I'm pretty new to neovim and am loving paq so far, much simpler than some other options; I am a bit confused on how to set the paq path or other configuration options. If I needed to do that in my init.lua, what would that look like? Thanks in advance!
require "paq" {
"savq/paq-nvim"; -- Let Paq manage itself
"neovim/nvim-lspconfig"; -- Mind the semi-colons
{"lervag/vimtex", opt=true}; -- Use braces when passing options
I'm pretty new to neovim and am loving paq so far, much simpler than some other options; I am a bit confused on how to set the paq path or other configuration options. If I needed to do that in my init.lua, what would that look like? Thanks in advance!
` require "paq" { "savq/paq-nvim"; -- Let Paq manage itself
} `