom.c:165) ==64349== by 0xA2F18E: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:133) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 16 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 6 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA4A5A3: caml_register_custom_operations (custom.c:121) ==64349== by 0xA4A5A3: caml_init_custom_operations (custom.c:166) ==64349== by 0xA2F18E: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:133) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 16 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 7 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA4A3E1: caml_register_custom_operations (custom.c:121) ==64349== by 0xA09D63: integers_unsigned_init (unsigned_stubs.c:344) ==64349== by 0x5A7E34: camlUnsigned__entry ( ==64349== by 0x540818: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 16 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 8 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA4A3E1: caml_register_custom_operations (custom.c:121) ==64349== by 0xA09D6F: integers_unsigned_init (unsigned_stubs.c:345) ==64349== by 0x5A7E34: camlUnsigned__entry ( ==64349== by 0x540818: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 16 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 9 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA4A3E1: caml_register_custom_operations (custom.c:121) ==64349== by 0xA08C2F: ldouble_init (ldouble_stubs.c:583) ==64349== by 0x598F2D: camlLDouble__entry ( ==64349== by 0x540848: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 16 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 10 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA4A3E1: caml_register_custom_operations (custom.c:121) ==64349== by 0xA08C3B: ldouble_init (ldouble_stubs.c:584) ==64349== by 0x598F2D: camlLDouble__entry ( ==64349== by 0x540848: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 24 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 11 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA33668: caml_init_major_heap (major_gc.c:1247) ==64349== by 0xA44A59: caml_init_gc (gc_ctrl.c:697) ==64349== by 0xA2F1E8: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:135) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 24 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 12 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA50748: caml_skiplist_insert (skiplist.c:146) ==64349== by 0xA50974: caml_register_code_fragment (codefrag.c:57) ==64349== by 0xA2F2A5: init_static (startup_nat.c:81) ==64349== by 0xA2F2A5: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:140) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 24 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 13 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA50748: caml_skiplist_insert (skiplist.c:146) ==64349== by 0xA50987: caml_register_code_fragment (codefrag.c:59) ==64349== by 0xA2F2A5: init_static (startup_nat.c:81) ==64349== by 0xA2F2A5: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:140) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 24 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 14 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA50748: caml_skiplist_insert (skiplist.c:146) ==64349== by 0xA50974: caml_register_code_fragment (codefrag.c:57) ==64349== by 0xA2F2BF: init_static (startup_nat.c:85) ==64349== by 0xA2F2BF: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:140) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 24 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 15 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA50748: caml_skiplist_insert (skiplist.c:146) ==64349== by 0xA50987: caml_register_code_fragment (codefrag.c:59) ==64349== by 0xA2F2BF: init_static (startup_nat.c:85) ==64349== by 0xA2F2BF: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:140) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 24 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 16 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA50748: caml_skiplist_insert (skiplist.c:146) ==64349== by 0xA2F2C9: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:145) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 24 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 17 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA50748: caml_skiplist_insert (skiplist.c:146) ==64349== by 0xA037B9: ctypes_set_closure_callback (ffi_call_stubs.c:66) ==64349== by 0x595DF8: camlCtypes_ffi__fun_1323 ( ==64349== by 0x597FB8: camlCtypes_foreign_basis__Make_779 ( ==64349== by 0x59872E: camlForeign__entry ( ==64349== by 0x540A28: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 24 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 18 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA50748: caml_skiplist_insert (skiplist.c:146) ==64349== by 0xA4A91B: caml_insert_global_root (globroots.c:50) ==64349== by 0xA4A91B: caml_scan_global_young_roots (globroots.c:182) ==64349== by 0xA30093: caml_oldify_local_roots (roots_nat.c:334) ==64349== by 0xA3410A: caml_empty_minor_heap (minor_gc.c:368) ==64349== by 0xA346BF: caml_gc_dispatch (minor_gc.c:492) ==64349== by 0xA34815: caml_alloc_small_dispatch (minor_gc.c:539) ==64349== by 0xA50C69: caml_call_gc (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x7A4964: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Type_base__meth_inner_1876 ( ==64349== by 0x7BC0DF: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Lang_core__method_t_769 ( ==64349== by 0x56422F: camlBuiltins_process__entry ( ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 19 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4E49982: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2EA2F: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 20 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4E49982: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2EA4F: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 21 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4E49982: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2EA6F: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 22 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4E49982: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2EA96: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 23 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4E49982: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2EAB6: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 24 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4E49982: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2EAD6: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 25 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4E49982: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2EB28: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 26 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4E49982: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2EB4A: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 27 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4E49982: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2EB6C: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 28 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4E49982: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2EB9A: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 29 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4E49982: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2EBBA: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 30 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4E49982: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2EBDA: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 31 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4E49982: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2EBFC: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 32 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4E49982: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2EC1E: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 33 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4E49982: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2EC3E: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 34 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4E49982: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2EC5E: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 35 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4E49982: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2ED10: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 36 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4E49982: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2ED30: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 37 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4E49982: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2ED50: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 38 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4E49982: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2ED70: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 39 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4E49982: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2ED97: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 40 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4E49982: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2EDB7: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 41 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA506E0: caml_skiplist_insert (skiplist.c:146) ==64349== by 0xA30F5E: caml_install_signal_handler (signals.c:485) ==64349== by 0x9826B5: camlStdlib__Sys__set_signal_317 ( ==64349== by 0x949E1D: camlThread__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53ECB8: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 42 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA506E0: caml_skiplist_insert (skiplist.c:146) ==64349== by 0xA4A91B: caml_insert_global_root (globroots.c:50) ==64349== by 0xA4A91B: caml_scan_global_young_roots (globroots.c:182) ==64349== by 0xA30093: caml_oldify_local_roots (roots_nat.c:334) ==64349== by 0xA3410A: caml_empty_minor_heap (minor_gc.c:368) ==64349== by 0xA346BF: caml_gc_dispatch (minor_gc.c:492) ==64349== by 0xA34815: caml_alloc_small_dispatch (minor_gc.c:539) ==64349== by 0xA50C69: caml_call_gc (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x7A4964: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Type_base__meth_inner_1876 ( ==64349== by 0x7BC0DF: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Lang_core__method_t_769 ( ==64349== by 0x56422F: camlBuiltins_process__entry ( ==64349== ==64349== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 43 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA03B1F: ctypes_prep_callspec (ffi_call_stubs.c:310) ==64349== by 0x596B22: camlCtypes_ffi__prep_callspec_802 ( ==64349== by 0x59739A: camlCtypes_ffi__build_ccallspec_inner_1544 ( ==64349== by 0x59731C: camlCtypes_ffi__build_ccallspec_inner_1544 ( ==64349== by 0x59731C: camlCtypes_ffi__build_ccallspec_inner_1544 ( ==64349== by 0x5974EB: camlCtypes_ffi__build_function_1005 ( ==64349== by 0x5976AF: camlCtypes_ffi__fun_1613 ( ==64349== by 0x59841D: camlCtypes_foreign_basis__foreign_inner_851 ( ==64349== by 0x59519A: camlStereotool__entry ( ==64349== by 0x540A38: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== ==64349== 34 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 44 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA47298: caml_register_named_value (callback.c:217) ==64349== by 0x9D8C7B: camlStdlib__Callback__register_exception_362 ( ==64349== by 0x75D4CC: camlPcre__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53F508: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 37 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 45 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA47298: caml_register_named_value (callback.c:217) ==64349== by 0x9D8C7B: camlStdlib__Callback__register_exception_362 ( ==64349== by 0x7187F7: camlCurl__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53F818: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 38 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 46 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA47298: caml_register_named_value (callback.c:217) ==64349== by 0x9D8C7B: camlStdlib__Callback__register_exception_362 ( ==64349== by 0x75D4E3: camlPcre__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53F508: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 39 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 47 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA47298: caml_register_named_value (callback.c:217) ==64349== by 0x9D8C7B: camlStdlib__Callback__register_exception_362 ( ==64349== by 0x97DEC3: camlUnix__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53EB48: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 48 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA50930: caml_register_code_fragment (codefrag.c:38) ==64349== by 0xA2F2A5: init_static (startup_nat.c:81) ==64349== by 0xA2F2A5: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:140) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 49 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA50930: caml_register_code_fragment (codefrag.c:38) ==64349== by 0xA2F2BF: init_static (startup_nat.c:85) ==64349== by 0xA2F2BF: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:140) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 50 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA47298: caml_register_named_value (callback.c:217) ==64349== by 0x9D8C7B: camlStdlib__Callback__register_exception_362 ( ==64349== by 0x7188A4: camlCurl__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53F818: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 51 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x94B965: camlEvent__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53ECE8: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 52 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x9452C1: camlDtools__Dtools_impl__make_inner_2640 ( ==64349== by 0x948688: camlDtools__Dtools_impl__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53ED38: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 53 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x9452C1: camlDtools__Dtools_impl__make_inner_2640 ( ==64349== by 0x9486C4: camlDtools__Dtools_impl__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53ED38: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 54 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x948F33: camlDtools__Dtools_impl__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53ED38: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 55 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x9452C1: camlDtools__Dtools_impl__make_inner_2640 ( ==64349== by 0x949124: camlDtools__Dtools_impl__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53ED38: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 56 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x9452C1: camlDtools__Dtools_impl__make_inner_2640 ( ==64349== by 0x949185: camlDtools__Dtools_impl__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53ED38: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 57 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x5D2033: camlTutils__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53FB88: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 58 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x922006: camlDuppy__create_inner_2840 ( ==64349== by 0x5D222A: camlTutils__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53FB88: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 59 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x922020: camlDuppy__create_inner_2840 ( ==64349== by 0x5D222A: camlTutils__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53FB88: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 60 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x92203A: camlDuppy__create_inner_2840 ( ==64349== by 0x5D222A: camlTutils__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53FB88: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 61 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x922054: camlDuppy__create_inner_2840 ( ==64349== by 0x5D222A: camlTutils__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53FB88: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 62 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x92206E: camlDuppy__create_inner_2840 ( ==64349== by 0x5D222A: camlTutils__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53FB88: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 63 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x5EA9DB: camlSource__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53FDA8: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 64 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x5F0083: camlClock__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53FDB8: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 65 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x5D1948: camlTutils__lazy_cell_1564 ( ==64349== by 0x5F00A1: camlClock__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53FDB8: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 66 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x61713D: camlServer__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53FF78: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 67 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x9263E4: camlDuppy__Factory_2036 ( ==64349== by 0x925E68: camlDuppy__fun_5551 ( ==64349== by 0x617239: camlServer__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53FF78: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 68 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x9263E4: camlDuppy__Factory_2036 ( ==64349== by 0x925E68: camlDuppy__fun_5551 ( ==64349== by 0x6A6351: camlHarbor_output__entry ( ==64349== by 0x540528: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 69 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x6B12DB: camlFile_watcher__entry ( ==64349== by 0x540598: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 70 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x5D1948: camlTutils__lazy_cell_1564 ( ==64349== by 0x5AEB80: camlOss_io__entry ( ==64349== by 0x540808: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 71 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x949F32: camlMutex__fun_287 (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x5954F2: camlCtypes_closure_properties__fun_774 ( ==64349== by 0x59546C: camlCtypes_closure_properties__fun_851 ( ==64349== by 0x598729: camlForeign__entry ( ==64349== by 0x540A28: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 72 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x56B703: camlBuiltins_files__entry ( ==64349== by 0x541018: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 73 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x5E9634: camlSource__fun_4029 ( ==64349== by 0x5EA683: camlSource__fun_3435 ( ==64349== by 0x60511C: camlSynthesized__fun_1086 ( ==64349== by 0x6BCD6F: camlAudio_gen__fun_2027 ( ==64349== by 0x5F3835: camlLang_source__f_1924 ( ==64349== by 0x7C17AD: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__apply_1244 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2B5F: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_term_1246 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2C9A: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_1247 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2B0E: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__fun_2933 ( ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 74 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x5E9634: camlSource__fun_4029 ( ==64349== by 0x5EA618: camlSource__fun_3458 ( ==64349== by 0x61ADE8: camlOutput__fun_2498 ( ==64349== by 0x61B1D5: camlOutput__fun_2512 ( ==64349== by 0x5F3835: camlLang_source__f_1924 ( ==64349== by 0x7C17AD: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__apply_1244 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2B5F: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_term_1246 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2D51: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_1890 ( ==64349== by 0x7C3A19: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_toplevel_inner_3025 ( ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 75 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x5ED399: camlClock__fun_2687 ( ==64349== by 0x5D1AE0: camlTutils__fun_2047 ( ==64349== by 0x5D1A39: camlTutils__fun_2054 ( ==64349== by 0x5EF400: camlClock__fun_2712 ( ==64349== by 0x988FAF: camlStdlib__List__iter_507 ( ==64349== by 0x5E9343: camlSource__fun_3389 ( ==64349== by 0x5E92A9: camlSource__fun_3396 ( ==64349== by 0x5EF252: camlClock__collect_1528 ( ==64349== by 0x54C42B: camlLiquidsoap_runtime__Main__fun_2715 ( ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 76 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x5ED403: camlClock__fun_2687 ( ==64349== by 0x5D1AE0: camlTutils__fun_2047 ( ==64349== by 0x5D1A39: camlTutils__fun_2054 ( ==64349== by 0x5EF400: camlClock__fun_2712 ( ==64349== by 0x988FAF: camlStdlib__List__iter_507 ( ==64349== by 0x5E9343: camlSource__fun_3389 ( ==64349== by 0x5E92A9: camlSource__fun_3396 ( ==64349== by 0x5EF252: camlClock__collect_1528 ( ==64349== by 0x54C42B: camlLiquidsoap_runtime__Main__fun_2715 ( ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 77 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x5D2638: camlGenerator__create_inner_1125 ( ==64349== by 0x5E5281: camlSource__fun_3722 ( ==64349== by 0x618F76: camlOutput__fun_2449 ( ==64349== by 0x5EE1E4: camlClock__fun_2454 ( ==64349== by 0x989083: camlStdlib__List__fold_left_521 ( ==64349== by 0x5EB1B0: camlClock__fun_2396 ( ==64349== by 0x5EDF0A: camlClock__loop_1222 ( ==64349== by 0x5EB747: camlClock__fun_2364 ( ==64349== by 0x5D01C2: camlTutils__process_1209 ( ==64349== ==64349== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 78 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA1A3B7: caml_mutex_new (st_stubs.c:790) ==64349== by 0x5D2638: camlGenerator__create_inner_1125 ( ==64349== by 0x5E5281: camlSource__fun_3722 ( ==64349== by 0x5EA4A8: camlSource__fun_4000 ( ==64349== by 0x988FAF: camlStdlib__List__iter_507 ( ==64349== by 0x5E4AA1: camlSource__fun_3848 ( ==64349== by 0x988FAF: camlStdlib__List__iter_507 ( ==64349== by 0x5EDF0A: camlClock__loop_1222 ( ==64349== by 0x5EB747: camlClock__fun_2364 ( ==64349== by 0x5D01C2: camlTutils__process_1209 ( ==64349== ==64349== 41 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 79 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA47298: caml_register_named_value (callback.c:217) ==64349== by 0x9D8C7B: camlStdlib__Callback__register_exception_362 ( ==64349== by 0x7188E4: camlCurl__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53F818: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 42 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 80 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA47298: caml_register_named_value (callback.c:217) ==64349== by 0x949E4C: camlThread__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53ECB8: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 42 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 81 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA47298: caml_register_named_value (callback.c:217) ==64349== by 0x9D8C7B: camlStdlib__Callback__register_exception_362 ( ==64349== by 0x595C07: camlCtypes_ffi_stubs__entry ( ==64349== by 0x5409C8: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 43 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 82 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA47298: caml_register_named_value (callback.c:217) ==64349== by 0x9D8C7B: camlStdlib__Callback__register_exception_362 ( ==64349== by 0x717CDC: camlCurl__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53F818: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 43 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 83 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA47298: caml_register_named_value (callback.c:217) ==64349== by 0x9D8C7B: camlStdlib__Callback__register_exception_362 ( ==64349== by 0x717D3F: camlCurl__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53F818: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 44 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 84 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA47298: caml_register_named_value (callback.c:217) ==64349== by 0x9D8C7B: camlStdlib__Callback__register_exception_362 ( ==64349== by 0x595C4B: camlCtypes_ffi_stubs__entry ( ==64349== by 0x5409C8: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 45 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 85 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA47298: caml_register_named_value (callback.c:217) ==64349== by 0x981C6F: camlStdlib__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53E768: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 48 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 86 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA1A5C4: st_condvar_create (st_posix.h:262) ==64349== by 0xA1A5C4: caml_condition_new (st_stubs.c:870) ==64349== by 0x948F56: camlDtools__Dtools_impl__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53ED38: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 48 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 87 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA1A5C4: st_condvar_create (st_posix.h:262) ==64349== by 0xA1A5C4: caml_condition_new (st_stubs.c:870) ==64349== by 0x921FEC: camlDuppy__create_inner_2840 ( ==64349== by 0x5D222A: camlTutils__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53FB88: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 52 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 88 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA47298: caml_register_named_value (callback.c:217) ==64349== by 0x981611: camlStdlib__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53E768: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 56 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 89 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA33A25: caml_alloc_minor_tables (minor_gc.c:69) ==64349== by 0xA502F0: caml_init_domain (domain.c:48) ==64349== by 0xA2F126: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:113) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 56 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 90 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA33A65: caml_alloc_minor_tables (minor_gc.c:75) ==64349== by 0xA502F0: caml_init_domain (domain.c:48) ==64349== by 0xA2F126: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:113) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 56 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 91 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA33AA1: caml_alloc_minor_tables (minor_gc.c:81) ==64349== by 0xA502F0: caml_init_domain (domain.c:48) ==64349== by 0xA2F126: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:113) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 58 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 92 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA47298: caml_register_named_value (callback.c:217) ==64349== by 0x9BEC2D: camlStdlib__Printexc__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53E9A8: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 64 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 93 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA35BF7: caml_stat_resize_noexc (memory.c:849) ==64349== by 0xA35BF7: caml_stat_resize (memory.c:869) ==64349== by 0xA03A3C: ctypes_add_argument (ffi_call_stubs.c:262) ==64349== by 0x596AC9: camlCtypes_ffi__add_argument_796 ( ==64349== by 0x5972E5: camlCtypes_ffi__build_ccallspec_inner_1544 ( ==64349== by 0x5974EB: camlCtypes_ffi__build_function_1005 ( ==64349== by 0x5976AF: camlCtypes_ffi__fun_1613 ( ==64349== by 0x59841D: camlCtypes_foreign_basis__foreign_inner_851 ( ==64349== by 0x59519A: camlStereotool__entry ( ==64349== by 0x540A38: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== ==64349== 73 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 94 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x491A70E: pcre_compile2 (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0xA16F70: pcre_compile_stub (pcre_stubs.c:330) ==64349== by 0x757EF3: camlPcre__regexp_inner_1854 ( ==64349== by 0x75D6C1: camlPcre__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53F508: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 80 bytes in 2 blocks are still reachable in loss record 95 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA18C7D: st_mutex_create (st_posix.h:210) ==64349== by 0xA18FFF: caml_io_mutex_lock (st_stubs.c:271) ==64349== by 0xA3CA52: caml_ml_flush (io.c:666) ==64349== by 0x9805DB: camlStdlib__iter_238 ( ==64349== by 0x8E2BAF: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Runtime__fun_2288 ( ==64349== by 0x99F3DA: camlStdlib__Set__iter_622 ( ==64349== by 0x7ADEA2: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Term__check_inner_2982 ( ==64349== by 0x989083: camlStdlib__List__fold_left_521 ( ==64349== by 0x7ADE46: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Term__check_inner_2982 ( ==64349== by 0x7ADB6F: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Term__check_inner_2982 ( ==64349== by 0x7ADBF4: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Term__check_inner_2982 ( ==64349== ==64349== 96 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 96 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA19427: st_event_create (st_posix.h:304) ==64349== by 0xA19427: caml_threadstatus_new (st_stubs.c:937) ==64349== by 0xA19427: caml_thread_new_descriptor (st_stubs.c:371) ==64349== by 0xA19823: caml_thread_initialize (st_stubs.c:447) ==64349== by 0x949E2E: camlThread__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53ECB8: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 96 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 97 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x49639B9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4964591: pcre_study (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0xA170D4: pcre_study_stub (pcre_stubs.c:365) ==64349== by 0x757F67: camlPcre__regexp_inner_1854 ( ==64349== by 0x75D6C1: camlPcre__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53F508: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 96 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 98 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA19427: st_event_create (st_posix.h:304) ==64349== by 0xA19427: caml_threadstatus_new (st_stubs.c:937) ==64349== by 0xA19427: caml_thread_new_descriptor (st_stubs.c:371) ==64349== by 0xA19BD4: caml_thread_new (st_stubs.c:572) ==64349== by 0x949894: camlThread__create_286 ( ==64349== by 0x9476FF: camlDtools__Dtools_impl__init_1696 ( ==64349== by 0x94583B: camlDtools__Dtools_impl__exec_1021 ( ==64349== by 0x988FAF: camlStdlib__List__iter_507 ( ==64349== by 0x5BE1A5: camlLifecycle__action_449 ( ==64349== by 0x988FAF: camlStdlib__List__iter_507 ( ==64349== by 0x988FAF: camlStdlib__List__iter_507 ( ==64349== by 0x5486EB: camlDune__exe__Liquidsoap__entry ( ==64349== by 0x541098: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== ==64349== 104 bytes in 3 blocks are still reachable in loss record 99 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA506E0: caml_skiplist_insert (skiplist.c:146) ==64349== by 0xA4A91B: caml_insert_global_root (globroots.c:50) ==64349== by 0xA4A91B: caml_scan_global_young_roots (globroots.c:182) ==64349== by 0xA30093: caml_oldify_local_roots (roots_nat.c:334) ==64349== by 0xA3410A: caml_empty_minor_heap (minor_gc.c:368) ==64349== by 0xA346BF: caml_gc_dispatch (minor_gc.c:492) ==64349== by 0xA34815: caml_alloc_small_dispatch (minor_gc.c:539) ==64349== by 0xA50C69: caml_call_gc (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9A15F4: camlStdlib__Map__create_386 ( ==64349== by 0x9A1A6F: camlStdlib__Map__add_428 ( ==64349== by 0x9A1A6F: camlStdlib__Map__add_428 ( ==64349== ==64349== 108 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 100 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4964442: pcre_study (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0xA170D4: pcre_study_stub (pcre_stubs.c:365) ==64349== by 0x757F67: camlPcre__regexp_inner_1854 ( ==64349== by 0x75D6C1: camlPcre__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53F508: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 112 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 101 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA1980F: caml_thread_initialize (st_stubs.c:446) ==64349== by 0x949E2E: camlThread__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53ECB8: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 168 bytes in 7 blocks are still reachable in loss record 102 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA50748: caml_skiplist_insert (skiplist.c:146) ==64349== by 0xA4A91B: caml_insert_global_root (globroots.c:50) ==64349== by 0xA4A91B: caml_scan_global_young_roots (globroots.c:182) ==64349== by 0xA30093: caml_oldify_local_roots (roots_nat.c:334) ==64349== by 0xA3410A: caml_empty_minor_heap (minor_gc.c:368) ==64349== by 0xA346BF: caml_gc_dispatch (minor_gc.c:492) ==64349== by 0xA34815: caml_alloc_small_dispatch (minor_gc.c:539) ==64349== by 0xA50C69: caml_call_gc (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9A15F4: camlStdlib__Map__create_386 ( ==64349== by 0x9A1A6F: camlStdlib__Map__add_428 ( ==64349== by 0x9A1A6F: camlStdlib__Map__add_428 ( ==64349== ==64349== 199 bytes in 9 blocks are still reachable in loss record 103 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x596BEE7: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x59734A7: asn1_array2tree (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2E614: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 240 bytes in 15 blocks are still reachable in loss record 104 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x9F9DF2: yaml_parser_scan_plain_scalar.constprop.0 (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA0043B: yaml_parser_fetch_more_tokens (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9F5664: yaml_parser_parse_document_start (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB71C: yaml_stub_7_yaml_parser_parse (yaml_stubs.c:53) ==64349== by 0x576B45: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1317 ( ==64349== by 0x570C63: camlYaml__Stream__do_parse_1721 ( ==64349== by 0x5743BC: camlYaml__next_640 ( ==64349== by 0x57448F: camlYaml__fun_2642 ( ==64349== by 0x574E0C: camlYaml__of_string_686 ( ==64349== by 0x574E48: camlYaml__of_string_exn_689 ( ==64349== by 0x8ED135: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Builtins_yaml__fun_1060 ( ==64349== ==64349== 256 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 105 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA4677C: caml_executable_name (unix.c:367) ==64349== by 0xA2F2E5: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:149) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 336 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 106 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x40147D9: calloc (rtld-malloc.h:44) ==64349== by 0x40147D9: allocate_dtv (dl-tls.c:375) ==64349== by 0x40147D9: _dl_allocate_tls (dl-tls.c:634) ==64349== by 0x4B027B4: allocate_stack (allocatestack.c:430) ==64349== by 0x4B027B4: pthread_create@@GLIBC_2.34 (pthread_create.c:647) ==64349== by 0xA19C9B: st_thread_create (st_posix.h:56) ==64349== by 0xA19C9B: caml_thread_new (st_stubs.c:589) ==64349== by 0x949894: camlThread__create_286 ( ==64349== by 0x9476FF: camlDtools__Dtools_impl__init_1696 ( ==64349== by 0x94583B: camlDtools__Dtools_impl__exec_1021 ( ==64349== by 0x988FAF: camlStdlib__List__iter_507 ( ==64349== by 0x5BE1A5: camlLifecycle__action_449 ( ==64349== by 0x988FAF: camlStdlib__List__iter_507 ( ==64349== by 0x988FAF: camlStdlib__List__iter_507 ( ==64349== by 0x5486EB: camlDune__exe__Liquidsoap__entry ( ==64349== ==64349== 384 bytes in 6 blocks are still reachable in loss record 107 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x9EC265: yaml_parser_initialize (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB694: yaml_stub_4_yaml_parser_initialize (yaml_stubs.c:31) ==64349== by 0x576BB2: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1299 ( ==64349== by 0x570B17: camlYaml__Stream__parser_1610 ( ==64349== by 0x5742C8: camlYaml__yaml_of_string_633 ( ==64349== by 0x574E0C: camlYaml__of_string_686 ( ==64349== by 0x574E48: camlYaml__of_string_exn_689 ( ==64349== by 0x8ED135: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Builtins_yaml__fun_1060 ( ==64349== by 0x7C17AD: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__apply_1244 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2B5F: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_term_1246 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2C9A: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_1247 ( ==64349== ==64349== 432 bytes in 27 blocks are still reachable in loss record 108 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x9F9DF2: yaml_parser_scan_plain_scalar.constprop.0 (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA0043B: yaml_parser_fetch_more_tokens (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9F75D7: yaml_parser_parse (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB71C: yaml_stub_7_yaml_parser_parse (yaml_stubs.c:53) ==64349== by 0x576B45: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1317 ( ==64349== by 0x570C63: camlYaml__Stream__do_parse_1721 ( ==64349== by 0x5743BC: camlYaml__next_640 ( ==64349== by 0x574CDA: camlYaml__fun_2925 ( ==64349== by 0x574714: camlYaml__parse_v_654 ( ==64349== by 0x574E0C: camlYaml__of_string_686 ( ==64349== by 0x574E48: camlYaml__of_string_exn_689 ( ==64349== ==64349== 615 bytes in 246 blocks are indirectly lost in loss record 109 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4B1558E: strdup (strdup.c:42) ==64349== by 0x9F4FDF: yaml_parser_append_tag_directive (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9F534B: yaml_parser_process_directives (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9F581D: yaml_parser_parse_document_start (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB71C: yaml_stub_7_yaml_parser_parse (yaml_stubs.c:53) ==64349== by 0x576B45: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1317 ( ==64349== by 0x570C63: camlYaml__Stream__do_parse_1721 ( ==64349== by 0x5743BC: camlYaml__next_640 ( ==64349== by 0x57448F: camlYaml__fun_2642 ( ==64349== by 0x574E0C: camlYaml__of_string_686 ( ==64349== by 0x574E48: camlYaml__of_string_exn_689 ( ==64349== ==64349== 672 bytes in 42 blocks are still reachable in loss record 110 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x9F9DF2: yaml_parser_scan_plain_scalar.constprop.0 (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA0043B: yaml_parser_fetch_more_tokens (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9F6C33: yaml_parser_parse_block_mapping_key (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB71C: yaml_stub_7_yaml_parser_parse (yaml_stubs.c:53) ==64349== by 0x576B45: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1317 ( ==64349== by 0x570C63: camlYaml__Stream__do_parse_1721 ( ==64349== by 0x5743BC: camlYaml__next_640 ( ==64349== by 0x574DA4: camlYaml__fun_2930 ( ==64349== by 0x574714: camlYaml__parse_v_654 ( ==64349== by 0x574CF4: camlYaml__fun_2925 ( ==64349== by 0x574714: camlYaml__parse_v_654 ( ==64349== ==64349== 720 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 111 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA498E9: generic_final_register (finalise.c:372) ==64349== by 0xA4A059: caml_final_register (finalise.c:397) ==64349== by 0x9BF4D1: camlStdlib__Gc__create_alarm_521 ( ==64349== by 0x5F0118: camlClock__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53FDB8: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 928 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 112 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA5026D: caml_init_domain (domain.c:30) ==64349== by 0xA2F126: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:113) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 928 bytes in 58 blocks are still reachable in loss record 113 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x9F9DF2: yaml_parser_scan_plain_scalar.constprop.0 (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA0043B: yaml_parser_fetch_more_tokens (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9F75D7: yaml_parser_parse (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB71C: yaml_stub_7_yaml_parser_parse (yaml_stubs.c:53) ==64349== by 0x576B45: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1317 ( ==64349== by 0x570C63: camlYaml__Stream__do_parse_1721 ( ==64349== by 0x5743BC: camlYaml__next_640 ( ==64349== by 0x574CDA: camlYaml__fun_2925 ( ==64349== by 0x574714: camlYaml__parse_v_654 ( ==64349== by 0x574CF4: camlYaml__fun_2925 ( ==64349== by 0x574714: camlYaml__parse_v_654 ( ==64349== ==64349== 1,411 bytes in 65 blocks are still reachable in loss record 114 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x596BEE7: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x59734A7: asn1_array2tree (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2E4E7: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 1,728 bytes in 108 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 115 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x9F9DF2: yaml_parser_scan_plain_scalar.constprop.0 (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA0043B: yaml_parser_fetch_more_tokens (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9F5664: yaml_parser_parse_document_start (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB71C: yaml_stub_7_yaml_parser_parse (yaml_stubs.c:53) ==64349== by 0x576B45: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1317 ( ==64349== by 0x570C63: camlYaml__Stream__do_parse_1721 ( ==64349== by 0x5743BC: camlYaml__next_640 ( ==64349== by 0x57448F: camlYaml__fun_2642 ( ==64349== by 0x574E0C: camlYaml__of_string_686 ( ==64349== by 0x574E48: camlYaml__of_string_exn_689 ( ==64349== by 0x8ED135: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Builtins_yaml__fun_1060 ( ==64349== ==64349== 1,744 bytes in 109 blocks are indirectly lost in loss record 116 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x9F9DF2: yaml_parser_scan_plain_scalar.constprop.0 (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA0043B: yaml_parser_fetch_more_tokens (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9F75D7: yaml_parser_parse (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB71C: yaml_stub_7_yaml_parser_parse (yaml_stubs.c:53) ==64349== by 0x576B45: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1317 ( ==64349== by 0x570C63: camlYaml__Stream__do_parse_1721 ( ==64349== by 0x5743BC: camlYaml__next_640 ( ==64349== by 0x574CDA: camlYaml__fun_2925 ( ==64349== by 0x574714: camlYaml__parse_v_654 ( ==64349== by 0x574E0C: camlYaml__of_string_686 ( ==64349== by 0x574E48: camlYaml__of_string_exn_689 ( ==64349== ==64349== 1,744 bytes in 109 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 117 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x9F9DF2: yaml_parser_scan_plain_scalar.constprop.0 (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA0043B: yaml_parser_fetch_more_tokens (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9F6C33: yaml_parser_parse_block_mapping_key (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB71C: yaml_stub_7_yaml_parser_parse (yaml_stubs.c:53) ==64349== by 0x576B45: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1317 ( ==64349== by 0x570C63: camlYaml__Stream__do_parse_1721 ( ==64349== by 0x5743BC: camlYaml__next_640 ( ==64349== by 0x574DA4: camlYaml__fun_2930 ( ==64349== by 0x574714: camlYaml__parse_v_654 ( ==64349== by 0x574CF4: camlYaml__fun_2925 ( ==64349== by 0x574714: camlYaml__parse_v_654 ( ==64349== ==64349== 1,760 bytes in 110 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 118 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x9F9DF2: yaml_parser_scan_plain_scalar.constprop.0 (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA0043B: yaml_parser_fetch_more_tokens (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9F75D7: yaml_parser_parse (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB71C: yaml_stub_7_yaml_parser_parse (yaml_stubs.c:53) ==64349== by 0x576B45: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1317 ( ==64349== by 0x570C63: camlYaml__Stream__do_parse_1721 ( ==64349== by 0x5743BC: camlYaml__next_640 ( ==64349== by 0x574CDA: camlYaml__fun_2925 ( ==64349== by 0x574714: camlYaml__parse_v_654 ( ==64349== by 0x574E0C: camlYaml__of_string_686 ( ==64349== by 0x574E48: camlYaml__of_string_exn_689 ( ==64349== ==64349== 2,583 bytes in 246 blocks are indirectly lost in loss record 119 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x4B1558E: strdup (strdup.c:42) ==64349== by 0x9F4FEA: yaml_parser_append_tag_directive (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9F534B: yaml_parser_process_directives (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9F581D: yaml_parser_parse_document_start (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB71C: yaml_stub_7_yaml_parser_parse (yaml_stubs.c:53) ==64349== by 0x576B45: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1317 ( ==64349== by 0x570C63: camlYaml__Stream__do_parse_1721 ( ==64349== by 0x5743BC: camlYaml__next_640 ( ==64349== by 0x57448F: camlYaml__fun_2642 ( ==64349== by 0x574E0C: camlYaml__of_string_686 ( ==64349== by 0x574E48: camlYaml__of_string_exn_689 ( ==64349== ==64349== 3,456 bytes in 216 blocks are indirectly lost in loss record 120 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x9F9DF2: yaml_parser_scan_plain_scalar.constprop.0 (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA0043B: yaml_parser_fetch_more_tokens (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9F75D7: yaml_parser_parse (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB71C: yaml_stub_7_yaml_parser_parse (yaml_stubs.c:53) ==64349== by 0x576B45: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1317 ( ==64349== by 0x570C63: camlYaml__Stream__do_parse_1721 ( ==64349== by 0x5743BC: camlYaml__next_640 ( ==64349== by 0x574CDA: camlYaml__fun_2925 ( ==64349== by 0x574714: camlYaml__parse_v_654 ( ==64349== by 0x574CF4: camlYaml__fun_2925 ( ==64349== by 0x574714: camlYaml__parse_v_654 ( ==64349== ==64349== 3,488 bytes in 218 blocks are indirectly lost in loss record 121 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x9F9DF2: yaml_parser_scan_plain_scalar.constprop.0 (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA0043B: yaml_parser_fetch_more_tokens (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9F6C33: yaml_parser_parse_block_mapping_key (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB71C: yaml_stub_7_yaml_parser_parse (yaml_stubs.c:53) ==64349== by 0x576B45: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1317 ( ==64349== by 0x570C63: camlYaml__Stream__do_parse_1721 ( ==64349== by 0x5743BC: camlYaml__next_640 ( ==64349== by 0x574DA4: camlYaml__fun_2930 ( ==64349== by 0x574714: camlYaml__parse_v_654 ( ==64349== by 0x574CF4: camlYaml__fun_2925 ( ==64349== by 0x574714: camlYaml__parse_v_654 ( ==64349== ==64349== 3,488 bytes in 218 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 122 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x9F9DF2: yaml_parser_scan_plain_scalar.constprop.0 (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA0043B: yaml_parser_fetch_more_tokens (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9F75D7: yaml_parser_parse (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB71C: yaml_stub_7_yaml_parser_parse (yaml_stubs.c:53) ==64349== by 0x576B45: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1317 ( ==64349== by 0x570C63: camlYaml__Stream__do_parse_1721 ( ==64349== by 0x5743BC: camlYaml__next_640 ( ==64349== by 0x574CDA: camlYaml__fun_2925 ( ==64349== by 0x574714: camlYaml__parse_v_654 ( ==64349== by 0x574CF4: camlYaml__fun_2925 ( ==64349== by 0x574714: camlYaml__parse_v_654 ( ==64349== ==64349== 7,488 bytes in 117 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 123 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x9EC265: yaml_parser_initialize (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB694: yaml_stub_4_yaml_parser_initialize (yaml_stubs.c:31) ==64349== by 0x576BB2: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1299 ( ==64349== by 0x570B17: camlYaml__Stream__parser_1610 ( ==64349== by 0x5742C8: camlYaml__yaml_of_string_633 ( ==64349== by 0x574E0C: camlYaml__of_string_686 ( ==64349== by 0x574E48: camlYaml__of_string_exn_689 ( ==64349== by 0x8ED135: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Builtins_yaml__fun_1060 ( ==64349== by 0x7C17AD: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__apply_1244 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2B5F: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_term_1246 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2C9A: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_1247 ( ==64349== ==64349== 7,872 bytes in 123 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 124 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x9EC20B: yaml_parser_initialize (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB694: yaml_stub_4_yaml_parser_initialize (yaml_stubs.c:31) ==64349== by 0x576BB2: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1299 ( ==64349== by 0x570B17: camlYaml__Stream__parser_1610 ( ==64349== by 0x5742C8: camlYaml__yaml_of_string_633 ( ==64349== by 0x574E0C: camlYaml__of_string_686 ( ==64349== by 0x574E48: camlYaml__of_string_exn_689 ( ==64349== by 0x8ED135: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Builtins_yaml__fun_1060 ( ==64349== by 0x7C17AD: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__apply_1244 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2B5F: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_term_1246 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2C9A: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_1247 ( ==64349== ==64349== 8,192 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 125 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA52EE9: caml_alloc_backtrace_buffer (backtrace_nat.c:71) ==64349== by 0xA52EE9: caml_stash_backtrace (backtrace_nat.c:90) ==64349== by 0xA50E04: caml_raise_exn (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== ==64349== 8,192 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 126 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34D0A: caml_stat_alloc_aligned_noexc (memory.c:763) ==64349== by 0xA2ED56: caml_init_atom_table (startup_aux.c:59) ==64349== by 0xA2F1F1: init_static (startup_nat.c:61) ==64349== by 0xA2F1F1: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:140) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 10,640 bytes in 665 blocks are still reachable in loss record 127 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA2FBB0: cons (roots_nat.c:50) ==64349== by 0xA2FBB0: caml_init_frame_descriptors (roots_nat.c:169) ==64349== by 0xA2F184: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:128) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 18,848 bytes in 124 blocks are still reachable in loss record 128 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x59733DC: asn1_array2tree (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2E614: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 28,800 bytes in 45 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 129 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x9EC237: yaml_parser_initialize (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB694: yaml_stub_4_yaml_parser_initialize (yaml_stubs.c:31) ==64349== by 0x576BB2: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1299 ( ==64349== by 0x570B17: camlYaml__Stream__parser_1610 ( ==64349== by 0x5742C8: camlYaml__yaml_of_string_633 ( ==64349== by 0x574E0C: camlYaml__of_string_686 ( ==64349== by 0x574E48: camlYaml__of_string_exn_689 ( ==64349== by 0x8ED135: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Builtins_yaml__fun_1060 ( ==64349== by 0x7C17AD: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__apply_1244 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2B5F: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_term_1246 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2C9A: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_1247 ( ==64349== ==64349== 32,768 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 130 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DCD3: realloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA329D7: caml_shrink_mark_stack (major_gc.c:327) ==64349== by 0xA49196: do_compaction (compact.c:371) ==64349== by 0xA4939E: caml_compact_heap (compact.c:391) ==64349== by 0xA447E3: caml_gc_full_major (gc_ctrl.c:594) ==64349== by 0x54DAE1: camlBuiltins_sys__fun_2201 ( ==64349== by 0x988FAF: camlStdlib__List__iter_507 ( ==64349== by 0x988FAF: camlStdlib__List__iter_507 ( ==64349== by 0x5486EB: camlDune__exe__Liquidsoap__entry ( ==64349== by 0x541098: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== ==64349== 34,686 (31,488 direct, 3,198 indirect) bytes in 123 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 131 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x9EC2B7: yaml_parser_initialize (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB694: yaml_stub_4_yaml_parser_initialize (yaml_stubs.c:31) ==64349== by 0x576BB2: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1299 ( ==64349== by 0x570B17: camlYaml__Stream__parser_1610 ( ==64349== by 0x5742C8: camlYaml__yaml_of_string_633 ( ==64349== by 0x574E0C: camlYaml__of_string_686 ( ==64349== by 0x574E48: camlYaml__of_string_exn_689 ( ==64349== by 0x8ED135: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Builtins_yaml__fun_1060 ( ==64349== by 0x7C17AD: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__apply_1244 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2B5F: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_term_1246 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2C9A: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_1247 ( ==64349== ==64349== 47,232 bytes in 123 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 132 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x9EC28D: yaml_parser_initialize (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB694: yaml_stub_4_yaml_parser_initialize (yaml_stubs.c:31) ==64349== by 0x576BB2: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1299 ( ==64349== by 0x570B17: camlYaml__Stream__parser_1610 ( ==64349== by 0x5742C8: camlYaml__yaml_of_string_633 ( ==64349== by 0x574E0C: camlYaml__of_string_686 ( ==64349== by 0x574E48: camlYaml__of_string_exn_689 ( ==64349== by 0x8ED135: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Builtins_yaml__fun_1060 ( ==64349== by 0x7C17AD: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__apply_1244 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2B5F: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_term_1246 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2C9A: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_1247 ( ==64349== ==64349== 49,920 bytes in 78 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 133 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x9EC237: yaml_parser_initialize (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB694: yaml_stub_4_yaml_parser_initialize (yaml_stubs.c:31) ==64349== by 0x576BB2: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1299 ( ==64349== by 0x570B17: camlYaml__Stream__parser_1610 ( ==64349== by 0x5742C8: camlYaml__yaml_of_string_633 ( ==64349== by 0x574E0C: camlYaml__of_string_686 ( ==64349== by 0x574E48: camlYaml__of_string_exn_689 ( ==64349== by 0x8ED135: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Builtins_yaml__fun_1060 ( ==64349== by 0x7C17AD: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__apply_1244 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2B5F: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_term_1246 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2C9A: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_1247 ( ==64349== ==64349== 65,616 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 134 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA3BBA6: caml_open_descriptor_in (io.c:98) ==64349== by 0xA3C6CC: caml_ml_open_descriptor_in (io.c:517) ==64349== by 0x981917: camlStdlib__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53E768: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 65,616 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 135 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA3BBA6: caml_open_descriptor_in (io.c:98) ==64349== by 0xA3C70C: caml_open_descriptor_out (io.c:121) ==64349== by 0xA3C70C: caml_ml_open_descriptor_out (io.c:524) ==64349== by 0x98193A: camlStdlib__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53E768: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 65,616 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 136 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA3BBA6: caml_open_descriptor_in (io.c:98) ==64349== by 0xA3C70C: caml_open_descriptor_out (io.c:121) ==64349== by 0xA3C70C: caml_ml_open_descriptor_out (io.c:524) ==64349== by 0x98195D: camlStdlib__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53E768: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 72,656 bytes in 478 blocks are still reachable in loss record 137 of 162 ==64349== at 0x484DA83: calloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x59733DC: asn1_array2tree (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4E2E4E7: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x4DFCCA2: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x400647D: call_init.part.0 (dl-init.c:70) ==64349== by 0x4006567: call_init (dl-init.c:33) ==64349== by 0x4006567: _dl_init (dl-init.c:117) ==64349== by 0x40202C9: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==64349== by 0x1: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF000592: ??? ==64349== by 0x1FFF00059D: ??? ==64349== ==64349== 166,128 (157,440 direct, 8,688 indirect) bytes in 123 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 138 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x9EC1D6: yaml_parser_initialize (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB694: yaml_stub_4_yaml_parser_initialize (yaml_stubs.c:31) ==64349== by 0x576BB2: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1299 ( ==64349== by 0x570B17: camlYaml__Stream__parser_1610 ( ==64349== by 0x5742C8: camlYaml__yaml_of_string_633 ( ==64349== by 0x574E0C: camlYaml__of_string_686 ( ==64349== by 0x574E48: camlYaml__of_string_exn_689 ( ==64349== by 0x8ED135: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Builtins_yaml__fun_1060 ( ==64349== by 0x7C17AD: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__apply_1244 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2B5F: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_term_1246 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2C9A: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_1247 ( ==64349== ==64349== 264,192 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 139 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA339A2: alloc_generic_table (minor_gc.c:95) ==64349== by 0xA339A2: realloc_generic_table.constprop.0 (minor_gc.c:591) ==64349== by 0xA34B57: add_to_ref_table (minor_gc.h:103) ==64349== by 0xA34B57: caml_initialize (memory.c:602) ==64349== by 0x70F896: camlCurl__handle_init_3463 (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9DA4BB: camlCamlinternalOO__make_class_1130 ( ==64349== by 0x71880A: camlCurl__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53F818: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 495,672 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 140 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_stat_alloc_aligned_noexc (memory.c:763) ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_alloc_for_heap (memory.c:272) ==64349== by 0xA355A9: expand_heap (memory.c:367) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:473) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:463) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_for_minor_gc (memory.c:532) ==64349== by 0xA33D09: caml_oldify_one (minor_gc.c:209) ==64349== by 0xA33F4C: caml_oldify_mopup (minor_gc.c:319) ==64349== by 0xA34147: caml_empty_minor_heap (minor_gc.c:377) ==64349== by 0xA346BF: caml_gc_dispatch (minor_gc.c:492) ==64349== by 0xA34815: caml_alloc_small_dispatch (minor_gc.c:539) ==64349== by 0xA50C69: caml_call_gc (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9A18F4: camlStdlib__Map__bal_398 ( ==64349== by 0x9A1A6F: camlStdlib__Map__add_428 ( ==64349== ==64349== 495,672 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 141 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_stat_alloc_aligned_noexc (memory.c:763) ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_alloc_for_heap (memory.c:272) ==64349== by 0xA355A9: expand_heap (memory.c:367) ==64349== by 0xA35807: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:473) ==64349== by 0xA35807: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:463) ==64349== by 0xA35807: caml_alloc_shr_with_profinfo (memory.c:526) ==64349== by 0xA35807: caml_alloc_shr (memory.c:537) ==64349== by 0xA3B22E: caml_make_vect (array.c:246) ==64349== by 0x8F86BD: camlSedlexing__refill_668 ( ==64349== by 0x8F8A86: camlSedlexing____private__next_int_690 ( ==64349== by 0x802B27: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Lexer____sedlex_state_232_1308 (_none_:1) ==64349== by 0x8DB670: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Lexer__token_1099 (_none_:1) ==64349== by 0x8DF160: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Preprocessor__fun_2006 ( ==64349== by 0x8DF984: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Preprocessor__token_1034 ( ==64349== by 0x8DF374: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Preprocessor__token_676 ( ==64349== ==64349== 495,672 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 142 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_stat_alloc_aligned_noexc (memory.c:763) ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_alloc_for_heap (memory.c:272) ==64349== by 0xA355A9: expand_heap (memory.c:367) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:473) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:463) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_for_minor_gc (memory.c:532) ==64349== by 0xA33D09: caml_oldify_one (minor_gc.c:209) ==64349== by 0xA34027: caml_oldify_mopup (minor_gc.c:314) ==64349== by 0xA34147: caml_empty_minor_heap (minor_gc.c:377) ==64349== by 0xA346BF: caml_gc_dispatch (minor_gc.c:492) ==64349== by 0xA34790: caml_check_urgent_gc (minor_gc.c:575) ==64349== by 0xA3095B: caml_do_pending_actions_exn (signals.c:267) ==64349== by 0xA347F4: caml_alloc_small_dispatch (minor_gc.c:522) ==64349== by 0xA50C69: caml_call_gc (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== ==64349== 495,672 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 143 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_stat_alloc_aligned_noexc (memory.c:763) ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_alloc_for_heap (memory.c:272) ==64349== by 0xA355A9: expand_heap (memory.c:367) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:473) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:463) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_for_minor_gc (memory.c:532) ==64349== by 0xA33D09: caml_oldify_one (minor_gc.c:209) ==64349== by 0xA33F4C: caml_oldify_mopup (minor_gc.c:319) ==64349== by 0xA34147: caml_empty_minor_heap (minor_gc.c:377) ==64349== by 0xA346BF: caml_gc_dispatch (minor_gc.c:492) ==64349== by 0xA34815: caml_alloc_small_dispatch (minor_gc.c:539) ==64349== by 0xA50C69: caml_call_gc (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x5E82AB: camlSource__fun_3461 ( ==64349== by 0x548687: caml_apply2 (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== ==64349== 495,672 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 144 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_stat_alloc_aligned_noexc (memory.c:763) ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_alloc_for_heap (memory.c:272) ==64349== by 0xA355A9: expand_heap (memory.c:367) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:473) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:463) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_for_minor_gc (memory.c:532) ==64349== by 0xA33D09: caml_oldify_one (minor_gc.c:209) ==64349== by 0xA33F4C: caml_oldify_mopup (minor_gc.c:319) ==64349== by 0xA34147: caml_empty_minor_heap (minor_gc.c:377) ==64349== by 0xA346BF: caml_gc_dispatch (minor_gc.c:492) ==64349== by 0xA34815: caml_alloc_small_dispatch (minor_gc.c:539) ==64349== by 0xA50C69: caml_call_gc (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x7A4964: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Type_base__meth_inner_1876 ( ==64349== by 0x7BC0DF: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Lang_core__method_t_769 ( ==64349== ==64349== 528,384 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 145 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA339A2: alloc_generic_table (minor_gc.c:95) ==64349== by 0xA339A2: realloc_generic_table.constprop.0 (minor_gc.c:591) ==64349== by 0xA4754C: add_to_ephe_ref_table (minor_gc.h:114) ==64349== by 0xA4754C: do_set (weak.c:211) ==64349== by 0xA4754C: do_set (weak.c:204) ==64349== by 0xA47DCF: caml_ephe_set_key (weak.c:241) ==64349== by 0x9C4660: camlStdlib__Weak__set_389 ( ==64349== by 0x74DE13: camlCamomileLib__CharEncoding__look_1115 ( ==64349== by 0x74DC70: camlCamomileLib__CharEncoding__of_name_1111 ( ==64349== by 0x748505: camlCamomileLib__CharEncoding__fun_3705 ( ==64349== by 0x7467DC: camlCamomileLib__CharEncoding__fun_9298 ( ==64349== by 0x5BC824: camlCharset_base__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53FA38: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== ==64349== 528,440 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 146 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_stat_alloc_aligned_noexc (memory.c:763) ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_alloc_for_heap (memory.c:272) ==64349== by 0xA355A9: expand_heap (memory.c:367) ==64349== by 0xA35807: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:473) ==64349== by 0xA35807: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:463) ==64349== by 0xA35807: caml_alloc_shr_with_profinfo (memory.c:526) ==64349== by 0xA35807: caml_alloc_shr (memory.c:537) ==64349== by 0xA3B22E: caml_make_vect (array.c:246) ==64349== by 0x5B0996: camlMemtrace__Backtrace_codec__create_312 ( ==64349== by 0x5B3F80: camlMemtrace__Trace__make_writer_1052 ( ==64349== by 0x5B8199: camlMemtrace__start_tracing_544 ( ==64349== by 0x5B8381: camlMemtrace__trace_if_requested_709 ( ==64349== by 0x988FAF: camlStdlib__List__iter_507 ( ==64349== by 0x5BDD5D: camlLifecycle__load_339 ( ==64349== by 0x54C899: camlLiquidsoap_runtime__Main__entry ( ==64349== ==64349== 792,576 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 147 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA339A2: alloc_generic_table (minor_gc.c:95) ==64349== by 0xA339A2: realloc_generic_table.constprop.0 (minor_gc.c:591) ==64349== by 0xA4A2DF: add_to_custom_table (minor_gc.h:128) ==64349== by 0xA4A2DF: alloc_custom_gen (custom.c:58) ==64349== by 0xA4A3B3: caml_alloc_custom_mem (custom.c:106) ==64349== by 0xA3C6ED: caml_alloc_channel (io.c:509) ==64349== by 0xA3C6ED: caml_ml_open_descriptor_in (io.c:519) ==64349== by 0x981917: camlStdlib__entry ( ==64349== by 0x53E768: caml_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA50DA0: caml_start_program (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0xA2F33B: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:160) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 819,200 bytes in 50 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 148 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x9EC168: yaml_parser_initialize (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB694: yaml_stub_4_yaml_parser_initialize (yaml_stubs.c:31) ==64349== by 0x576BB2: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1299 ( ==64349== by 0x570B17: camlYaml__Stream__parser_1610 ( ==64349== by 0x5742C8: camlYaml__yaml_of_string_633 ( ==64349== by 0x574E0C: camlYaml__of_string_686 ( ==64349== by 0x574E48: camlYaml__of_string_exn_689 ( ==64349== by 0x8ED135: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Builtins_yaml__fun_1060 ( ==64349== by 0x7C17AD: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__apply_1244 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2B5F: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_term_1246 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2C9A: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_1247 ( ==64349== ==64349== 1,019,960 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 149 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_stat_alloc_aligned_noexc (memory.c:763) ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_alloc_for_heap (memory.c:272) ==64349== by 0xA335C2: caml_init_major_heap (major_gc.c:1228) ==64349== by 0xA44A59: caml_init_gc (gc_ctrl.c:697) ==64349== by 0xA2F1E8: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:135) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 1,048,576 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 150 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc_noexc (memory.c:799) ==64349== by 0xA34FA4: caml_stat_alloc (memory.c:821) ==64349== by 0xA2FACC: init_frame_descriptors (roots_nat.c:152) ==64349== by 0xA2F184: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:128) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 1,048,576 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 151 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA35155: caml_stat_calloc_noexc (memory.c:882) ==64349== by 0xA35155: caml_page_table_resize (memory.c:137) ==64349== by 0xA35155: caml_page_table_modify (memory.c:170) ==64349== by 0xA353AA: caml_page_table_add (memory.c:228) ==64349== by 0xA353AA: caml_add_to_heap (memory.c:323) ==64349== by 0xA35688: expand_heap (memory.c:399) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:473) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:463) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_for_minor_gc (memory.c:532) ==64349== by 0xA33D09: caml_oldify_one (minor_gc.c:209) ==64349== by 0xA33F4C: caml_oldify_mopup (minor_gc.c:319) ==64349== by 0xA34147: caml_empty_minor_heap (minor_gc.c:377) ==64349== by 0xA346BF: caml_gc_dispatch (minor_gc.c:492) ==64349== by 0xA34815: caml_alloc_small_dispatch (minor_gc.c:539) ==64349== by 0xA50C69: caml_call_gc (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x7B1B84: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Typing__aux_778 ( ==64349== ==64349== 1,196,032 bytes in 73 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 152 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x9EC168: yaml_parser_initialize (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB694: yaml_stub_4_yaml_parser_initialize (yaml_stubs.c:31) ==64349== by 0x576BB2: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1299 ( ==64349== by 0x570B17: camlYaml__Stream__parser_1610 ( ==64349== by 0x5742C8: camlYaml__yaml_of_string_633 ( ==64349== by 0x574E0C: camlYaml__of_string_686 ( ==64349== by 0x574E48: camlYaml__of_string_exn_689 ( ==64349== by 0x8ED135: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Builtins_yaml__fun_1060 ( ==64349== by 0x7C17AD: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__apply_1244 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2B5F: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_term_1246 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2C9A: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_1247 ( ==64349== ==64349== 1,396,792 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 153 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_stat_alloc_aligned_noexc (memory.c:763) ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_alloc_for_heap (memory.c:272) ==64349== by 0xA355A9: expand_heap (memory.c:367) ==64349== by 0xA35807: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:473) ==64349== by 0xA35807: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:463) ==64349== by 0xA35807: caml_alloc_shr_with_profinfo (memory.c:526) ==64349== by 0xA35807: caml_alloc_shr (memory.c:537) ==64349== by 0xA3B22E: caml_make_vect (array.c:246) ==64349== by 0x8F86BD: camlSedlexing__refill_668 ( ==64349== by 0x8F8A86: camlSedlexing____private__next_int_690 ( ==64349== by 0x7FE8A7: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Lexer____sedlex_state_3_1917 (_none_:1) ==64349== by 0x8DCA86: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Lexer__f_1914 (_none_:1) ==64349== by 0x8DF160: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Preprocessor__fun_2006 ( ==64349== by 0x8E0025: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Preprocessor__tokenizer_1175 ( ==64349== by 0x8E0356: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Preprocessor__token_1241 ( ==64349== ==64349== 2,101,248 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 154 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34D0A: caml_stat_alloc_aligned_noexc (memory.c:763) ==64349== by 0xA34467: caml_set_minor_heap_size (minor_gc.c:156) ==64349== by 0xA44A1E: caml_init_gc (gc_ctrl.c:692) ==64349== by 0xA2F1E8: caml_startup_common (startup_nat.c:135) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup_exn (startup_nat.c:167) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_startup (startup_nat.c:172) ==64349== by 0xA2F3BE: caml_main (startup_nat.c:179) ==64349== by 0x53E641: main (main.c:37) ==64349== ==64349== 2,310,144 bytes in 47 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 155 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x9EC1A1: yaml_parser_initialize (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB694: yaml_stub_4_yaml_parser_initialize (yaml_stubs.c:31) ==64349== by 0x576BB2: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1299 ( ==64349== by 0x570B17: camlYaml__Stream__parser_1610 ( ==64349== by 0x5742C8: camlYaml__yaml_of_string_633 ( ==64349== by 0x574E0C: camlYaml__of_string_686 ( ==64349== by 0x574E48: camlYaml__of_string_exn_689 ( ==64349== by 0x8ED135: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Builtins_yaml__fun_1060 ( ==64349== by 0x7C17AD: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__apply_1244 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2B5F: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_term_1246 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2C9A: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_1247 ( ==64349== ==64349== 3,223,608 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 156 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_stat_alloc_aligned_noexc (memory.c:763) ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_alloc_for_heap (memory.c:272) ==64349== by 0xA355A9: expand_heap (memory.c:367) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:473) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:463) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_for_minor_gc (memory.c:532) ==64349== by 0xA33D09: caml_oldify_one (minor_gc.c:209) ==64349== by 0xA33F4C: caml_oldify_mopup (minor_gc.c:319) ==64349== by 0xA34147: caml_empty_minor_heap (minor_gc.c:377) ==64349== by 0xA346BF: caml_gc_dispatch (minor_gc.c:492) ==64349== by 0xA34790: caml_check_urgent_gc (minor_gc.c:575) ==64349== by 0xA3095B: caml_do_pending_actions_exn (signals.c:267) ==64349== by 0xA30CEF: process_pending_actions_with_root_exn (signals.c:299) ==64349== by 0xA30CEF: caml_process_pending_actions (signals.c:331) ==64349== by 0xA3B1AE: caml_make_vect (array.c:253) ==64349== ==64349== 3,735,552 bytes in 76 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 157 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0x9EC1A1: yaml_parser_initialize (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x9EB694: yaml_stub_4_yaml_parser_initialize (yaml_stubs.c:31) ==64349== by 0x576BB2: camlYaml_ffi__G__fun_1299 ( ==64349== by 0x570B17: camlYaml__Stream__parser_1610 ( ==64349== by 0x5742C8: camlYaml__yaml_of_string_633 ( ==64349== by 0x574E0C: camlYaml__of_string_686 ( ==64349== by 0x574E48: camlYaml__of_string_exn_689 ( ==64349== by 0x8ED135: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Builtins_yaml__fun_1060 ( ==64349== by 0x7C17AD: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__apply_1244 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2B5F: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_term_1246 ( ==64349== by 0x7C2C9A: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Evaluation__eval_1247 ( ==64349== ==64349== 4,259,896 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 158 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_stat_alloc_aligned_noexc (memory.c:763) ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_alloc_for_heap (memory.c:272) ==64349== by 0xA355A9: expand_heap (memory.c:367) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:473) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:463) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_for_minor_gc (memory.c:532) ==64349== by 0xA33D09: caml_oldify_one (minor_gc.c:209) ==64349== by 0xA33F4C: caml_oldify_mopup (minor_gc.c:319) ==64349== by 0xA34147: caml_empty_minor_heap (minor_gc.c:377) ==64349== by 0xA346BF: caml_gc_dispatch (minor_gc.c:492) ==64349== by 0xA34815: caml_alloc_small_dispatch (minor_gc.c:539) ==64349== by 0xA50C69: caml_call_gc (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x7B1B4B: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Typing__aux_778 ( ==64349== by 0x7B1991: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Typing__aux_778 ( ==64349== ==64349== 4,898,872 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 159 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_stat_alloc_aligned_noexc (memory.c:763) ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_alloc_for_heap (memory.c:272) ==64349== by 0xA355A9: expand_heap (memory.c:367) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:473) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:463) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_for_minor_gc (memory.c:532) ==64349== by 0xA33D09: caml_oldify_one (minor_gc.c:209) ==64349== by 0xA33F4C: caml_oldify_mopup (minor_gc.c:319) ==64349== by 0xA34147: caml_empty_minor_heap (minor_gc.c:377) ==64349== by 0xA346BF: caml_gc_dispatch (minor_gc.c:492) ==64349== by 0xA34815: caml_alloc_small_dispatch (minor_gc.c:539) ==64349== by 0xA50C69: caml_call_gc (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x7B1B66: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Typing__aux_778 ( ==64349== by 0x7B1962: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Typing__aux_778 ( ==64349== ==64349== 5,562,536 bytes in 3 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 160 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_stat_alloc_aligned_noexc (memory.c:763) ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_alloc_for_heap (memory.c:272) ==64349== by 0xA355A9: expand_heap (memory.c:367) ==64349== by 0xA35807: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:473) ==64349== by 0xA35807: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:463) ==64349== by 0xA35807: caml_alloc_shr_with_profinfo (memory.c:526) ==64349== by 0xA35807: caml_alloc_shr (memory.c:537) ==64349== by 0xA3B22E: caml_make_vect (array.c:246) ==64349== by 0x8F7EED: camlSedlexing__create_inner_1349 ( ==64349== by 0x8DBF41: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Lexer__token_1099 ( ==64349== by 0x8DF160: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Preprocessor__fun_2006 ( ==64349== by 0x8DF984: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Preprocessor__token_1034 ( ==64349== by 0x8DF374: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Preprocessor__token_676 ( ==64349== by 0x8E1606: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Preprocessor__token_1598 ( ==64349== by 0x8E0090: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Preprocessor__token_1241 ( ==64349== ==64349== 5,632,056 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 161 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_stat_alloc_aligned_noexc (memory.c:763) ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_alloc_for_heap (memory.c:272) ==64349== by 0xA355A9: expand_heap (memory.c:367) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:473) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:463) ==64349== by 0xA35A07: caml_alloc_shr_for_minor_gc (memory.c:532) ==64349== by 0xA33D09: caml_oldify_one (minor_gc.c:209) ==64349== by 0xA33F4C: caml_oldify_mopup (minor_gc.c:319) ==64349== by 0xA34147: caml_empty_minor_heap (minor_gc.c:377) ==64349== by 0xA346BF: caml_gc_dispatch (minor_gc.c:492) ==64349== by 0xA34815: caml_alloc_small_dispatch (minor_gc.c:539) ==64349== by 0xA50C69: caml_call_gc (in /home/ubuntu/.opam/4.14.1/bin/liquidsoap) ==64349== by 0x7B2116: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Typing__occur_check_954 ( ==64349== by 0x988FAF: camlStdlib__List__iter_507 ( ==64349== ==64349== 14,242,296 bytes in 9 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 162 of 162 ==64349== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/ ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_stat_alloc_aligned_noexc (memory.c:763) ==64349== by 0xA34F01: caml_alloc_for_heap (memory.c:272) ==64349== by 0xA355A9: expand_heap (memory.c:367) ==64349== by 0xA35807: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:473) ==64349== by 0xA35807: caml_alloc_shr_aux (memory.c:463) ==64349== by 0xA35807: caml_alloc_shr_with_profinfo (memory.c:526) ==64349== by 0xA35807: caml_alloc_shr (memory.c:537) ==64349== by 0xA3B22E: caml_make_vect (array.c:246) ==64349== by 0x8F86BD: camlSedlexing__refill_668 ( ==64349== by 0x8F8A86: camlSedlexing____private__next_int_690 ( ==64349== by 0x7FE8A7: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Lexer____sedlex_state_3_1917 (_none_:1) ==64349== by 0x8DCA86: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Lexer__f_1914 (_none_:1) ==64349== by 0x8DF160: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Preprocessor__fun_2006 ( ==64349== by 0x8DF984: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Preprocessor__token_1034 ( ==64349== by 0x8DF374: camlLiquidsoap_lang__Preprocessor__token_676 ( ==64349== ==64349== LEAK SUMMARY: ==64349== definitely lost: 3,439,514 bytes in 1,330 blocks ==64349== indirectly lost: 11,886 bytes in 1,035 blocks ==64349== possibly lost: 48,213,509 bytes in 258 blocks ==64349== still reachable: 6,132,072 bytes in 1,575 blocks ==64349== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==64349== ==64349== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s ==64349== ERROR SUMMARY: 70 errors from 70 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) ```