This is the result of a conversation with ChatGPT. It's not 100% how I'd want it, but I put it here now to think about at a later time.
Here’s how the full flow would work starting from the controller, based on your design and requirements:
1. User Presses Ping (Frontend):
The user presses "ping" in the app, which sends a request to the backend with the user's user_id.
2. PingController (Backend):
The PingController receives the request.
The controller forwards the user_id to the PingService to handle the request.
public class PingController {
private PingService pingService;
public ResponseEntity<PingResponse> pingUser(@RequestParam Long userId) {
PingResponse response = pingService.handlePing(userId);
return new ResponseEntity<>(response, HttpStatus.OK);
3. PingService:
The PingService first checks if fresh results are available in the Ping Response Table for that user.
If fresh results are found, return them immediately.
If fresh results are not available:
Call DownstreamService (ServiceB) to check if downstream data exists for the user.
public class PingService {
private DownstreamService downstreamService;
private PingResponseRepository pingResponseRepository;
public PingResponse handlePing(Long userId) {
// Step 1: Check for fresh results
PingResponse cachedResponse = pingResponseRepository.findByUserId(userId);
if (cachedResponse != null && isFresh(cachedResponse)) {
return cachedResponse;
// Step 2: Ask ServiceB (DownstreamService) for downstream data
String downstreamHash = downstreamService.getDownstreamData(userId);
if (downstreamHash == null) {
// Downstream data not ready, user goes back in the queue for processing
return null; // Return null for now, response will be ready later
// Step 3: Process announcements
List<Announcement> announcements = processAnnouncementsForUser(userId, downstreamHash);
// Step 4: Create and return the ping response
PingResponse response = createPingResponse(userId, announcements);;
return response;
private void queueUserForPingProcessing(Long userId) {
// Logic to add the user to the processing queue
private boolean isFresh(PingResponse response) {
// Logic to check if the cached response is fresh
4. DownstreamService (ServiceB):
The DownstreamService checks if downstream data has already been calculated for the user:
If downstream data exists, return the downstream hash.
If not, add the user_id to the Downstream Processing Queue (DPQ) for future processing, return null to the PingService.
public class DownstreamService {
private DownstreamHashRepository downstreamHashRepository;
private DownstreamProcessingQueue downstreamProcessingQueue;
public String getDownstreamData(Long userId) {
// Check if downstream data exists
DownstreamHash downstreamHash = downstreamHashRepository.findByUserId(userId);
if (downstreamHash != null) {
return downstreamHash.getHash();
} else {
// If no downstream data, add user to the downstream processing queue
return null;
5. ServiceB Scheduled Job:
This job runs every minute, processing the Downstream Processing Queue (DPQ).
For each user ID in the queue, it calculates the downstream users (connections) recursively, generates a hash for the downstream data, and stores it in Downstream_Hash Table and Downstream_Connections Table.
@Scheduled(fixedRate = 60000) // Runs every minute
public void processDownstreamQueue() {
List<Long> userIdsToProcess = downstreamProcessingQueue.getNextBatch();
for (Long userId : userIdsToProcess) {
Set<Long> downstreamUsers = calculateDownstreamUsers(userId);
String downstreamHash = generateDownstreamHash(downstreamUsers);
// Save downstream data
saveDownstreamData(userId, downstreamHash, downstreamUsers);
private Set<Long> calculateDownstreamUsers(Long userId) {
// Logic to calculate downstream connections recursively
private void saveDownstreamData(Long userId, String downstreamHash, Set<Long> downstreamUsers) {
// Store downstream_hash and related user IDs DownstreamHash(userId, downstreamHash));
// Save individual downstream connections
for (Long downstreamUserId : downstreamUsers) { DownstreamConnection(downstreamHash, downstreamUserId));
6. Processing Announcements:
Once ServiceA has downstream data (via downstreamHash), it retrieves announcements targeting relevant tribes.
For each announcement, it checks if there's a cached result (downstream_hash + announcement_id).
If no cache exists, iterate over the downstream users, check if any of them match the target tribal memberships, and include the announcement in the response if a match is found.
Cache the result for future requests.
public List<Announcement> processAnnouncementsForUser(Long userId, String downstreamHash) {
List<Announcement> matchingAnnouncements = new ArrayList<>();
List<Announcement> seekingAnnouncements = announcementRepository.findSeekingAnnouncements();
for (Announcement announcement : seekingAnnouncements) {
boolean isCached = announcementPingCacheRepository.existsByHashAndAnnouncementId(downstreamHash, announcement.getId());
if (isCached) {
// Use cached result
if (announcementPingCacheRepository.isMatch(downstreamHash, announcement.getId())) {
} else {
// Iterate over downstream users and check if they match
List<Long> downstreamUsers = downstreamConnectionsRepository.findUsersByDownstreamHash(downstreamHash);
if (isAnnouncementMatch(downstreamUsers, announcement)) {
matchingAnnouncements.add(announcement); AnnouncementPingCache(downstreamHash, announcement.getId(), true));
} else { AnnouncementPingCache(downstreamHash, announcement.getId(), false));
return matchingAnnouncements;
private boolean isAnnouncementMatch(List<Long> downstreamUsers, Announcement announcement) {
for (Long downstreamUserId : downstreamUsers) {
List<Long> downstreamTribes = userTribesRepository.findTribesByUserId(downstreamUserId);
if (!Collections.disjoint(downstreamTribes, announcement.getTargetTribes())) {
return true; // Match found
return false; // No match found
Summary of the Flow:
User triggers a ping on the frontend.
PingController handles the request and forwards it to PingService.
PingService checks for fresh results; if none exist, it calls DownstreamService (ServiceB).
DownstreamService either provides existing downstream data or adds the user to the DPQ for processing.
Scheduled Job (ServiceB) processes the queue, calculating downstream users and storing them in the database.
PingService processes announcements, checking the cache for existing matches or iterating over downstream users to find relevant announcements.
This is the result of a conversation with ChatGPT. It's not 100% how I'd want it, but I put it here now to think about at a later time.
Here’s how the full flow would work starting from the controller, based on your design and requirements:
1. User Presses Ping (Frontend):
.2. PingController (Backend):
to the PingService to handle the request.3. PingService:
4. DownstreamService (ServiceB):
to the Downstream Processing Queue (DPQ) for future processing, returnnull
to the PingService.5. ServiceB Scheduled Job:
6. Processing Announcements:
), it retrieves announcements targeting relevant tribes.downstream_hash
).Summary of the Flow: