savq / paq-nvim

🌚 Neovim package manager
MIT License
655 stars 39 forks source link

PaqSync does not update paq-nvim. #102

Closed dshumakerUT closed 5 months ago

dshumakerUT commented 2 years ago

PaqSync updates all my paqs except paq-nvim.

To Reproduce In a nvim session:

Output of PaqLogOpen is

error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
Please commit your changes or stash them before you merge.

Output of :mes is

Paq [1/25] (up-to-date) nvim-fzf
Paq [1/25] failed to update paq-nvim
Paq [2/25] (up-to-date) nvim-lspconfig
Paq [3/25] (up-to-date) fzf-lua
Paq [4/25] (up-to-date) nvim-autopairs
Paq [5/25] (up-to-date) nvim-tabline
Paq [6/25] (up-to-date) monokai.nvim
Paq [7/25] (up-to-date) nvim-dap
Paq [8/25] (up-to-date) vgit.nvim
Paq [9/25] (up-to-date) chadtree
Paq [10/25] (up-to-date) gitsigns.nvim
Paq [11/25] (up-to-date) vim-color-spring-night
Paq [12/25] (up-to-date) nvim-phpcsf
Paq [13/25] (up-to-date) nvim-web-devicons
Paq [14/25] (up-to-date) glow.nvim
Paq [15/25] (up-to-date) nvim-lsp-installer
Paq [16/25] (up-to-date) coq_nvim
Paq [17/25] (up-to-date) telescope-z.nvim
Paq [18/25] (up-to-date) indentLine
Paq [19/25] (up-to-date) telescope.nvim
Paq [20/25] (up-to-date) vista.vim
Paq [21/25] (up-to-date) vim-grepper
Paq [22/25] (up-to-date) nvim-treesitter
Paq [23/25] (up-to-date) plenary.nvim
Paq [24/25] (up-to-date) feline.nvim

Expected behavior The expectation is that it also updates paq-nvim.


Features: +acl +iconv +tui See ":help feature-compile"

system vimrc file: "$VIM/sysinit.vim" fall-back for $VIM: "/usr/local/Cellar/neovim/0.6.1/share/nvim"

- `git --version`: 2.34.1
- OS:   Mac OS 12.1

Nvim checkhealth:

nvim: health#nvim#check



Remote Plugins



nvim-lsp-installer: require("").check()

nvim-lsp-installer report

nvim-treesitter: require("").check()


Parser/Features H L F I J

Legend: H[ighlight], L[ocals], F[olds], I[ndents], In[j]ections +) multiple parsers found, only one will be used x) errors found in the query, try to run :TSUpdate {lang}

provider: health#provider#check

Clipboard (optional)

Python 2 provider (optional)

Python 3 provider (optional)

Python virtualenv

Ruby provider (optional)

Node.js provider (optional)

Perl provider (optional)

telescope: require("").check()

Checking for required plugins

Checking external dependencies

===== Installed extensions =====

Telescope Extension: z

vim.lsp: require("").check()

vim.treesitter: require("").check()

Contents of paq-nvim.lua

-- Plugin manager configuration file

-- Plugin manager: paq-nvim

vim.cmd 'packadd paq-nvim'            -- load paq
local paq = require('paq-nvim').paq   -- import module with `paq` function

-- Add packages
-- for package info see: init.lua (Lua modules)
require('paq'):setup({verbose=true}) {
  'savq/paq-nvim';  -- let paq manage itself
  'famiu/feline.nvim';  -- status line written in lua
  --  'kyazdani42/nvim-tcoq_nvimree.lua'; -- file explorer written lua
  'Yggdroot/indentLine'; --VIMSCRIPT This plugin is used for displaying thin vertical lines at each indentation level for code indented with spaces
  'liuchengxu/vista.vim'; -- a tags viewer, vista.vim can also be a symbol navigator similar
  'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim';  -- (required by telescope, gitsigns, vgit ) A Lua module for asynchronous programming using coroutines
  'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter'; -- Treesitter configurations and abstraction layer for Neovim.
  'neovim/nvim-lspconfig'; -- A collection of common configurations for Neovim's built-in language server client. -- LUA replacement for Ale
--  'hrsh7th/nvim-cmp'; -- A completion engine plugin for neovim written in Lua
--  'hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp'; -- nvim-cmp source for neovim builtin LSP client
--  'hrsh7th/cmp-path'; -- nvim-cmp source for filesystem paths.
--  'hrsh7th/cmp-buffer'; -- nvim-cmp source for buffer words.
--  'saadparwaiz1/cmp_luasnip'; -- luasnip completion source for nvim-cmp
--  'L3MON4D3/LuaSnip'; -- auto triggered snippets in LUA
  'windwp/nvim-autopairs'; -- A super powerful autopair for Neovim. It supports multiple characters.
  'tanvirtin/monokai.nvim'; -- color theme came from brainf+ck
  'tanvirtin/vgit.nvim'; -- visual git plugin to see diffs
  'lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim';  -- For git gutter signs
  'rhysd/vim-color-spring-night'; -- my old colortheme
  'ellisonleao/glow.nvim'; -- a glow markdown preview in vim
  -- {"nvim-telescope/telescope-fzy-native.nvim", run = "make"};
  'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim'; -- is a highly extendable fuzzy finder over lists
  'nvim-telescope/telescope-z.nvim'; -- is an extension for telescope.nvim that provides its users with operating rupa/z or its compatibles
  'mhinz/vim-grepper'; --  Use your favorite grep tool (ag, ack, git grep, ripgrep, pt, sift, findstr, grep) to start an asynchronous search
  'vijaymarupudi/nvim-fzf'; -- An asynchronous Lua API for using fzf in Neovim
  'ibhagwan/fzf-lua'; -- This is my take on the original fzf.vim, written in lua for neovim 0.5
  'crispgm/nvim-tabline'; -- nvim port of tabline.vim, written in Lua
  'mfussenegger/nvim-dap'; -- Debugger plugin
  { 'ms-jpq/chadtree', branch=chad, run='python3 -m chadtree deps' };
  { 'ms-jpq/coq_nvim', branch=coq };
  'praem90/nvim-phpcsf'; -- phpcs and phpcbf executables
  'williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer'; -- Could help with language servers.
yochem commented 2 years ago

It seems that the paq file has changed locally and git does not want to pull.


$ cd ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-~/.local/share}/nvim/site/pack/paqs/start/paq-nvim && git checkout -- .

And then run PaqSync again.

Assuming you are on a unix system with bash/zsh.

saccarosium commented 5 months ago

I pretty sure this is solved after 2.0. Feel free to reopen if you still have the issue.